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Integrated Basic Education Department

S.Y. 2022-2023

Subject: _English for Grade 6 ___________ Teacher: Ms. Baby Angelou F. Leanillo
Unit No: _________2______________________________ No. of Days: ___6____________
Quarter: _ _______2_____________________________

The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature during the Period of Apprenticeship as a means of examining conflicts;
Content Standard: various purposeful listening and viewing strategies; difference between literal and figurative language; ways to extract and condense
information based on library sources; verbal and non-verbal cues in oral communication; and types of phrases, clauses, and sentences.
 Use listening strategies based on purpose, familiarity with the topic and levels of difficulty of short texts listened to [EN7LC-II-a-6]
Learning Competencies:  Use a search engine to conduct a guided search on a given topic [EN7SS-II-c-1.5.3]

The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts presented in literary selections; using tools and mechanisms in locating library resources;
Performance Standard: extracting information and noting details from texts to write a précis, summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing between and using literal and
figurative language and verbal and non-verbal cues; use phrases, clauses, and sentences meaningfully and appropriately.

Specific Learning Outcome Explore Firm-up / Deepen Transfer

Classroom-Based Actitivities
Week 1: A. Review/Drill: A. Lesson Discussion: A. Application:
Day 1-3 Activity 1: Present a real-life problem or scenario that requires
Specific Objectives: Review the importance of effective Divide the class into pairs or small groups. effective listening and note-taking skills.
1. To develop listening skills by listening skills. Provide each group with a set of questions For example, a customer service role-play situation
answering questions about content, Discuss the different types of questions related to the audio clip. Instruct the students where students need to listen to a customer's
key ideas, details, and opinions; that can be asked about a listening text. to listen to the audio clip again and answer the complaint and take notes to provide a satisfactory
2. demonstrating effective, active questions together. Encourage discussion and solution.
listener behavior; listening B. Motivation: collaboration within the groups. Afterward, Divide the class into pairs or small groups and allow
effectively; allow each group to share their answers and them to role-play the scenario.
3. noting down the gist of the text; Play an audio clip of an interesting news discuss any differences or similarities. Provide feedback and guidance on their listening
4. predicting the outcome of the report or story. and note-taking skills.
listening text; and Ask the students to share their initial Discussion:
5. following instructions. thoughts or questions about the audio Guide a class discussion on effective, active B. Evaluation:
clip. listener behavior. Discuss strategies such as
Value Integration/SDG: maintaining eye contact, nodding to show Activity 2:
Life goals understanding, and asking clarifying Assign the students to listen to a podcast episode or
questions. Provide examples and scenarios for watch a video with English subtitles. Instruct them
Reference/s: the students to analyze and identify effective to practice their listening skills by noting down the
DepEd Self-learning modules listener behavior. gist of the text and predicting the outcome.
Encourage them to share their experiences and
Introduce the concept of noting down the gist reflections in the next class.
of a text. Explain the importance of
summarizing information to aid Questions and Answers:
comprehension. Model the process of
listening to a short text and summarizing the What are the different types of questions that can be
main points. Provide opportunities for the asked about a listening text?
students to practice summarizing different
listening texts.
How can you demonstrate effective, active listener

Why is it important to note down the gist of a text?

What is one strategy for predicting the outcome of a

listening text?

How can following instructions enhance listening


Topic: Search Engines Synchronous

Week 2: A. Review/Drill: A. Lesson Discussion A. Application:

Day 4-5
Specific Objectives: Begin the lesson by asking students if A search engine is a website through which Different real-life scenarios will be presented where
they have ever used a search engine users can search internet content. To do this, they need to find specific information or resources
. Use the past and past perfect tense before and what they know about it. users enter the desired search term into the using a search engine. Students are to apply the
correctly in sentences. Review the concept of search engines search field. The search engine then looks steps learned in the previous activity to solve the
B. Identify the forms of verb in past and their purpose in finding information through its index for relevant websites and problem.
and past perfect tense. online. displays them in the form of a list. The search
C. Supply the correct verb form of engine’s internal evaluation algorithm Students need to think critically and evaluate the
the past and past perfect tenses. B. Motivation: determines which position a website will get credibility and relevance of the search results they
. Use the past and past perfect tense in the search results. Google, Bing and Yahoo obtain.
correctly in sentences. Show a short video or present a are examples of popular search engines. You
B. Identify the forms of verb in past slideshow about the importance of search may type in any of the address on the URL B. Evaluation:
and past perfect tense. engines in today's digital age. bar of your web browser (Google Chrome,
C. Supply the correct verb form of Engage students in a discussion about the Safari or Mozilla Firefox) and key in any Recitation activity:
the past and past perfect tenses. benefits and challenges of using search words or phrases to look for information. Questions and Answers
1. define search engine; engines.
2. enumerate the different search Activity 1: Exploring Different Search What is a search engine?
engines commonly used; Engines
3. use search engines in finding Answer: A search engine is a software system
information and resources; Instructions: Divide students into small designed to search for information on the internet.
4. enumerate the steps in using a groups and provide each group with a list of
search engine popular search engines (e.g., Google, Bing,
Yahoo, DuckDuckGo). Name three commonly used search engines.
Value Integration/SDG:
Life on land Instruct each group to research and explore Answer: Google, Bing, Yahoo.
Quality education one search engine assigned to them.
Encourage students to take note of the Why is it important to use reliable search engines?
Reference/s: features, advantages, and disadvantages of
Self-learning module (SLM) each search engine. Answer: Reliable search engines provide accurate
and trustworthy information, ensuring that users get
After the exploration, have each group present reliable results.
their findings to the class.

*Discussion of activity How can advanced search techniques help in finding

Facilitate a class discussion on the different relevant information?
search engines explored by the groups.
Ask students to identify similarities and Answer: Advanced search techniques allow users to
differences among the search engines in terms narrow down search results by using specific
of user interface, search algorithms, and operators, filters, and other advanced features.
search results.
Discuss the importance of using reliable and Assignment:
reputable search engines for accurate Choose a topic of interest and conduct research
information. using a search engine. Write a short report
summarizing your findings and evaluating the
credibility of the sources you used.
LMS: ViCLE Asynchronous
Week 2: 
Day: 1: Activity No. 5
Specific Objectives:
1. Identifying kinds of Nouns: Common,
Proper, Collective, and Abstract;
2. Categorizing the Nouns according to its
3. Constructing paragraphs with the use of
kinds of Nouns.
Value Integration/SGD: Creativity
 Sentones, Alice M. et. al, Integrated
English for Effective
Communication, The New Grade 5,
The Phoenix Publishing House Inc.,

Prepared by: Noted by : Approved by:

_______________________________ ____________________________ _______________________________
Ms. Baby Angelou F. Leanillo Ms. Precious Marie H. Rivera Ms. Nereann H. Tuaño
English Teacher Elementary Coordinator IBE D PrincipaL

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