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Assignment 6: Option 2 - Applying critical thinking, scientific analysis, and

communication to a decolonized future

Due date: Friday May 10, 2024

I am expanding the scope of assignment 6 to include a second option. Today Israel rejected a
ceasefire deal and continues to bomb Rafah, where over 600,000 children are currently
sheltering. This comes just four hours after ordering Palestinian families to evacuate the area.
Many view this as the last phase of the genocide/ethnic cleansing of indigenous Palestinian
people. I encourage students to use scientific analysis and critical thinking to understand and
communicate the impacts of genocide on human biology, and the creation of a decolonized future
that promotes liberation and resists systemic oppression.

1) If you would like more background on this topic, read or review one or more of the
following articles on decolonizing science, and the intersections of biological sciences,
health, and history in Palestine:
○ Quick Facts: The Palestinian Nakba
○ Gaza Crisis: MSF’s Response to the Israel-Gaza War | Doctors Without Borders
○ Trapped for 12 hours under rubble in Gaza: One woman’s story
○ White Phosphorus Use in Gaza
○ 23andMe: Palestinians are finding their heritage erased
○ Pulitzer Center Stories: Experiments of Israel’s Arms Industry
○ The Guardian: Organ harvesting without consent
2) Using an assignment format listed below, address the following (5 points each):
○ Provide a brief background (a few sentences or points) on the impact of
genocide/ethnic cleansing on the health/biology of the people it impacts.
○ Provide at least 1 example of local health/biological impacts of war and genocide
(Ex- physical health impacts, genetics of a family line, etc.)
○ Describe the specific ways in which institutions are complicit or actively engaged
in supporting ethnic cleansing/genocide.
○ Explain what decolonization looks like at the institutional level (For example, you
could list specific actions that would positively impact/improve the health/biology
of Palestinians experiencing genocide).
○ Explain the long-term impacts of decolonization and how it can impact
communities vs. institutions/corporations.

Assignment formats:
○ Letter to a community member / Other creative writing formats
○ A pamphlet / infographic
○ Press release / Short article
○ Short video
○ Digital informational presentation / slideshow
○ Zine / zine pages
○ Comic, cartoon or set of figures

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