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Name : Eksa Priani (21035014)

Why did you….

Look at the following pictures. They are gestures from different countries. Can
you guess what they mean?

Universitas Negeri Padang


Picture Gestures
1. Italy : Delicious, atau artinya lezat
2. Philiphines : Gesture to people rudely
3. Frace : Don’t believe
4. Spain: Broke
5. Brazil: Argue, It not true
6. Japan: I or me
7. USA : Wish me Luck or good luck

In Indonesia two finger

On average they show two fingers, index and middle forming a V to express
themselves. Finger style like that is often a symbol of peace (peace).

Sometimes some girls use this symbol when taking selfies as a cute sign. With
pouted lips and eyes pointing to the camera, this style has become a trend
among young people until now.

Universitas Negeri Padang


Do the gestures have the same meaning in your country?

What are some unique gestures in your country? Act them out and tell the
class the meanings.


Think of wedding receptions in Indonesia. What happens? How did people celebrate a
wedding in the past? How do they do it now? Are there many differences?

100 Years of Weddings in USA: Etiquette Then Versus

There are many of events in a wedding. Over the years, the traditions for these
events change. Here are some examples.

Events Then Now

Universitas Negeri Padang


Making the guest list Four people were chosen The bride and groom
to make the guest lists. make the guest list since
They then made a master many couples pay most of
guest list: the bride, the the cost of their wedding.
groom, the bride’s mother Therefore, they decide
(or family) and the who should be their
groom’s mother (or guests.

Who pays for what The bride’s family hosted The bride and groom pay
the wedding. They paid for their wedding bill and
for the invitations, plan and organize their
decorations, food and honeymoon together.
drink, even the wardrobe
for the bride. The groom
paid for the marriage
license, the rings, the gifts
for his bride, the bouquet
and planned and
organized the
Buying the ring The bride went with the A man buys a diamond

Universitas Negeri Padang


groom when he bought ring and surprises his

the wedding ring. It was girlfriend with it when he
because he had to make asks her to marry him.
sure that the ring would

Buying bridal wear The bride’s family was The bride pays for her
responsible for purchasing own dress.
the bride’s wardrobe such
as wedding gown,
nightgown and more.


Exercise 1

List the unfamiliar words that you get from the text above. Try to guess the
meaning and write the possible meaning of each in the following table.

No New Vocabulary Possible Meaning

1 Groom Man who is about to get married or is newly married

(Pengantin Priya)
2 Decide Pick something fixed (Memutuskan)

3 Hosted The person hosting the event (Pembawa acara)

4 Responsible Do their job well (Bertanggung jawab)

5 Purchasing Buy something (Pembelian)

6 Own Have (Memiliki)

7 License Permision to do something (Lisensi)

8 Night Gown The dress is usually made with a leghth that is limited
to the calf (Baju tidur)
9 Wardobe The clothes that a person owns (Pakaian)

10 Wedding Gown The clothes that a person to be married(Gaun


Universitas Negeri Padang


Exercise 2

Read the following statements. Check if they are true or false for modern

No Statements True False Information
1 Parents are fully responsible for the wedding ✓
2 A bride and a groom usually pay for their ✓
own wedding expenses.
3 The wedding is held in a ballroom. ✓
4 The wedding is usually attended by family ✓
and relatives.


Simple Past Tense

Function It is used to describe activities or events that happen in the


Exercise 3

Find 5 past events from the reading text.

1. Four people were chosento make the guest lists.

2. They then made a master guest list

3. The bride went with the groom when he bought the wedding ring
4. The groom paid for the marriage license
5. The bride’s family hosted the wedding

Universitas Negeri Padang


Exercise 4

Find and write 10 past tense verbs.

1. Went 6. Organized

2. Chosen 7. Hosted

3. Paid 8. Made

4. Had 9. Planned

5. Bought 10. Was/Would

Simple Past Tense

Past tense Subject + Verb II
Past tense (with be) Subject + was/were (as the verb)

Sentences with Auxiliaries (Was, Were) as the Verb

Subject Verb II
The bride’s family was responsible for. .
The sentence above uses was as the verb since:

1. The pronoun of the bride’s family is it.

2. There is no actual verb in the sentence therefore we need an auxiliary.
3. Subject it should be paired with was not were.

Sentences with Verb II

Subject Verb II
The bride’s family hosted the
wedding .
The sentence above does not use was/were since was/were are only used
when there is no actual verb. In the sentence, hosted is the verb II of host.
Therefore, we do not need to have any auxiliaries.

Universitas Negeri Padang


Negative Statements
Subject Verb with be/V II
The bride’s family was not responsible for. ..
The bride’s family did not host the wedding.

YES/NO Questions with Be

Be Subject + Object
Was the bride’s family responsible for. ... ?
Be Subject + Verb I
Did the bride’s family host the wedding?

Wh-question + be Subject + Object
What was the bride’s family responsible for?
Wh-question + be Subject + Verb
Where did the bride’s family host the wedding?

Exercise 5

Write down the pronoun of each word and its past auxiliary.

Past Past
Word Pronoun Word Pronoun
Auxiliary Auxiliary
Bride She Was Parents They Were
Groom He Was Love It Was
Wedding It Was Invitations It Was
Family They Were Boxes It Was
Bridesmaids They Were Letters It Was
Ring It Was Drink It Was
Vow It Was Food It Was
Gift It Was Table It Was

Universitas Negeri Padang


Exercise 6
Write down the verb II of each word below. Some are regular and some are
irregular. Use a dictionary.
Propose - Proposed
Invite Invited Try Tried
Phone Phoned Love Loved
Buy Bought Speak Spoke
Send Sent Drive Drived
Promise Promised Write Wrote
Receive Received Bring Brought
Meet Met Drink Drank
Spend Spent Tell Told

Exercise 7

What did you do last weekend? Did you have fun? Write down 10 activities
that you did.


1. I went back to Dharmasraya at night because I had just finished my

2. I ate salad at home alone but I’m not afraid
3. I drank fruit juice that can be from the mosque
4. I went to the PKM building on foot because the uilding was close to my
5. I listened to music using a headset
6. I watched video on TikTok until late at night
7. I made a task in the living room yesterday
8. I Yesterday I bought three snacks for sahur
9. I discussed with my friend until late at night
10. I bough book in fotocopy yesterday

Universitas Negeri Padang


Exercise 8

Write the sentences in Simple Past; Positive, Negative and Interrogative.

Tommy is responsible for returning the library books.

+ Tommy responsibled for returning the library books
- Tommy did not responsible for returning the library books
? Did Tommy responsible for returning the library books ?
Jessica is late today because she missed the last bus.
+ Jessica was late today because she missed the last bus.
- Jessica was not late today because she missed the last bus
? Was Jessica late today because she missed the last bus?
The students write some articles for their teachers.
+ The student wrote some articles for their teachers
- The student did not write some articles for their teachers
? Did the student write some articles for their teachers?
English is a compulsory subject for all university students.
+ English was a compulsory subject for all university students
- English was not a compulsory subject for all university students
? Was English a compulsory subject for all university students?
Tiara presents her research proposal.
+ Tiara presented her research proposal
- Tiara did not presents her research proposal
? Did Tiara presents her research proposal?
The teacher does not believe the result of the school
+ The teachers was believed the result of the school questionaire
- The teachers was not believe the result of the school questionaire
? Was The teachers believe the result of the school questionaire ?
Many Sports faculty students take part in the Mayor’s Cup.
+ Many sport faculty students took part in Mayor’s Cup
- Many sport faculty students did not take part in Mayor’s Cup
? Did Many sport faculty students take part in Mayor’s Cup?

Universitas Negeri Padang

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