Jaya Et Al, 2023

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Paragraphs Environmental Design

Original Research
DOI : 10.59260/penvid.2023.66741004
Sustainable Modern
Environment Responses on
Maritha Nilam Kusuma Bawean Architecture
Institute of Adhi Tama Surabaya

*CORESSPONDENCE Andy Mappa Jaya, Ariannisa Rihana Siregar, Muhammad Yusuf Al

Didit Novianto, Ghifari, Didit Novianto*
[email protected]
Laboratory of Architecture History Theory and Critics, Department
RECIVED: 07 March 2023 Architecture, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Keputih-
ACCEPTED: 04 September 2023
PUBLISHED: 19 September 2023 Kec.Sukolilo, Surabaya 60117, Indonesia

Jaya AM, Siregar AR, Al ghifari MY, and
Novianto D. (2023). Sustainable Modern
Environment Responses on Bawean
The continuous search for sustainable architectural practices in the
Architecture. Paragraphs Environmental vernacular model paves the way for alternative approaches to modern
Design. diversity. In particular, the growing demand for habitation leads to
DOI : 10.59260/penvid.2023.66741004 loss of local identity architecture. This phenomenon or dilemma of
“cultural aridity” occurred in many areas of Indonesia with settlements
ISSN-L 2960-2874 linked to history. The purpose of this article is to explore Bawean
architectural identity located in the north-java island. With a focus
COPYRIGHT on an examination of the original design of Bawean architecture into
© 2023 Jaya AM, Siregar AR, Al ghifari modern development design. Through, mapping and inventory of
MY, and Novianto D. This is an open- identity, assess the perspectives of the occupants of houses and those
acces article distributed under the terms
who are involved in the construction to get a better understanding of
of the creative commons attribution
license (CC BY). The use, distribution or
public knowledge, experience, and responses. The results show that the
reproduction in other forums is permitted, concept of Bawean architecture, mainly granaries is applied to modern
provided the original author(s) and the architectural design with the advantage of wind flow to maintain
copyright owner(s) are credited and that storage humidity. However, a better understanding of this adaptation
the original publication in this journal needs more investigation with the future study of an energy simulation
is cited, in accordance with accepted analysis to develop a strategy for energy-efficient buildings. This
academic practice. No use, distribution or article contributes to the emerging literature on developing granary
reproduction is permitted which does not design toward sustainably minimizing the environmental impacts of
comply with these terms. household electricity utilization.

Keywords: Bawean, Environment, Sustainable, Modren, Architecture.

Jaya et al 10.59260/penvid.2023.66741004

1. Introduction -formal meaning into a newer form (Hidayah et al,

Traditional Indonesian houses have numerous 2022).
types of designs depending on the ethnic culture As the modern era influenced reach bawean, it
of cities. It is a reflection of people’s traditions, affects how society lives. Pantry and larder were
overall landscape, urban forms, and the activities introduced to people around and also part of
it concentrates on in some parts of the design. the trend on modern style. For society that has
The colonial era also indirectly contributed to the granaries of their own, people accept and apply the
reflection due to its profound impact on aspects of newer form of building on their house (Byrne et
everyday life (Yapp, 2020). In the past Indonesia, al, 2023). The granaries in the Bawean area or also
the design and building process is represented by referred to as dhurung by the local community, are
integral beliefs and creative abilities of the local one of the architectural heritage of the area, which
community. Moreover, defines cultural identity is unique and also when viewed from its history
as the foundation of architects following each Bawean is one of the locations for the distribution as
geography to understand climate and environment. well as a shift from artisans/artists from Mojopahit
Nowadays, in Indonesia, most cities’ house who also spread to the Bromo area, Bali, and its
design and building are based on imported surroundings.
trends, and do not express the values of the local
community or urban spaces lost their identity. 3. Method
In order to find sustainable design solutions in This research uses an inductive and deductive
the future, it is important to preserve traditional methodology through data collection to achieve
design houses as a valuable point of reference. a deeper understanding about identity, assess the
Due to indigenous design houses are considered perspectives of the occupants of houses and those
climatically responsive that provide comfort for the who involve in the construction to get a better
dwellers and eco-friendly materials (Ajabli et al, understanding of public knowledge, experience
2023). and responses. This could be done by analyzing
However, the design seems to be faded with the local adaptations and additions done to already
time and replaced by massive construction of existing spaces through field visits and interviews
modern houses such as semi-detached houses and with people to understand their points of view and
terrace houses. Therefore, reinventing the study needs.
of traditional Indonesian houses design could be
the provide solution as a reference for new design 4. Result and Discussion
generation. 4.1 Dhurung Granary Bawean
4.1.1 Basic Forms of Dhurung
2. Problem Study Context Dhurung in Paromaan Village has a body/living
In order to explore, archive, and conserve room size of about 4m x 2m and a roof size of
Nusantara architecture, a journey to the origin of about 5mx3m, including a roof overstek/cantilever
the Nusantara architecture building is necessary. (Figure 1).
In traditional Indonesian buildings, tribes who
have implemented a natural farming system will
create a place to store the farming results, which
are called granaries. In addition to functioning as
a place to store food, several granaries in Indonesia
are also built as resting places for the surrounding
community and are usually placed adjacent to the
houses or residences of the community houses.
Figure 1. Base form
Geographically, by mixing different such as
Javanese, Madurese, Malay, Buginese, and many Thatch/dheun roof is commonly used on
other cultures (Setiawan and Amar, 2021), Dhurung in Bawean, and this happens because the
the Bawean built environment is met through material is easy to find and is widely available in the
temporary meaning to translate the traditional- surrounding area. Along with the times, some of the-
Jaya et al 10.59260/penvid.2023.66741004

Figure 2. Roof structure

-Dhurung buildings have replaced roofing materials The type of wood used as a building material is
with tile, zinc, or asbestos roofs. If we look at figure generally teak1, but in Daun Village, it was found
2, the roof structure is made of a wooden block and that Dhurung used jackfruit wood as a substitute for
generally has a door for entrance at the bottom of teak (figure 9). The replacement of wood materials
the structure. used for buildings is not only applied to Dhurung
In the living room, four pillars function as roof but also to house buildings that have particular
supports, and on the shorter side between the two wood as a replacement material. Jackfruit wood is
poles, there is a central wooden beam that connects also easy to find and is widely available in the area.
the two poles (figure 3). On each support / Pang- This condition is similar to conditions in several
Pang, there is a jelapang, also a holder for the other areas, for example, in the Tengger area where
connecting wood (figure 3). At the bottom, a pen the pure wood building materials have substitute
hole structure is used as a fastener (figure 4). This wood, namely Nagasari wood and Reuge wood
structure is strong enough to withstand the heavy which are deliberately planted and prepared.
load of the storage space on the roof, along with the The materials used on the roof of the dhurung
weight of the roof. found in Paromaan Village, Daun Village, and
Candi Hamlet are quite diverse; it is found that
Dhurung still uses leaf midrib and also found
dhurung that uses tile or zinc roof.
The development process from Dhurung up to
now can be said to be done separately for each part
of the building and is carried out by one expert
who is specifically working on that part where one
person is every time the Dhurung is made, that
person will always work on that part.
Figure 3. Middle structure
4.2 Dhurung Type
4.2.1 Paromaan Village
Dhurung Paromaan village has a linear base
pattern with its triangle roof shape and is covered
with a linear pattern (figure 5). And at its pang-
pang, the jelapang has a special round shape (figure

4.2.2 Candi Village

The Dhurung in the temple hamlet has a square-
shaped Jelapang (figure 8) and a cross-roof pattern
Figure 4. Bottom structure
on the front side of it and is covered with a linear
pattern (figure 7).

Jaya et al 10.59260/penvid.2023.66741004

1 1

2 2

Figure 5. Paromaan dhurung’s configuration, (1) Roof Figure 7. Candi dhurung’s configuration, (1) Roof
motive and (2) Paromaan dhurung cross motive and (2) Candi dhurung

Figure 6. Round jelapang Figure 8. Rectangle jelapang

Jaya et al 10.59260/penvid.2023.66741004

4.2.3 Daun Village 1

The first type of dhurung in the Daun village 1
has a storage location on the roof of the building.
However, the wood for building material was
taken from jackfruit tree. This wood is one of the
substitute trees for the primary material for the
Dhurung building (figure 9).


Figure 10. Dhurung’s type at Bawaean, 1. Type A
(Paromaan); 2. Type B (Candi); 3. Type C
(Daun 1); 4. Type D (Daun 2)

4.2.4 Daun Village 2

The second type of dhurung in the Daun village
is different because the granary space is already
minimally used. The area was lowered and made to
be on the side of the house and no longer on the
roof (figure 10). In addition, its function is not only
Figure 9. Daun dhurung’s configuration, (1) Dhurung to store food but also to store other items such as
form and (2) Jackfruit wood as material vehicles and can be referred to as a warehouse.

Jaya et al 10.59260/penvid.2023.66741004

Table 1. Uses of Various Types of Construction Stiffeners and Decorations

Construction Decoration
Rope Pen Hole Hob Certain Motive 2 Dimension 3 Dimension
Paromaan Village
(Type A) v v v - - -

Candi Village
v v v - - -
(Type B)
Daun 1 Village Plant stylization,
(Type C) - v v - -
Sun pattern
Daun 2 Village
- - v - - -
(Type D)

4.2.5 Age Analysis -Daun Village, Candi Hamlet, and East Pudakit
If each type of Dhurung in Bawean is seen, the Village.
four types can be sorted by the age of manufacture
(table 2). Type A is the Dhurung type from 4.3.1 Form and Space Transformation
Paromaan village, type B Dhurung is from the There has been a transformation and development
temple village, and types C and D are the Dhurung in Dhurung in several places, for example, the
type from the Daun village ordered by the age of change into a “market”/buying place where every
production (figure 10). morning merchandise is placed in the central area
The Dhurung species in Paromaan and Candi or social area, and people buy in that place.
villages are older than the Dhurung species in In several villages in the Bawean area, there has
Daun Village. Looking back at the differences been a transformation in Dhurung in the area.
and changes that exist in terms of construction An example is the change in Dhurung’s social
and decoration between the types of Dhurung in area into a buying and selling area/market, where
Paromaan Village, Candi Village, and Daun Village, every morning on Dhurung, merchandise will be
it appears that evolution has occurred from time to spread over the social area, and buying and selling
time marked by the disappearance of the use of ikat activities are also carried out directly in that area.
constructions, materials which were changed from This form of transformation is found in Paromaan
teak wood to jackfruit wood, and applied beauty Village and Daun Village.
to the Dhurung in the form of decorative carving There is also a Dhurung whose storage space has
motifs, 2-dimensional shapes, and 3-dimensional been reduced due to the reduced intensity of use.
shapes. Previously as a place to put rice, the rice did not
Table 2. Dhurung Type’s Ages have to be placed in that place anymore because
there were already other warehouses, in this case,
Paromaan Village's Dhurung & Candi
Early shops, markets, and similar places that also store
Village's Dhurung
food ingredients. There, where previously, the
Middle Daun 1 Village's Dhurung
granaries were used to store food needs for a period
Late Daun 2 Village's Dhurung of several months. The result of the decrease in the
storage area, which is next to the house and is no
4.3 Diachronic Analysis longer on the roof, is a warehouse, the warehouse is
This analysis shows how changes in terms of still filled with food ingredients, but in some cases,
form and space occur in Dhurung from time to the warehouse is also used as a storage place for
time (figure 10). In the Bawean area, Dhurung motorbikes or other goods with a different capacity
itself is usually placed in front of people’s houses, and size big. This form of transformation is found
besides that, in this area, there are also architectural in the village of Daun.
buildings from other areas that have existed since
the colonial era, but right in front of them, there is 4.4 Synchronous Analysis Synthesis
also a Dhurung. Data analysis was taken from four To check the similarity between Bawean and
villages in the Bawean area: Paromaan Village,- other look-alike granaries, several variables are-

Jaya et al 10.59260/penvid.2023.66741004

-needed as benchmarks. These variables include -aspect of space in terms of function/utilization, the
form, which is assessed in terms of geometry, two granaries still have a fairly close relationship
proportion, form, and space, which is assessed in because they both function as storage places (figure
terms of space function. 11).

4.4.1 Synthesis Dhurung (Bawean) – Jineng (Bali) 4.4.3 Synthesis Dhurung (Bawean)–Uma Lengge
Based on table 3, the synthesis results show that (Bima)
the two granaries indirectly have a close relationship The synthesis in table 5 shows result that from
when viewed from the overall aspect of form and the aspect of form, there is a slight difference in the
space. The difference between the two granaries is proportions of the head, body, legs, and also access
in the proportion of heads affected by access to the to the entrance to the granary where the entrance to
rice storage area (figure 11). the Uma Lengge is horizontally up using the stairs
to the door while the Dhurung is vertically using
4.4.2 Synthesis Dhurung (Bawean) – Sambi (Sasak) a sliding door located at the bottom of the storage
The synthesis in table 4 that shows the two area. In addition, there are also slight differences in
granaries have a distant relationship when viewed terms of the function of using the roof space, but it
from the aspect of form. However, if you look at the- remains the same for the hall area (figure 11).

1 2 3

4 5

Figure 11. Dhurung from different places, (1) Bawean; (2) Bima; (3) Bali; (4) Sasak; (5) Bada

Table 3. Variable between Bawean & Jineng

Dhurung Jineng
Form Geometric Beams on the bottom and triangular Beams on the bottom and triangular
prisms on the roof prisms on the roof
Proportion Have a lot of vertical space Has wide storage space
Shape Communal spaces are open, and storage Communal spaces are open, and storage
spaces are very closed spaces are very closed
Space Function The bottom part is for open space, and The bottom part is for open space, and
the top part is for storage the top part is for storage

Jaya et al 10.59260/penvid.2023.66741004

Table 4. Variable between Bawean & Sasak

Dhurung Sasak
Form Geometric Beams on the bottom and triangular Cube block shaped
prisms on the roof
Proportion Have a lot of vertical space More symmetrical and level space
Shape Communal spaces are open, and storage Level and looks towering
spaces are very closed
Space Function The bottom part is for the storage and The roof as a storage space
resting area

Table 5. Variable between Bawean & Bima

Dhurung Bima
Form Geometric Beams on the bottom and triangular
Triangular pyramid
prisms on the roof
Proportion Dominated by the triangular pyramid
The balance between body and head
shaped supported by the legs
Shape Communal spaces are open, and storage The triangular pyramid becomes the
spaces are very closed center and the main storage space
Space Function
For storage and rest For storage and rest

Table 6. Variable between Bawean & Bada

Dhurung Bada
Form Geometric Beams on the bottom and triangular Beams on the bottom and triangular
pyramids on the roof pyramids on the roof
Proportion The balance between body and head The balance between body and head
Shape Communal space is open, and storage Communal space is open, and storage
space is very closed space is very closed
Space Function The bottom is for open space, and the The bottom is for open space, and the
top is for storage top is for storage

4.4.4 Synthesis Dhurung (Bawean) – Bada -granaries in the Bawean area changes occur in
From the synthesis of table 6 results, it was found terms of structural form, function placement, and
that from the space aspect, the function of the visual aesthetics. The basic shape of the granaries
granary itself is actually the same, but there is an when compared to several other granaries forms in
additional function in the hall area or social place other areas looks familiar, has the same basic shape
contained in the Bada, which is also used as a place and function placement, and has a relatively similar
for preparing ceremonies or activities related to shape but differs in terms of size, shape, and volume.
religion (figure 11).
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