Fitting 33

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University of Zakho

College of engineering
Mechanic Department
1st stage 2nd semester



Prepared By: Supervised:

Roni Ali Mr.Qasim

Introduction :
Tools :
Exercise 1 :
Procedure :
Result :
Conclusion :

Refreneces :

Safety regulations within a fitting shop typically encompass
the following guidelines:

1. Utilization of Personal Protective Gear (PPE): This

involves donning safety goggles, gloves, ear protection, and
appropriate attire to shield against sparks and debris.

2. Adherence to Correct Tool Usage: Ensure tools and

equipment are in prime condition and used appropriately.
Avoid employing damaged tools.

3. Maintenance of Cleanliness: Uphold tidy and orderly

workspaces to mitigate tripping hazards and facilitate safe

4. Avoidance of Loose Attire and Accessories: Loose

clothing and jewelry should be eschewed to prevent
entanglement in machinery, thereby reducing the risk of

5. Appropriate Handling of Materials: Employ proper

lifting techniques and equipment to avert strains and injuries
associated with material handling.

6. Safe Operation of Machinery: Abide by manufacturer
instructions and safety protocols when operating
machinery, refraining from bypassing safety guards.

7. Fire Safety Measures: Ensure ready access to fire

extinguishers and acquaint oneself with their operation.
Observe proper protocols for handling flammable

8. Familiarity with Emergency Procedures: Familiarize

oneself with emergency exits, first aid kit locations, and
emergency contact details.

9. Training and Supervision: Ensure all personnel receive

adequate training in safe work practices and are supervised
as needed.

10. Prompt Reporting of Hazards: Immediately report any

identified hazards, near misses, or accidents to
management or designated personnel.

A fitting workshop is a specialized facility where
various components and parts are precisely fitted
together to create complex machinery, equipment, or
structures. These workshops are often found in
industries such as manufacturing, construction, and
engineering, where precise assembly is crucial for
optimal performance and safety. Skilled technicians
and engineers typically work in fitting workshops,
utilizing tools and machinery to ensure accurate
alignment, measurements, and connections of parts.
Quality control measures are also integral to the fitting
process to ensure that finished products meet
specifications and standards. Overall, fitting
workshops play a vital role in the production and
assembly of various products, ranging from small
mechanical components to large-scale structures.

1. Vernier calipers are precision measuring instruments used to
accurately measure lengths, diameters, and thicknesses of
objects. They consist of a main scale and a sliding vernier
scale, allowing for precise measurements with high accuracy.
They are commonly used in engineering, machining, and
scientific applications.

2. A depth micrometer is a precision measuring tool used to

measure the depth of holes, slots, and other recesses. It
consists of a calibrated rod with a flat base and a measuring
head attached to a micrometer screw. The head can be
lowered into the recess being measured until it makes contact,
and the depth is read from the scale on the rod. This tool is
commonly used in machining, metalworking, and mechanical
engineering for precise depth measurements.

3. Micrometer is a popular library in the Java ecosystem used for
instrumentation and monitoring of applications. It allows
developers to measure various aspects of their application's
performance, such as latency, throughput, and resource
usage. Micrometer provides a vendor-neutral API that can
integrate with various monitoring systems like Prometheus,
Graphite, and more, making it easier to gather and visualize
application metrics.

4. A right angle is a 90-degree angle formed by two

perpendicular lines or sides of a shape. It's a fundamental
concept in geometry.

5. Spring dividers are a type of precision measuring tool used in
various fields such as woodworking, metalworking, and
engineering. They consist of two legs connected at the top by
a spring-loaded joint. By adjusting the tension of the spring,
the distance between the two legs can be set and then used
to scribe or measure distances accurately. They're particularly
useful for marking circles, arcs, and measuring diameters.

6. A bench vice is a mechanical device used to securely hold an

object in place while work is being done on it, typically in
woodworking, metalworking, or other crafts. It consists of two
jaws—one fixed and one movable—controlled by a threaded
screw mechanism. It's usually mounted to a workbench or
table for stability.

7. An outside caliper is a measuring tool used to measure the

external dimensions of an object. It typically consists of two
legs with pointed ends that can be adjusted to fit around the
object being measured. This allows for accurate measurement
of the diameter or thickness of cylindrical or round objects.

8. Inside calipers are a type of measuring instrument used to

measure the inner diameter or distance between two surfaces
of an object. They consist of two legs joined at one end by a
pivot, allowing the distance between the legs to be adjusted
and then locked into place for measurement. They are
commonly used in metalworking, woodworking, and
machining to ensure accurate measurements for precise
fitting of components.

How to create iron injuries and we were commended for
crafting iron wounds and the tools utilized for this task were
demonstrated by the instructor, along with discussions on
safety precautions. Following this, we were praised, and then
he commenced working on the iron piece.

Procedure :

1. First we received information about what we would do.

2. Then the teacher informed us about the topic.

3. He told us how to use the important equipment to protect us

4. We used the necessary protective equipment.

5. We cut the piece of iron

6. We cut the piece of iron Maya make the right iron as the teacher to
Result :

Conclusion :
The workshop provided participants with a comprehensive
understanding of different techniques and tools used to match
mathematical models with data. By completing practical
exercises and projects, attendees gained practical experience in
applying these techniques to real datasets. They developed
skills in choosing appropriate models, preparing data, and
evaluating model performance. The workshop fostered engaging
discussions where participants shared their experiences and
perspectives on fitting methods and their realworld use.
Instructors and peers provided valuable feedback, enabling
participants to improve their skills and tackle any challenges
encountered during the fitting process.




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