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Assessment Cover Page

Module Title: Human Resource Management

Assessment Title: HRM CA 1

Lecturer Name: Martha Gilheaney

Student Full Name: Raissa Treptow Dias

Student Number: 2022072

Assessment Due Date: 16th April

Date of Submission: 20th April


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Human Resources Consultancy
Consultant: Raissa Treptow Dias
1. Introduction

This document will present a brief explanation of what human resource management
is and how important it is in the creation of a new company, focusing on demonstrating how a
human resources department can benefit the company by creating competitive advantages
over other companies.

In addiction, will be presented a recommendation of the staff requirements including

staff numbers and job titles with a draft of an organisational structure that would reflect the
most efficient and effective operation for Orange Motorway Services Ltd, and a sample of a
Job Description and a Person Specification.
2. Evaluation of HR

Adopting a human resources department is necessary when a new company is opening

and need to manage each individual who will make part of its corporate structure. Utilizing
only simple administrative methods such as hiring and firing makes it impossible to pay
proper attention to the people who work for the company; as a result, the human resources
department emerges to manage employee recruitment, payrolls, as well as their training and
development, which will improve performance in activities carried out at the workplace and
provide an individual analysis of each participant in the process. (Sands, 2022)

The human resources department brings an appreciation to the human capital, as this
is fundamental in terms of competitiveness; the employees are talents that need maintenance
and development through the implementation of programs that value the vision and mission
of the company. (Lawrence and Murray, 2017)

Human resources management is the function that enables people to collaborate

effectively to achieve organizational and individual goals. Caldwell (2018) says that people
management is essential within a company; when an organization focuses on people, its
global philosophy and organizational culture begin to reflect this belief.

For Matsuo (2021), it is through motivation that workers perform their activities more
efficiently, with enthusiasm and effort, maintaining a quality organizational climate. The
leadership of the human resources department is responsible for maintaining this climate,
identifying problems and their solutions and causes, and providing alternatives to them,
resulting in profitability, increased productivity, and employee longevity in the office.

HR has the challenging mission of identifying in each employee what motivates them
to stay and finding the balance between the most diverse reasons and what the company has
to offer to its talents.

In this way, Wzorek (2022) says that HR must be understood as a facilitator of

communication and relationships between leaders and teams or external and internal
environments, moving impartially to manage processes and people with objectivity and
focus. An efficient and attentive HR knows the importance of employees as a competitive
differential as the most complex actions are developed through people, bringing difficult
results for competitors to match.
When looking for a corporative advantage, HR management has an essential job
beyond recruiting and selecting professionals. Above all, it is necessary to connect these
professionals to the company's culture and encourage their motivation and engagement.
Professionals who feel happier at work and enjoy going working embrace the company goals
and are the key to advancing in the race for market advantage.

The advantage of having an HR sector lies in the perception of the needs of each area,
manager, and team in accordance with the company's objectives. According to Yazıcı (2022),
in this context, there is substantial interference from digital innovations and technologies
from outside to inside. Therefore, in actions intended at developing talents, it is crucial for the
HR department to be aware of new technologies that can save time, costs, and bureaucracies,
implementing changes and transformations in the construction of a new vision and
positioning of the company, above all, adapting to market innovations requirements.

Lucas and Grant (2018) say that a strategic HR department can collaborate as a
competitive source of valuing and managing talent in several aspects; firstly, the
modernization of the recruitment and selection process is a decisive factor for HR to improve
its performance and contribute to the company's growth. With the advancement of
technological resources, the manual recruitment and selection process has given way to more
modern and fast ways of selecting candidates, analysing their profiles, and identifying
characteristics—the more resources used to facilitate the routine, the greater the chances of
successful hiring and good results.

Secondly, the alignment of the company goals as it is essential for HR to know and
understand the company's medium and long-term goals. Thus, from hiring talent, the team
can measure what is needed for new hires to have excellent performance. In this way, the
department's actions must be focused on the development of soft skills and hard skills, which
connect employees to the company's purposes and further improve their performance, helping
to differentiate the business.

Thirdly, the organizational climate. A good work environment creates harmony and
collaboration between teams and managers. Taking care of the climate is essential to keep
employees motivated and productive, which involves continually seeking to understand what
they need to stay happy and proactive. A healthy organizational climate support
communication and employee involvement in projects and activities. It is, therefore,
necessary to identify points for improvement and create actions that minimize or eliminate
elements that interfere and leave the climate unbalanced. The participation of HR is decisive
in this process.

Finally, the most important, the employee satisfaction. When employees are satisfied,
they feel they belong and spare no effort to help the company achieve its goals. In general,
satisfaction results from how the company treats its human capital. Before creating
differentials to conquer the market, it is essential to turn luck inwards and delight the internal
customer, as the employees are primarily responsible for a company's success.

However, Carbery and Cross (2019) stated that the department's actions must be
associated with a career plan, benefits management, training and development, salary
policies, health promotion, and well-being. Employees who see well-defined HR strategies
tend to increase their performance and productivity.

The HR sector is one of the most important departments inside a company as it

involves all people that maintain the place, working all day on it. Taking care of the
employees' health and personal development is the key to the advantage in the market.
3. A recommendation of the staff requirements (including Staff Numbers and Job

 CEO x1 (Jim)
 General Manager x2 (Jack and Jill)

A. Convenience Store Department

 Operations Manager x4
 Shift Supervisor x4
 Attendants x15

B. Deli/Barista Bar Department

 Kitchen Manager x4
 Chef x1
 Shift Supervisor x4
 Kitchen Staff:
o Prep food x15
o Burger/Pizza x15
 Barista x6

C. Accounting Department
 Accounting Manager x1
 Accounting Supervisor x1

D. Human Resources Department

 Human Resources Manager x1
 Human Resources Assistant x1

E. Security/IT Department
 Security Manager x1
 Security Staff" x4
 IT Assistant x2

F. Maintenance/ Cleaner Department

 Maintenance/Cleaner Manager x1
 Maintenance Supervisor x2
 Maintenance Staff x5
 Cleaner Staff x10
4. A draft of an organisational structure:
5. Sample of a Job Description and a Person Specification:

Job Description

Job Title: Kitchen Manager

Reporting to: General Manager

Tasks and Responsibilities:

 Manage kitchen staff

 Schedule kitchen staff shifts
 Supervise daily kitchen operations (prep and cooking)
 Menu pricing with the supervision of the General Manager
 Requirement of food supplies and kitchen equipment, as needed
 Coordinate food orders and deliveries
 Maintaining a fully-stocked kitchen inventory in compliance with safety practices and
cleanliness standards
 Keep weekly and monthly reports

Person Specification

Education: High School diploma

Work Experience:

 At least three years’ work experience as a Kitchen Manager, Restaurant Manager or

Head Chef;
 Experience with planning menus and ordering ingredients
 Hight standards with kitchen sanitation and safety regulations

Soft skills and other requirements:

 Excellent organizational skills to manage a team in a fast work environment

 Ability to manage conflicts
 Flexibility to work during evenings and weekends is essential
 A degree in restaurant management or culinary school is a plus.
6. Conclusion

It has been shown that, the HR department is responsible for the management of all
the people who are part of the company, and this includes many aspects, as we saw above. It
is necessary to develop policies for employee engagement and talent retention while
managing the internal relationship between everyone in the company. The development of
this sector within a company presents itself as an essential contributor to the quality of the
service provided as it can substantially impact the maintenance of the services offered by the
company and the approximation with new customers.

This internal relationship refers to the respect for employees, the rules of the
company, and among themselves. Things that also influences the effectiveness of the
programs that the company adopts in favor of employees and the impact it has on workers.

Human Resource Management faces the arduous task of getting managers and owners
to treat human resources with respect and, simultaneously, helping them discover new and
innovative ways to unleash these people's skills and talents through training and human
resource development programs.
7. References

BPP Learning Media (2015) Human Resource Management: Course Book. London: BPP
Learning Media (Business Essentials). Available at:
direct=true&db=e020mww&AN=1105146&site=eds-live [Accessed: 11 April 2023].

Carbery, R and Cross, C (2019) Human Resource Management. London: Bloomsbury

Academic. Available at:
direct=true&db=e020mww&AN=30541 58&site=eds-live [Accessed: 12 April 2023].

Caldwell, C (2018) Human Resource Management: A Transformative Approach. Hauppauge,

New York: Nova (Management Science: Theory and Applications). Available at:
direct=true&db=e020mww&AN=2024826&site=eds-live [Accessed: 09 April 2023].

Lawrence, M. and Murray, F. (2017) Human Capital: Perspectives, Challenges and Future
Directions. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc (Economic Issues,
Problems and Perspectives). Available at:
direct=true&db=e020mww&AN=1696996&site=eds-live [Accessed: 16 April 2023].

Lucas, M. and Grant, J. (2018) Strategic Human Resource Management: Perspectives,

Implementation and Challenges. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc (Business Issues,
Competition and Entrepreneurship). Available at:
direct=true&db=e020mww&AN=1697014&site=eds-live [Accessed: 16 April 2023].

Matsuo, D. (2021) What is the role of HR in employee motivation and performance? Ella
Executive Search. Ella Executive Search. Available at:
%20motivation. [Accessed: April 16, 2023].

Putti, J (2015) Human Resource Management: A Dynamic Approach. Laxmi Publications Pvt
Ltd. Available at:
direct=true&db=e020mww&AN=1223947&site=eds-live [Accessed: 07 April 2023].

Sands, L. (2022) Why is human resources (HR) important? Breathe. Centurion Management
Systems Ltd. Available at:
important [Accessed: April 7, 2023].

Turkmenoglu, M and Cicek, B (2021) Contemporary Global Issues in Human Resource

Management. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Limited. Available at:
direct=true&db=e020mww&AN=2512024&site=eds-live [Accessed: 16 April 2023].

Wzorek, C. (2022) Council post: HR: The great facilitator, Forbes. Forbes Magazine.
Available at:
great-facilitator/?sh=517d21f86573 [Accessed: April 11, 2023].

Yazıcı, O (2022) Special Human Resource Management Practices and Strategy. Hauppauge,
NJ: Nova (Management Science - Theory and Applications Ser). Available at:
direct=true&db=e020mww&AN=3123067&site=eds-live [Accessed: 16 April 2023].

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