Waste To Hydrogen Whitepaper

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New Possibilities
Waste-to-hydrogen as an energy source
for fuel cell vehicles

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners

Empower the Future

Have you heard about
the new normal?
Zero Emission. Full Power. Better Future.

1. Executive Summary 4

2. Introduction 6

3. Focus on (Green) Hydrogen 8

4. From Waste to Energy 14

5. Hydrogen from Waste 16

Economic benefits of WtH approaches 20
Environmental benefits of WtH approaches 22

6. Partner Spotlights from the

Clean Transportation Alliance 24

7. An Ecosystem Perspective 38

8. Conclusion 40

9. References 42

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners

The projection of hydrogen demand is grow- but also extremely
ing fast as hydrogen is playing an important time consuming. There-
role for decarbonization in various sectors. fore, there are arguments
Governments worldwide are actively fostering that it is not an effective approach
this growth through diverse regulations and to use the scarce green electricity
incentives, aimed at boosting green hydrogen for hydrogen production via electrolyzers
production, enhancing transportation infra- given the efficiency losses. Also, the risk of green
structure, and ensuring its application in efforts hydrogen being produced with fossil fuel
to reduce carbon emissions. The main obsta- generated electricity from the grid cannot be
cle to adopting hydrogen in the most demand- ignored. Ultimately, for a smooth energy tran-
ing sector however lies in producing enough sition, the color of the hydrogen is not the key
carbon-free and low-carbon hydrogen at but that the hydrogen ultimately has a low-car-
prices that are competitive. bon intensity and is affordable.

Unlike conventional energy resources, hy- Rather than exclusively emphasizing green
drogen production offers greater flexibility hydrogen, the key to unlocking hydrogen's
in terms of scale and location, presenting a full potential lies in diversifying its production
unique advantage. However, current hydro- methods. In this regard, waste-to-hydrogen
gen production methods are facing some (WtH) stands out as an efficient and eco-friendly
substantial challenges. Green hydrogen pro- potential solution. With increasing popula-
duction is contingent on renewable electricity tion and growing urban economy, waste man-
availability, the demand for which is already agement is a critical aspect of sustainabil-
growing tremendously. Many industries are ity development. Waste to energy (WtE) is
switching their energy sources from fossil fu- recognized as one of the effective approaches
els to green electricity to lower their carbon to reduce waste ending in landfills. WtH, as a
footprint. As a result, the renewable electric- subset of the WtE concept, offers a promising
ity demand will soon surpass the available pathway for producing hydrogen from waste
supply, especially during the peak hours. On which could not only contribute to decarbon-
the other hand, the geographic and temporal ization, but also promote a circular economy in
variations in wind or solar installations’ output local and regional ecosystems.
poses an additional challenge. It is estimated
that the global gird network needs to be dou- Localized hydrogen production, as exemplified
bled to meet the 2050 demand of electricity. by WtH, brings multiple benefits. It reduces
Expanding the electricity grid is not only costly costs associated with waste management,

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 5
Every End can be a new Beginning: Benefits of WtH

Economic Environmental
Cost effectiveness of Hydrogen GHG reduction
• Waste as raw material has • Avoid the emissions associated
lower to negative cost with landfilling or incineration
• Production cost of WtH can be • Reduce waste ending up into landfill
lower than electrolyzers

Enhance Circularity
Extra revenue for players
• Recovery of energy from waste
• Hydrogen produced can be
• Extraction of valuable materials
sold as energy source
from WtH residue
• Byproducts can be sold
• Reduce raw material acquisition
for industrial applications

Local economy Support energy system

• Creates employment • WtH as energy carrier with
opportunities Integration of renewables
• Strengthens regional waste • Energy storage for excess renewable
management systems electricity to support grid stability

Figure 1

bolsters energy independence, and stimulates the development and commercialization of as-
local economic development. Complementing sorted WtH technologies, a challenge actively
large-scale green hydrogen production, WtH pursued by innovative companies in this field.
introduces an alternative, efficient pathway for For these enterprises, ensuring a steady and
decentralized hydrogen production. Moreover, reliable market for the hydrogen produced is
locally produced hydrogen has the potential to essential.
replace conventional energy sources in indus-
tries and to fuel hydrogen-powered vehicles. QUANTRON recognizes the potential to incor-
The reduction in the fuel transportation dis- porate WtH into a zero-emission commercial
tances achieved through on-site production vehicle ecosystem. The hydrogen harnessed
translates into significant savings, not only in from these WtH processes is versatile, with ap-
operational costs but also in the investment plications extending far beyond just industrial
required for conversion and transportation in- use. It is ideally suited to power various logistic
frastructure. vehicles, ranging from community garbage col-
lection trucks and forklifts at industrial sites, to
Diverse WtH technologies have the capability public transport vehicles like city and regional
to convert a broad spectrum of waste types, buses.
including industrial by-products, biological
refuse, plastics, and municipal waste into hy- Having WtH companies as a part of QUAN-
drogen. The variety of waste types demands TRON’s Clean Transportation Alliance (CTA)

Every End can be

a New Beginning

enhances the ecosystem for zero-emission tion of comprehensive solutions encompass-
commercial vehicles under our Quantron-as-a- ing both the transportation of hydrogen and the
Service (QaaS) model tailored to equip custom- creation of necessary refueling infrastructures.
ers with fuel cell-powered trucks and buses. Such an approach not only complements and
extends the hydrogen supply chain but also
Furthermore, collaboration with CTA partners reinforces sustainable energy infrastructure, a
can lead to the development and implementa- critical element for future progress.

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 7

Hydrogen is expected to play a pivotal role in Taking the US as an example, the Biden-Harris
decarbonization efforts globally. As an energy administration signed the Bipartisan Infra-
source, hydrogen is very versatile. Its high en- structure Law (BIL) to provide $550 billion in
ergy density positions it as a promising candi- investments for the transportation sector. This
date to replace coal in many carbon-intensive includes support for the deployment of
industries. Examples range from environmen- charging stations and hydrogen refueling sta-
tally friendly steel production to applications tions (HRS). In October 2023, the US DoE an-
in heavy-duty transportation, shipping, and nounced $7 billion in funding seven selected
aviation. It also has immense potential as a regional clean hydrogen hubs (H2Hubs) across
long-duration energy storage medium. America as part of the BIL. More recently, the
government also announced $750 million,
Consequently, it has been attracting substan- funded by the BIL, to support 52 projects
tial interest from public institutions and pri- across 24 states as a part of the Investing in
vate stakeholders, evidenced from a growing America agenda. Additionally, the Inflation
number of investments, incentives, and sup- Reduction Act (IRA) supports hydrogen pro-
port. Countries like US, Germany and Japan duction facilities and renewable electricity
have adopted ambitious hydrogen strategies projects to benefit the dispensing of green
aimed at decarbonizing heavy industries and hydrogen and renewable energy. The US De-
transport. Projections suggest that by 2050, partment of Energy (DoE) has also released
hydrogen demand across various applications its Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap
will exceed 500 Mt, accounting for 10% of the recently. This entails a target for production of
global energy mix. As a result, a recent report 10 million metric ton per annum (MMTpa) of hy-
from Deloitte projected that the global hydro- drogen in 2030, rising to 50 MMTpa by 2050. It
gen market could reach $199 billion by 2025, also targets reducing the cost of electrolyzers
with investments exceeding $70 billion in by 50-70% and other initiatives creating over
hydrogen-related projects. 100,000 jobs by 2030.

Hydrogen hubs in Europe and USA

Figure 2

Similarly, the European Union (EU) has also
been making significant and concerted efforts 38 Mt per year clean hydrogen
to aid the growth of the hydrogen economy.
supply announced globally
The EU strategy on hydrogen was adopted in
2020 including various policy actions, while until 2030, less than 1 Mt
the REPowerEU plan helped shape compre-
hensive frameworks to support hydrogen deployment is available today.
uptake. The revised Renewable Energy Direc-
tive in 2023 included new binding renewable like the US DoE reportedly planning $1bn in
energy targets for 2030. The EU estimates subsidies for clean hydrogen users (as a part
that it will need about 20Mt of hydrogen by of its $7bn H2Hubs program) and the setting
2030, with about 50% produced domestically up of the European Hydrogen Bank, will surely
and the rest imported from energy partners. accelerate the adoption of zero emission fleets.
In other words, this means that the EU targets
to produce 10 million tons (Mt) of renewable Clearly, a lot of investment and effort is nec-
hydrogen domestically by 2030, coupled with essary to ramp-up hydrogen supplies to meet
an additional 10 Mt of imports. There are over this explosive demand growth. A lot of focus of
300 hydrogen projects in Europe and over governments, regulators, investors, and indus-
30 Hydrogen Valleys have been established as try participants has been on “green” hydrogen
large-scale flagship projects. Further initiatives (i.e., carbon neutral hydrogen produced from
like setting up the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, renewable energy sources), given that currently
the European Hydrogen Bank, and investment most hydrogen today is produced through the
support through funding various IPCEI projects carbon-intensive and expensive steam meth-
have further provided momentum to the sector. ane reforming (SMR) process. Similarly, “blue”
hydrogen, wherein the carbon emissions in the
Talking specifically about the transportation process are captured and stored and/or uti-
sector, the EU recently adopted the corner- lized, is another touted solution, though these
stones of an infrastructure package under the technologies remain relatively expensive and
Fit-for-55 program. The Alternative Fuel Infra- face implementation challenges (e.g., potential
structure Regulation (AFIR) sets out a target CO2 leakages).
of one hydrogen refueling station in all urban
nodes and every 200km of the ‘trans-European To fully tap into hydrogen's potential though,
transport (TEN-T) core network’ by 2030. it is crucial to consider all cost-efficient
Establishing mandatory deployment targets production methods while minimizing the
for recharging and refueling stations will allevi- carbon footprint. One key advantage of hy-
ate consumer worries regarding the challeng- drogen, which is often overlooked, is that it
es of refueling zero-emission vehicles. This has diverse production pathways, enabling
initiative also paves the path for a convenient flexibility in where and how it is produced.
and economically viable refueling experience This whitepaper explores the potential of one
throughout the European Union. such approach of producing cost-efficient
hydrogen with a minimal carbon footprint, name-
Concurrently, the latest forecasts from ly the waste-to-hydrogen (WtH) technology.
BloombergNEF on the levelized cost of green But before diving into that, it is necessary to
hydrogen production indicate that prices could understand the current challenges in green
drop below $4 per kg of hydrogen by 2030 in hydrogen production and its transport to the
major focus markets. Demand-side measures, points of consumption.

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 9

Focus on (Green) Hydrogen

A recent study by the consulting firm, Roland wind farms are currently being developed on
Berger, estimated that the value pool of green offshore locations. Similarly, the best econom-
hydrogen could reach €500 bn by 2030, buoyed ics and efficiencies in generation of solar pow-
by incentives in the US, Europe, and Asia, as er are offered in sun-rich locations, typically
well as declining costs. This momentum is ex- in regions like southern Europe or US, middle
pected to establish hydrogen as a self-sustain- East/north Africa, or Australia.
ing business post-2030. However, there are
also some factors and challenges associated As the transition gains momentum, there is
with the ramping-up of green hydrogen that also an increasing awareness to the limits and
must be recognized. realities of today’s electricity grids. Building
new power lines and reinforcing existing in-
The first is the availability and usage of renew- frastructure is an enormous undertaking, ne-
able electricity. In the EU, for example, annual cessitating substantial time and investment.
electricity demand is forecast to more than BloombergNEF estimates that the global net-
double from 3,000TWh today to 6,800TWh by work of cables needs to be doubled by 2050,
2050. Peak demand could be even greater, as spanning a staggering length of 152 million km
the electricity system increasingly supplies and requiring a $21 trillion investment. Addi-
winter heat. The scale of infrastructure to be tionally, transmission losses in bringing the
built up is massive, even though it has been generated electricity to the point of consump-
facing some headwinds in the last months – tion also need to be factored into the efficiency
factors like cost increases, high inflation, struc- calculation from a system-level1.
tural supply shortages, and strained supply
chains brought many wind and hydrogen proj- In contrast, one key advantage of hydrogen
ect constructions to a halt in Europe and US. molecules as an energy carrier is that they are
These factors are largely expected to ease out easier and cheaper to transport over long dis-
in the coming months. tances compared to transmission of electrons.
For low volumes and across short distances, it
Conventional electricity generation based could be cheaper to produce hydrogen local-
on fossil fuels has historically been located in ly, potentially with imported renewable elec-
close proximity to demand centers like cities tricity. However, for distances of over 500 km,
and industrial hubs. On the other hand, renew- pipelines are better suited to import hydrogen
able electricity generation is temporally and economically and with larger volumes. Repur-
geographically constrained and often at re- posing existing natural gas pipelines can de-
mote locations. For example, some large-scale crease the infrastructure investment costs to

1. Transmission losses estimated to be between 6 to 10 percent per 1,000 km in high-voltage alternating-current grids and about 4 percent per 1,000 km in
high-voltage direct-current grids (which are subject only to ohmic losses).

as low as one-third of building new dedicated ty drawn from existing grids having a significant
pipelines. This mode is well suited for moving share of coal-powered electricity would be
hydrogen within Europe or for importing from counterproductive in this regard. At the same
neighbouring regions with pre-existing infra- time, if utilizing the electricity generated from
structure. For import routes across much long renewable sources for manufacturing hydro-
distances (3,500 km or more), maritime ship- gen leads to the electricity being replaced in
ping is emerging as the preferred option when the grid by fossil fuel powered energy plants,
hydrogen pipelines may not be possible. that would also have a negative impact overall.
These examples make it difficult to really justify
On the other hand, critics rightly point out the how “green” the hydrogen is at a system-level,
efficiency losses entailed in the conversion of and has led to speculative criticisms in concert
electrical energy into hydrogen molecules in with the factors like the lower efficiency and
the electrolysis process and in re-generating higher costs of making green hydrogen avail-
electricity again from these molecules at their able at scale.
point of consumption, for example in the fuel
cell in a vehicle. Each step in this value chain In a net zero economy, the large-scale clean
also accrues costs and amortization of heavy energy production (at remote locations) must
capital expenditure (e.g., for large scale elec- also be complemented with a myriad small-
trolyzers). Another criticism levelled at green er-scale renewable developments such as on-
hydrogen production is the potential hidden shore windmills and local solar panels. Howev-
carbon costs in the process. Green hydrogen er, grid capacity constraints have already led
is only truly green if it is produced using elec- to frequent instances where windmills have to
tricity from renewable energy – using electrici- be turned off and windfarms have been com-

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 11

pensated hundreds of millions to do so. In such is prohibitively expensive for widespread com-
cases too, there is an increasing recognition mercialization. Numerous studies suggest that
that green hydrogen will have an important for green hydrogen to become dominant and
role to play in balancing2 renewable intermit- to reduce the current dependance on hydro-
tent electricity production, electricity demand, gen generated from steam methane reforming
and grid stability. However, there is still a lot of by 2050, it is critical to improve electrolyzer
work to be done before the economics of such manufacturing technology and the cost of the
smaller scale installations become favorable to renewable electricity used as input.
allow the end users to use the hydrogen thus
produced at competitive prices. On the other hand, as explained earlier in the
text, the environmental credentials of hydrogen
Given these challenges, it is critical that the can be questionable if an electrolyzer claims to
scope of discussion of hydrogen production produce green hydrogen but relies on a grid
pathways is not limited to only “green” or “blue” with intensive GHG emissions. The differences
hydrogen. This does a disservice to one of the in grid emissions play a significant role in how
major advantages of hydrogen, that it can be hydrogen is categorized.
generated in many different ways. These have
been visually distinguished by assigning vari- For the industrial transition to cleaner energy,
ous colors to the hydrogen depending on how the carbon intensity and affordability of hydro-
it is produced, in addition to the “green”, “blue”, gen should become the primary consideration.
or “gray” hydrogen. This underscores the need to prioritize the
production and use of low carbon hydrogen,
It must be stressed here that at the end, what no matter what its production pathway or re-
is important and relevant is not what color la- spective color classification is. One particular
bel is applied to the production approach, but pathway of generating hydrogen from various
what is the cost of producing the hydrogen and types of waste is especially interesting as an
the associated carbon footprint of the process emerging technology for producing it locally or
employed. For instance, consider green hydro- decentrally, and merits further exploration as a
gen again: currently, the electrolysis process part of the decarbonization technology mix.

2. Grid storage is currently largely done through pumped-storage hydropower, especially in China, but batteries are also increasingly playing a role according to
the IEA. In the future, they are projected to account for the majority of storage growth worldwide, typically employed in sub-hourly, hourly and daily balancing.
Hydrogen offers an option for longer-term storage and balancing as a complementary solution.

The Colors of Hydrogen

Grey hydrogen, the most widely used form, is produced from fossil fuels,
predominantly natural gas, through a process called steam methane reforming
(SMR). It involves extracting hydrogen from natural gas by reacting it with high-tem-
perature steam, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a by-product.

Blue hydrogen is a cleaner alternative to grey hydrogen as it incorporates carbon

capture and storage (CCS) technology. Blue hydrogen is also produced through SMR,
but the CO2 emissions generated in the process are captured and stored under-
ground or utilized for other purposes, such as enhanced oil recovery.

Green hydrogen is currently defined in different ways, the most common being elec-
trolysis from renewable sources, such as solar or wind, to split water molecules into
hydrogen and oxygen. As a result, green hydrogen is entirely clean, emitting no CO2
or other harmful pollutants during its production. Common certificates (e.g., CeritfHY,
CMS 70) title hydrogen as “green” if it achieves at least 70% GHG reduction compa-
red to diesel as a fuel, often listing technology choices of electrolysis or the use of
biogenic residues. Green hydrogen offers a truly sustainable solution for achieving
a carbon-neutral future. In some instances, the hydrogen produced by using solar
power for electrolysis has also been termed yellow hydrogen.

Turquoise hydrogen, also known as low-carbon hydrogen, is produced through a

process like electrolysis but utilizes methane instead of water as a feedstock.
The process, called methane pyrolysis or methane cracking, generates hydrogen
and solid carbon as by-products. The solid carbon can potentially be utilized as a
valuable material in various industries, such as construction or as a component in
advanced materials.

Brown or black hydrogen is produced by coal gasification, a process that converts

brown or black coal into a gas mixture containing hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and
other gases. While brown hydrogen has been used historically, it is considered the
least environmentally friendly form of hydrogen due to its association with carbon-in-
tensive fossil fuel coal.

Pink hydrogen, also referred to as light-duty hydrogen, is produced using renewable

energy sources, particularly solar power, in combination with biomass gasification.
Biomass feedstock can include organic waste or specially grown crops. The process
releases hydrogen while capturing and storing carbon, resulting in a low-carbon or
even carbon-neutral outcome. Pink hydrogen holds potential for various applications,
including transportation and power generation.

In some regions, pink hydrogen is also used to refer to the use of nuclear energy for
producing hydrogen through electrolysis. Others refer to this as purple or red hydro-
gen. Naturally occurring hydrogen, though very rare, has been termed as white hyd-
rogen. Now, people are discovering the places where the hydrogen is fluxed and with
high concentration to extract. Finally, some have referred to the hydrogen produced
from waste as orange hydrogen.

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 13

From Waste to Energy

The world generates over 2 billion tons of mu- It is worth noting that the IPCC's 4th assess-
nicipal solid waste each year, and this is ex- ment report highlights that the waste manage-
pected to continue increasing. According to ment sector contributes to 5% of the global
the World Bank, global waste production is greenhouse gas emissions. This figure is pro-
anticipated to surge to 3.4 billion tons by the jected to rise significantly to 2.38 billion tons of
year 2050. However, on a global scale, only CO2-equivalent per year by 2050 if substantial
around 19% of the waste produced by humans improvements are not implemented within the
is salvaged through recycling and composting sector. While global waste management has
efforts, while 11% undergoes incineration as a made some progress in recent years, it is evi-
means of final disposal. The predominant ap- dent that the world still faces pressing challen-
proach to handling waste entails its disposal ges that demand urgent attention and action.
in landfills or open dumpsites, which puts tre- Given this growing problem, it is essential to
mendous stress on the environment and poses think about how technological advancements
significant threats to wildlife habitats, especial- can be applied to generating value, even from
ly in developing nations. waste, and reducing their environmental impact
in the process. In this pursuit, waste-to-energy
Global treatment and disposal of waste (in %) (WtE), and especially waste-to-hydrogen (WtH),
processes offer a promising avenue.
13.5 5.5
0.3 11.1
The most effective approach to reducing was-
3.7 te is to mitigate the generation of waste at its
source, but achieving zero waste is unattaina-
ble in reality, as long as the current economic
and social models persist. Against this back-
ground, practices such as reuse, sorting, and
recycling have made significant contributions
33 25.2 to reduce the environmental impact of waste.
However, it must be acknowledged that these
7.7 methods will also eventually encounter limitati-
Composting Sanitary landfill (with landfill gas collection) ons and reach a level of saturation.
Incineration open dump
Controlled Landfill Other
Landfill (unspecified) Recycling
The next best approach in the waste manage-
ment hierarchy, once the “reduce-reuse-re-
Figure 3
cycle” strategies are no longer feasible, is the

200 Mt of waste incinerated

on landfill every year in Europe.

recovery of energy from the waste, whereby
non-recyclable wastes are burnt in the WtE
plants to recover the energy in the form of ste-
am, electricity, or hot water. From a system per-
spective, WtE is a clean and safe waste treat-
ment method. It serves the dual objectives of
reducing the amount of waste that ends up as
landfill, while also producing useful energy from
it. The process promotes a shift to a more sus-
tainable and circular economy as it keeps the re-
sources within the economy when the product Modern WtE plants are different from the old
has reached the end of its life. Typically, one trash incinerators that were energy intensive,
ton of waste can generate about 500 to endangered the environment and people’s
600 kWh of electricity or around 900 kWh of health. The modern, properly run WtE plant
heat. Until 2022, 5,134 MW capacity of munici- sorts waste material before burning to ensu-
pal waste energy plants have been installed in re the items burnt are not hazardous. Also the
Europe which produce enough electricity to WtE plants co-exist with recycling to recycle
supply almost 20 million people per year. Ger- materials from the waste and residues. Though
many has the largest installed capacity (1,068 some have challenged the CO2 emissions as-
MW) of WtE plants, and this number is growing. sociated with waste combustion in WtE pro-
The global WtE market size is projected to sur- cesses, it is worth noting that a substantial
pass over $ 88 billion by 2035 with WtE Plants, portion of the waste processed in these plants
expected to produce 189 billion kWh of useful is biogenic in nature. This encompasses ma-
energy per year. terials such as paper, food, and other biomass
waste that have absorbed carbon throughout
Waste Hierarchy their lifecycle. According to EU legislation, the
Most preferable biodegradable portion of municipal and indus-
trial waste is considered as biomass, and as a
Avoid and reduce waste
renewable energy source. In other words, the
energy output from WtE plants is estimated to
Reuse waste
be about 50% renewable. WtE facilities thus
play a pivotal role in reducing greenhouse gas
Recycle waste
(GHG) emissions – not only by substituting tra-
Recover energy
ditional fossil fuel-based energy production
with partially renewable electricity and heat
Treat waste generation, but also through their capacity to
recover raw materials (e.g., metals) and divert
Dispose waste waste away from landfills. Hence, the approach
provides another way towards sustainability
Figure 4 Least preferable
and clean energy supply.

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 15

Hydrogen from Waste

Interest in hydrogen as a clean alternative to produced in sectors which really need it. A re-
fossil fuels has spurred the exploration of its cent study from the Boston Consulting Group
potential for various applications, driven by even emphasized that given its high produc-
both industry and government support. As an tion prices, there is credit to the arguments
energy source itself, hydrogen’s big advantage of green hydrogen being the “champagne of
is its versatility. Hydrogen's high energy den- decarbonization technologies”. To ensure its
sity positions it as a promising candidate to availability for the decarbonization of process
replace coal in environmentally friendly steel industries and power systems, there must be
production and has applications in heavy-du- an impetus on supporting the industry to scale
ty transportation, shipping, aviation. It also has green hydrogen production through subsidies
immense potential as a long-duration energy for early projects, instruments that incentiv-
storage medium. Given the massive growth ize demand, and an acceleration of renewable
expected in the demand for hydrogen as a fuel infrastructure build-out. This highlights the
and its crucial role in decarbonizing hard-to- critical need to supplement the production of
abate sectors, a lot of debate has been trig- green hydrogen with other low carbon produc-
gered about employing any green hydrogen tion pathways and competitive costs.

One ton of waste to estimated amount of hydrogen

1 ton Municipal solid waste ~80 kg hydrogen

1 ton biomass 50~100 kg hydrogen

1 ton Industrial waste 50~100 kg hydrogen

1 ton plastic 100~150 kg hydrogen

Figure 5 Note: indicative estimates from industrial players

Against this background, WtH as a specific
subset of the WtE concepts is emerging as Jump out of the “Stereotype”
one of the potential solutions. WtH entails the of Energy: make the leap!
decentral production of hydrogen from various
waste streams including municipal solid waste, Conventional energy or non-renewable energy
has been used for centuries. Since the last
industrial waste, plastic waste, sewage sludge, industrial revolution, conventional sources of
and agricultural waste. This can be achieved energy have been widely used to generate elec-
tricity, fuel vehicles, and manufacture products.
by integrating a combustion based WtE facility We have a great and well-developed infrastruc-
with electrolyzers, or through other methods ture to exploit and transport fossil fuels. Mean-
such as gasification, pyrolysis, and anaerobic while, we also have established a “stereotype” of
energy. For many people, energy would be cent-
digestion to produce hydrogen from waste. rally produced, transported to the end-users,
and with “cheap” price. However, the realm of
energy is evolving. Under the urgency of global
In comparison to other hydrogen production decarbonization, we should shift our interests on
methods, the WtH technology offers some dis- energy away from its stereotype.
tinct advantages. While the current focus of
Green energy really seems more expensive than
low-carbon hydrogen production is largely on conventional energy. But a comprehensive ana-
water electrolysis, this process is heavily reli- lysis of the entire energy supply chain reveals
that renewables are often more cost-effective
ant on the availability of freshwater (an increas- than traditional energy sources. Importantly, this
ingly stressed resource globally) and of large- assessment considers not just the price tag of
scale renewable electricity at cheap prices energy but includes overall cost to the society.
Our environment is burdened with liabilities,
(buffeted by grid and infrastructure challenges such as land degradation, global warming, radio-
discussed earlier). This skews its viability pri- active pollution caused by using nuclear ener-
gy and CO2 emissions from coal. Yet, the use of
marily towards regions with excess wind, solar, zero-emission energy protects air, water, soil,
geothermal, hydropower or other renewable flora, and fauna from pollutants, saves resources
energy sources. and uses land efficiently.

Unlike fossil fuel, many renewable energies do

On the other hand, WtH provides a more effi- not require a centralized massive exploitation
such as a mining site. A localized approach of
cient use of “waste” resources locally and in production can be more economically feasible
close proximity to the point of energy require- to use on-site, which can also save substantial
ment, bolstering the overall supply of hydrogen transportation/ transmission costs. This also
applies to WtH technologies, whereby the dis-
while promoting cleaner energy sources. The tributed production of hydrogen can be realized
application of WtH approach transforms wast- close to the point of end use, thus reducing the
need for building new supply chains or repur-
ed assets into marketable products and en- posing existing infrastructure like gas pipelines.
hances operational efficiency within facilities. The urgency of global decarbonization compels
Before we dive into the advantages offered by us to jump out of this old mindset and embrace a
new paradigm of sustainable energy.
the process though, let us understand what it
entails from a technological perspective.

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 17

Waste collection Waste pre-treatment Waste conversion

waste Thermochemical



solid waste

waste Electrochemical

The process of producing hydrogen from waste typically entails the following steps:

1. Waste Collection 3. Waste Conversion

Different types of waste, including organic Once pre-treated, the waste is subjected to a
waste, biomass, municipal solid waste, or specific conversion process to extract hydro-
wastewater sludge, can serve as feedstocks gen. Several technologies can be employed for
for hydrogen production. Standard operating waste-to-hydrogen conversion, including:
procedures are established for sorting wet, dry
and other waste in most countries, with munic- a. Thermochemical conversion technologies
ipal waste collection facilities and operators such as steam reforming of biogas, gasifica-
handling the logistics for bringing the waste to tion, or pyrolysis, utilize high temperatures
the WtE plants, where they are further sorted to break down the organic components of
if needed. the waste. These processes produce a syn-
thesis gas (syngas) consisting of hydrogen,
2. Waste Pre-Treatment carbon monoxide, and other gases. A wa-
ter-gas shift reaction can be further applied
After collection and sorting, the waste under- to the syngas, which will increase the hydro-
goes pre-treatment to remove contaminants gen content and reduce the CO content. The
such as non-organic materials or hazardous water-gas shift reaction involves reacting
substances. It is crucial to ensure that the the syngas with steam over a catalyst to pro-
waste feedstock is clean and free from any ma- duce more hydrogen and CO2. The syngas
terials that could interfere with the conversion ultimately needs to be separated to recover
process. and purify the hydrogen.

Gas treatment Compress Use case

(purification &

• Sulfur
• CO2
• Pellets
• trace containments

b. Biochemical conversion involves the use of purities and contaminants. In the application
microorganisms or enzymes to break down of steam reforming, this is done before the
organic waste materials, such as biomass or synthesis gas generation with the raw biogas.
wastewater sludge, through fermentation or Gas purification processes may involve meth-
anaerobic digestion. This biological activity ods such as pressure swing adsorption (PSA),
produces biogas, which primarily consists membrane separation, or catalytic reactions to
of methane and carbon dioxide. Biogas can eliminate undesirable components like sulfur
undergo a reforming process, such as steam compounds, carbon monoxide, or trace con-
reforming or dry reforming, to convert meth- taminants.
ane into hydrogen-rich syngas.
5. Hydrogen Compression and Storage
c. Electrochemical conversion, specifically
through processes like electrolysis, utilizes Once separated, the hydrogen is typically
an electric current to split water molecules compressed to increase its density for effi-
into hydrogen and oxygen. In this case, the cient storage and transportation. Compres-
waste-derived electricity is used to power sion methods, including piston compressors,
the electrolysis process directly, resulting in diaphragm compressors, or centrifugal com-
the production of clean hydrogen. pressors, are employed to achieve the desired
pressure levels. The compressed hydrogen can
4. Gas Treatment be stored in gaseous form or liquefied through
cryogenic processes for higher storage capac-
Regardless of the conversion technology em- ity. Finally, the hydrogen thus produced may be
ployed, the produced syngas or hydrogen-rich used as an energy source for various applica-
gas stream requires purification to remove im- tions.

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 19

Economic benefits
of WtH approaches
Conventional methods of hydrogen produc- availability significantly reduces the feedstock
tion, such as steam methane reforming, have costs for hydrogen production, leading to a
limitations in terms of high carbon emissions more economically viable solution. According
and their reliance on fossil fuels. There is con- to the information provided by our partners
sequently a lot of impetus being placed on and key industry participants in the WtH sec-
scaling up green hydrogen, but the demand tor, it is observed that the production costs are
for hydrogen is far outpacing the foreseeable anticipated to fall within the range of 1.5~4 € per
supply and it will take time and investments kg of hydrogen. This cost projection is more
to reach cost parity. In comparison, innovative economical compared to the estimated cost
WtH approaches are emerging as economical- for hydrogen generation via electrolyzers pow-
ly competitive and environmentally sustainable ered by renewable sources, which currently
solutions. stands at approximately €2 to €7 per kg.

From an economic perspective, the potential This also presents opportunities for revenue
advantages of WtH arise from using waste generation through multiple channels. First,
streams as an input resource to generate addi- the hydrogen produced can be sold as a valu-
tional revenues in support of local economies. able energy source. Second, the process gen-
As mentioned earlier, conventional hydrogen erates by-products such as biochar, vitrified
production relies heavily on fossil fuels, con- slag and metal mixes, as well as pure carbon
tributing to carbon emissions and dependence dioxide or other valuable chemicals that can be
on limited resources. On the other hand, WtH sold or utilized in various industries. Further,
utilizes various organic waste materials, includ- the thermal energy generated may also be
ing biomass, landfill waste, and organic indus- used for heating applications. These additional
trial waste. By converting these waste streams revenue streams contribute to the overall eco-
into hydrogen, it creates a circular economy nomic viability of WtH facilities.
approach, reducing waste disposal costs and
providing a renewable resource for hydrogen Further, implementing such WtH projects cre-
production. ates employment opportunities that can stim-
ulate the local economy. The construction and
The cost-effectiveness of waste-to-hydrogen operation of WtH facilities require a skilled
technology compared to conventional meth- workforce, leading to job creation and income
ods is a crucial factor. While initial investments generation in the region. Additionally, the
in waste-to-hydrogen facilities may be high- utilization of waste materials from local sourc-
er, the long-term benefits outweigh the costs. es strengthens regional waste management
Waste materials are often available at low or systems, reducing dependence on external
even negative costs, as they would otherwise resources and fostering local economic devel-
require expensive disposal processes. This opment.

Hydrogen transportation cost

H2 0.12 € / kg H2
per 1000 km

H2 (up to 3500 km) H2
0.15 € / kg per 1000 km

Localized Waste Truck from renewables
to Hydrogen Dispensing cost H2 (up to 500 km) H2 by electrolysis
1.5~4 € / kg H2 1~1.5 € / kg H2 3 € / kg per 1000 km 2~7 € / kg H2

Figure 6 Note: Costs are estimated range from industrial players

Hydrogen Transportation Challenges

In the rapidly evolving landscape of sustainable energy, its neighboring regions, the cost of transporting hydro-
the transportation of hydrogen brings a unique set of gen through new or repurposed pipelines is estimated
challenges and opportunities. Currently, hydrogen to be around 0.15 €/kg per 1,000 km. On the other hand,
transportation is primarily conducted through two main ammonia is another favorable method of shipping hy-
avenues: pipelines and through tankers of gaseous/ drogen. Comparing to liquid hydrogen, ammonia has
liquid hydrogen or its derivatives in ships, trains, or higher energy density 121 kg of hydrogen per cubic
trucks. For shorter distances, under 300 km, the in- meter as carrier and requires less energy to convert
dustry predominantly relies on compressed gas trailer and transport. The cost to transport ammonia by ship
trucks. For longer journeys, the transportation of hydro- is around 0.12 €/kg per 1,000 km without considering
gen requires a more intricate approach. Pipelines are the cost of converting. A study by McKinsey shows that
recognized as a key component to support hydrogen converting hydrogen to ammonia for transport and then
economy. It can constantly move hydrogen in a large back to hydrogen could result in an additional cost of
volume for a long distance. Although pipelines are an 2.28~2.74 €/kg H2 by 2030. In contrast, transporting hy-
optimal long-range solution, the construction and main- drogen by truck, whether as a gas or a liquid, is substan-
tenance of pipelines are associated with high capital tially more expensive – around 3.3 €/kg per 1,000km.
costs. Liquid hydrogen, suitable for extended distanc- Furthermore, when considering the additional costs of
es, requires special containers designed to maintain the extracting and purifying hydrogen at the point of use,
hydrogen at -253 degrees Celsius. This requirement this is normally required for fueling a FCEV, the total
not only adds complexity but also significantly increas- distribution cost for trucking increase to approximately
es the cost. These expenses have been a consistent 8.5 €/kg for a 1,000 km journey.
barrier to the wider adoption of these technologies,
with projections suggesting that they will remain costly These numbers paint a clear picture: while pipelines
until at least the mid to late 2020s. In addition, the pro- currently offer an efficient and cost-effective solution for
cess of converting hydrogen into a transportable form, hydrogen transportation, the allure of localized produc-
through liquefaction or compression, adds to the over- tion – with its potential for cost savings and energy inde-
all expense, highlighting the importance of considering pendence – cannot be ignored. By producing hydrogen
the entire supply chain when evaluating the feasibility closer to where it will be used, consumer industries can
and cost of hydrogen transport. potentially bypass the transportation costs.

Studies by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Hydrogen production localization is not free from chal-
Hydrogen Council shed light on the economic aspects lenges. It demands investment in local infrastructure
of these transportation methods. They have identified (e.g., WtH facilities with onsite HRS) and technolog-
pipelines as the most cost-effective means for trans- ical advancement, yet offers the attractive prospect
porting hydrogen over long distances, particularly for of greater control, reduced transportation costs, en-
routes up to 3,500 km. For instance, within Europe or to hanced self-reliance, and a boost to local economies.

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 21

Environmental benefits
of WtH approaches
WtH technologies are also emerging as a be decreased and in turn lead to a smaller car-
promising solution from an environment and bon footprint. The mitigation of methane emis-
sustainability perspective. It can aid in the re- sions can be regarded as a CO2 sink, for exam-
duction of GHG emissions, the enhancement ple, when agricultural residues like manure or
of air quality, and a mitigation of the negative dung are used as feedstock.
impacts of inefficient waste disposal methods.
Converting waste to hydrogen minimizes car-
By transforming waste, WtH helps avoid the bon dioxide emissions since hydrogen usage
emissions traditionally associated with con- produces only water vapor as a byproduct.
ventional waste disposal methods like landfill- Further, this technology serves to reduce the
ing and incineration. By diverting waste from release of pollutants such as nitrogen oxides
landfills and utilizing it for hydrogen production, (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and particulate mat-
methane emissions emitted from landfills can ter (PM) when compared to the combustion of
fossil fuels. Utilizing waste-derived hydrogen
produces negligible pollutants, benefiting air
quality and reducing associated health risks.

Simultaneously, the recovery of energy from

waste promotes a circular economy approach,
reducing the environmental impacts of ineffi-
cient waste management and extracting value
from materials that would otherwise be dis-
posed as waste.

Finally, the usage of hydrogen produced from

waste as an energy carrier enables the integra-
tion of renewable energy into the grid. Excess
renewable energy, including that generated
from WtE plants, can be stored for a longer du-
ration as hydrogen to ensure a stable energy
supply during low generation periods too, i.e.,
grid balancing. This enhances grid stability and
supports the viability of renewable energy sys-

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 23
Partner Spotlights from the
Clean Transportation Alliance
The Clean Transportation Alliance (CTA), tery electric and fuel cell vehicles tailored to
backed by QUANTRON, represents a col- specific end-use applications and customer
laborative effort among technology firms, in- requirements.
dustry experts, and energy suppliers united
in their mission to achieve decarbonization. By collaborating with WtH technology com-
This alliance emphasizes the importance of panies, the CTA will aid in accelerating the
forming partnerships to foster a support- establishment of hydrogen infrastructure as
ive ecosystem for Quantron-as-a-Service part of regional industrial initiatives. Such
(QaaS), a unique and comprehensive solution partnerships enable local hydrogen produc-
for fleet operators to decarbonize. Concen- tion, significantly reducing the costs related
trating on zero-emission mobility, the CTA to hydrogen transportation, and thereby en-
supports QUANTRON to adopt a technology hancing the overall efficiency and sustainabil-
agnostic approach, incorporating both bat- ity of the hydrogen supply chain.

UNIWASTEC, a Swiss WtH technology company, offers compre-

hensive services to help industries transform waste into green
energy. Their approach involves converting municipal and indus-
trial waste into green electricity, utilizing an innovative method
Rotkreuz, Switzerland
to generate purified, climate-neutral hydrogen. What sets their
Technology: technology apart is the use of seawater or wastewater for hydro-
Evaporation electrolysis gen production, significantly reducing water consumption by elim-
Resource: inating the need for precious drinking water and lowering energy
Wastewater or seawater requirements compared to traditional electrolysis processes. This
Output: Up to 15,000 t H2 p.a.
approach ensures sustainable and efficient hydrogen production.

FusionOne Energy Corp. is an innovative leader in the clean ener-

gy sector, pioneering the conversion of plastic waste into valuable
hydrogen and electricity. The proprietary technology, including the
advanced HydroPlas Reactor™, sets the company apart as they
create a zero-emission future by diverting plastic waste from land-
fills and converting it into clean, sustainable energy. Committed to
the commercialization of this technology, FusionOne is leading the
charge towards a greener planet and a sustainable energy land- Toronto, Canada, USA
scape. Company efforts align with global initiatives to lower energy Technology:
bills, achieve climate goals, and electrify homes, businesses, and thermal decomposition
transportation. FusionOne is dedicated to advancing clean power Resource:
solutions and investing in the future of energy, creating a circular Plastic.
Output: Up to 2,000 t H2 p.a.
economy that benefits both the environment and society at large.

Plagazi AB aims in fostering a circular economy, advancing renew-
able energy sources, and enhancing waste management practices.
Gothenburg, Sweden Their core business revolves around designing, developing, and
Technology: High building plasma gasification facilities aimed at converting diverse
temperature conversion waste materials into green hydrogen. Their approach places a
Resource: All types of waste strong emphasis on energy efficiency, environmental sustainability,
Output: Up to 12,000 t H2 p.a
and their contribution to a circular economy.

BtX Energy, born from a research and development initiative by

WS Wärmeprozesstechnik GmbH, stands at the forefront of direct
steam reforming technology for biogas. They specialize in sourcing
Location: Hof, Germany
biogas from pure residual materials such as liquid manure and plant Technology: High
residues, resulting in high-purity hydrogen production without the temperature conversion
need for further processing steps. Their expertise lies in tailoring Resource: Biogas
bespoke energy solutions to suit various needs, be it a farm with a (existing biogas plant)
Output: pilot system
biogas facility or a production facility, aligning these individualized
100kg H2 per day
energy concepts with their greenhouse gas reduction objectives.

blueFLUX Energy AG is a German high-tech company that special-

izes in transforming organic waste into green hydrogen and other
Location: sustainable energy sources. The focus is on the development and
Peißenberg, Germany construction of H2 generation plants that use a patented carboniza-
Technology: Patented tion process to produce green hydrogen, synthesis gas, synthetic
carbonization process with lignite substitutes and biochar from organic residues. The technol-
thermal gasification
ogy solves two main problems. The utilization of organic residues
Resource: sewage sludge,
organic waste, digestate, and the generation of sustainable energy. The blueFLUX technology
liquid manure, farmyard ma- is a decentralized solution that uses the residual material flows from
nure, tree cuttings and green the region to generate energy for the region. The first demonstration
waste (= input materials). plants have been running for four years and several demonstration
Output: Up to 600 t H2 p.a.
projects are currently being built and installed.

Green Hydrogen Technology (GHT), a German technology provider,

offers an innovative solution for industries seeking to convert non-
recyclable plastic waste and biogenic materials into climate-neutral
hydrogen. Their decentralized approach encourages industries to Location: Augsburg, Germany
utilize local infrastructure, reducing transportation costs and pro- Technology: High
moting safe, residue-free energy production, ultimately facilitating temperature conversion
climate-neutral hydrogen production on an industrial scale. Resource: Sewage sludge,
plastic and wood waste
Output: Up to 5,000 t H2 p.a

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 25


UNIWASTEC, a Swiss start-up, has emerged rified, climate-neutral hydrogen. This method
as a pioneering system provider in the domain stands out for its minimal water consumption,
of sector coupling, thanks to its innovative as it does not rely on freshwater resources. Ad-
Waste-2-Energy systems. These technologies ditionally, it is more energy-efficient compared
are capable of processing almost any type of to traditional electrolysis methods, making it a
solid and liquid waste, converting it into green, sustainable solution for hydrogen production
emission-free energy and valuable raw mate- suitable for various uses.
rials. This approach not only addresses waste
management issues but also contributes to Further enhancing its portfolio, UNIWASTEC
energy production, thereby promoting sustain- offers synthetic natural gas, green electricity,
able cycle closure. synthetic fuel, and high-purity green hydro-
gen derived from diverse waste materials like
A key feature of UNIWASTEC's technology is used tires, sewage sludge, manure, biomass,
the thermolytic conversion of municipal and in- and wastewater. The company's patented
dustrial waste into green electricity. This elec- technologies stand out for being emission-free
tricity powers a novel process that employs and more energetically efficient than existing
seawater or wastewater to generate highly pu- market solutions. These technologies do not

depend on membranes, filters, or
chemicals and produce high-qual-
ity materials and energy products.
UNIWASTEC's comprehensive ser-
vices range from project planning
and engineering to financing and
plant operation, offering an all-in-
clusive solution for clients. Under
the leadership of CEO Urs Pelizzoni,
UNIWASTEC has formed a strategic
partnership with QUANTRON. This
collaboration aims to revolutionize
the future of transport and energy
sources, integrating UNIWASTEC's
waste-to-energy expertise with
QUANTRON's sustainable mobility

Urs Pelizzoni, CEO of UNIWASTEC, explains:

The future of transport is carbon neutral and includes new, smarter

energy sources. The cooperation between QUANTRON, a world-
class mobility provider and its innovative QaaS transport model, and
UNIWASTEC, a global provider of climate-neutral hydrogen that of-
fers market-leading waste-to-energy solutions based on outstanding
patented technologies, facilitates a unique strategic collaboration.
We are very pleased to engage in this partnership. Together with
QUANTRON, we are now able to offer customers the entire end-
to-end solution while simultaneously realising our shared vision of
a carbon-neutral green future.

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 27


FusionOne Energy Corp., a leader in techno- system also handles multiple carbon-based
logical innovation, is revolutionizing the hydro- feedstocks, yielding a variety of sustainable
gen production industry by converting one of commercial products, including high-grade hy-
the most problematic waste products, plastics, drogen and clean electricity.
into clean energy. The world is now producing
the equivalent weight of nearly 25,000 Em- FusionOne has been actively working towards
pire State Buildings of plastic waste in a year, commercializing its technology. They are fo-
and almost 80% of them ended up in landfill. cused on securing a sustainable supply chain
FusionOne's groundbreaking HydroPlas™ re- within North America and fostering solid part-
actor not only addresses this environmental nerships with vital suppliers of components.
crisis by reducing plastic waste but also gen- The company has successfully operated its
erates zero-emission energy, marking a signifi- initial system since the first half of 2022, and
cant step towards ecological sustainability. this system is located at Detroit, Michigan.
This project serves as FusionOne’s technical
The company's technology efficiently produces demonstration, showcasing their technology
fuel cell-grade pure hydrogen and zero-emis- in a phase prior to full commercialization. Here,
sion electricity, positioning the HydroPlas™ they will pull together all of the individually
System at the forefront of advanced Thermal proven technologies and combine them into a
Decomposition Technology. Optimized specifi- fully operational system. The selected location
cally for processing plastic waste, FusionOne's has been granted conditional use as a recy-
cling site, including all the required waste han-
dling permits. FusionOne will process multiple
waste streams and optimize the integration of
the Hydrogen Production facility to prove the
system is ready before commercial operations
commence on-site.

The strategic choice of FusionOne's initial site

will derisk the typical two-year timeline re-
quired for site sourcing, infrastructure devel-
opment, and operational permitting by utilizing
a facility with a history in multi-stream waste
handling. Equipped with truck and rail docks,
plus a rail freight terminal, the site ensures

swift feedstock delivery and efficient dispatch nology is part of the driving force behind this
of products. This infrastructure paves the way venture, processing waste plastic streams into
for hydrogen-powered local transport, foster- zero-emission hydrogen fuel, and targeting
ing partnerships with local governments for feedstock-rich, fuel-hungry warehouses, dis-
green transport solutions. tribution centers, and ports.

FusionOne and Quantron AG are synergiz- This initiative is more than an advancement
ing their expertise to forge a sustainable path in clean energy —It's a unifying mission that
forward in the transportation sector with sus- brings together the pioneering technology of
tainable hydrogen fuel derived from recycled FusionOne with the robust hydrogen fuel cell
plastics. The proprietary HydroPlas™ tech- vehicle portfolio of QUANTRON.

The CEO of FusionOne Elliott Talbott states:

We're embarking on an exciting journey with QUANTRON, leading to

a comprehensive, zero-emission solution for heavy goods mobility.
This collaboration will accelerate the deployment of our HydroPlas™
system across North America, converting waste to clean fuel and pow-
ering a new generation of QUANTRON class 8 trucks. Our joint efforts
will significantly amplify the impact of each mile driven by QUANTRON's
trucks, turning waste plastic into energy and clearing the path towards a
more sustainable future.

As we join forces with QUANTRON and other partners in the Clean

Transportation Alliance, FusionOne is excited to contribute to a greener
future, where every mile traveled by a fleet is a step towards reducing
plastic waste and promoting zero-emission transportation.

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 29


At Plagazi, the vision is clear: to contribute to a Plagazi's patented Swedish technology is the
circular economy and build a better future for key to their success. Through plasma gasifica-
our planet. By focusing on cost-effective and tion, they are able to convert waste into green
large-scale green hydrogen production, they fuel cell grade hydrogen with an exceptionally
are addressing two crucial challenges simulta- high purity level. This clean fuel can be utilized
neously. Firstly, they tackle the issue of non-re- across a wide range of applications, from fuel
cyclable waste by treating various waste types cells to industrial processes, providing a versa-
such as auto-shredder residue, contaminated tile and sustainable energy source.
plastics, industrial waste, hazardous waste,
and even difficult biomass. Secondly, they of- Torsten Granberg, CEO of Plagazi, strongly
fer a sustainable solution to reduce the carbon believes that the technology aligns perfectly
footprint by producing green hydrogen. with the requirements of sustainable mobility.

The shared vision of Quantron AG on the future not producing any dangerous by-products.
of sustainable, zero-emission road transport We work towards a circular economy and for a
in Europe as well and its synergy with waste-to- better future.
hydrogen as a hydrogen-supplying technology
and enthusiasm between the two companies Plagazi is the solution to cost-effective and
make this collaboration even more exciting. large-scale green hydrogen production by
treating non-recyclable waste types and is the
Plagazi, converts all types of waste into green solution to a reduced carbon footprint. Plaga-
hydrogen through plasma gasification. The zi's green hydrogen has a very high purity and
production process is highly energy efficient can be used for everything from fuel cells to in-
self-sufficient and environmentally friendly by dustrial processes.

Gustav Granberg, CEO of Plagazi:

Establishing a strategic cooperation agreement with a leading

and forward-thinking mobility developer such as QUANTRON
creates an exceedingly interesting and promising outlook on the
future of sustainable, zero-emission road transport in Europe as
well and its synergy with waste-to-hydrogen as a hydrogen-sup-
plying technology. We believe that our technology caters excel-
lently to the location flexible requirements of sustainable mobility,
and it is exciting to see that QUANTRON shares that sentiment.
We very much look forward to working with them.

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 31

BtX Energy

BtX energy is the product of a research and de- The company is currently considered the tech-
velopment project of WS Wärmeprozesstech- nology leader in the direct steam reforming of
nik GmbH. The process patented by Dr. Joa- biogas. At best, the gas is obtained from pure
chim Alfred Wünning (founder of WS) for the residual materials such as liquid manure, dung,
clean gasification of biomass by adsorption or plant residues that are not part of the feed
of tars on in-process activated carbon was chain. The biogas is desulfurized and then
able to set standards for gas purity of wood used directly in the steam reformer without
gases in the accompanying dissertation by any further upgrading steps. This produces a
Dr.-Ing. Andy Gradel. Together with WS Re- synthesis gas that is processed directly on site
former GmbH and eflox GmbH, the idea of into high-purity hydrogen by means of a water
upgrading biogas through steam reforming gas shift stage and separation.
was further developed in parallel at WS. The
two applications now represent the pillars of The company currently operates a pilot plant
BtX energy GmbH as a project planning office in Krefeld, Germany, which produces green
and the youngest start-up with roots in WS. hydrogen from 100% residual materials and

Bio-to-X - Hydrogen from Biogas

Tail gas

CH4, CO2
Substrate Impurities CH4, CO2 H2, CO2 H2 H2

residual material Biogas plant Pressure swing Storage hydrogen

energy crops adsorber filling station

Source: btx-energy

has its own on-farm filling station. The result- The waste-to-hydrogen conversion depends
ing fuel has a footprint of -17 kg CO2 per kg hy- on the biogas yield of the substrate. The overall
drogen due to the avoided methane emissions, efficiency of the process is around 80 % (60 %
even without further CO2 capture. This means hydrogen, 20 % heat). Therefore, 10 Nm³ of
a GHG-reduction of around 270 % in compar- usual biogas (55 %) is needed for the produc-
ison to diesel. The technology is CCU-ready, tion of 1 kg of hydrogen. the investment costs of
so another CO2 capture unit can be added for a plant are between 1.5 (100 kg/d) and 3 mio. €
its use, which would move the footprint even (400 kg/d). Due to the high number of full load
more into negative ranges. By-products with- hours, a project with an appropriate residual
out additional CO2-Capture are clean and car- material ratio achieves a payback period of be-
bon-neutral exhaust gas and a small water only. tween 5 and 10 years.

Thanks to this outstanding CO2 footprint, the QUANTRON's vision of a zero-emission trans-
technology can quickly become economical via portation sector can thus be rapidly implement-
GHG quota trading; in the best case, the quo- ed in regional value chains by BtX reformers.
ta revenues exceed the production costs of
the fuel. The plants produce between 100 and
400 kg of hydrogen per day per unit, the tech-
nology is market-ready and available today.

For the reforming process, any kind of biogas

from all substrates can be used, such as:

• manure / sludge
• biowaste
• plant residues Dr.-Ing. Andy Gradel, CEO of BtX:
• landfill Gas
Quantron is setting milestones in the road
• energy Crops transport of the future. We want to support
the energy transition in the transportation
sector with our biohydrogen through reliable
production and best economics and are very
pleased to be a strategic partner of such an
innovative player.

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 33

blueFLUX Energy AG

The decentralized production of sustainable ural gas used today will be substituted, paving
hydrogen is increasingly becoming the focus the way for not only a new era of sustainably
of attention. blueFLUX technology exempli- produced bricks but also aligns with the broad-
fies this shift by transforming materials, often er goals of sustainable construction.
viewed as waste, into valuable energy resourc-
es. This approach harnesses regional material In agriculture, the 'Almwirtschaft Windkreut'
flows to produce local energy, thereby playing project is another testament to the versatili-
a pivotal role in developing a localized hydro- ty of blueFLUX technology. Here, Agricultural
gen infrastructure. residues are converted into green hydrogen
for mobility, distributed via a mobile H2 gas fill-
At present, several demonstration projects are ing plant. This project takes circularity a step
underway, highlighting the practical implemen- further by utilizing biochar as a fertilizer sub-
tation of this technology. The first step is to set stitute and soil enhancer, while the residual
up the H2 model region in the district of Wei- process heat is used in a small decentralized
lheim-Schongau, where integration in agricul- local heating network. This initiative exempli-
ture, at the sewage treatment plant and at the fies a full-circle approach, effectively linking
waste disposal company will be demonstrated agricultural by-products to hydrogen-powered
and thus serve as beacons for decentralized transportation.
and regional energy transition.
Both projects, currently in their construction or
A key large-scale implementation project in- implementation phases, are set to connect to
volves a brick manufacturer, where the blue- the grid in 2024.
FLUX process is innovatively applied. Here,
synthetic gas is produced from municipal sew-
age sludge and wood chips, replacing of the
natural gas traditionally used in brick firing. In
the final expansion stage, up to 80% of the nat-

The blueFLUX process offers a high degree cessed through a CO shift stage. Here, addi-
of input flexibility, capable of processing both tional water vapor from the first process step
wet and dry materials. This adaptability allows is added, boosting the hydrogen concentra-
for the mixing of different inputs to achieve an tion to around 65%. The final steps involve the
optimal dry substance content of 30%. The separation, purification, and compression of
process begins with a patented carbonization the hydrogen, preparing it for use in mobility
technique, which efficiently extracts two forms applications.
of energy from the input material: steam and
coal. This coal has a calorific value on par with Addressing the classic 'chicken-and-egg' di-
lignite and a dry matter content exceeding lemma in hydrogen infrastructure, the blue-
95%. The carbonization process eliminates FLUX system incorporates a mobile H2 filling
the need for added water since the input ma- station within the Almwirtschat Windkreut
terials naturally contain the required amounts. project. This innovative solution provides flex-
ibility in hydrogen delivery, ensuring that hy-
Following carbonization, the coal under- drogen fuel is accessible and readily available
goes grinding and is then converted into at varying locations. These initiatives are not
synthesis gas. This transformation occurs in just technological achievements; they are bea-
an entrained-flow gasifier, where previously cons of a circular economy, where waste is not
separated water vapor is reintroduced. The an endpoint but a new beginning, contributing
resulting synthesis gas, with a hydrogen con- to energy independence, environmental sus-
tent of approximately 45-55%, is further pro- tainability, and local economic resilience.

Dr.-Ing. Uli Mach, COO General Manager of blueFLUX Energy AG:

Quantron's approach combines well with blueFLUX Energy AG's decen-

tralized approach to building an H2 infrastructure. We are all the more
pleased to be able to contribute to the solution with blueFLUX technolo-
gy. The mobility sector in particular will become increasingly important
in the coming years due to the issue of quota revenues. blueFLUX is an
expert in the materials that generate particularly exciting quota reve-
nues for the introduction of sustainably produced hydrogen into mo-
bility. In combination with low production costs and the decentralized
approach, this results in exciting business models for operators.

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 35

Green Hydrogen Technology (GHT)

CEO of Green Hydrogen Technology Robert tion process that effectively converts non-recy-
Nave emphasizes the importance of a circular clable plastic waste or biogenic materials into a
economy in their vision to disrupt traditional synthetic gas without producing any residuals
waste incineration and revolutionize decen- such as tar, soot or slag and avoiding harmful
tral hydrogen production. The company pres- substances such as dioxins or furans. Thus, the
ents an innovative solution to generate climate process represents a safe and reliable method
neutral hydrogen or synthetic fuel by utilizing for energy production. The synthetic gas can
non-recyclable plastic waste or biogenic ma- be purified to hydrogen gas (H2) and ultimately
terials (digestate, wood waste, straw, organic replaces fossil fuels in the mobility sector or in-
waste, etc). By combining upcycling, energy dustrial processes.
production and climate protection, GHT helps
solve the global waste crisis but also actively One of the key advantages of GHT's technol-
contributes to the transition to climate-neutral ogy is its flexibility. The production plant can
energy sources. be adapted to accommodate locally available
resources, making it suitable for diverse loca-
GHT's production process is designed to pro- tions. The high production capacities of GHT
duce large amounts of renewable hydrogen plants will enable a significant number of QaaS
without relying on fossil fuels. The company trucks to be powered by this sustainable energy
invented a patented high temperature gasifica- source, further promoting the circular economy.

Green Hydrogen Technology combines up-

cycling, energy production and climate pro-
tection. This is how truly clean hydrogen is
produced from non-recyclable plastic waste
or biogenic materials. With our patented tech-
nology, we actively and sustainably shape
the transformation to climate-neutral energy

The GHT process offers an alternative method

to waste disposal and to waste incineration for
many companies. Instead of paying for the dis-
posal, the companies can use the waste as a
valuable resource and locally produce the en-

ergy carrier of the future – hydrogen. A compa- stantially above laboratory scale and can pro-
ny might use hydrogen to transport their prod- duce around 400 kg/h of synthesis gas, which
ucts to the end customers using QaaS trucks, contains up to 15 kg/h of hydrogen. GHT has
thus decarbonizing a substantial part of their entered a strategic partnership with ETG,
value chain. a family-run waste disposal company from
Baden-Württemberg with more than 800 em-
Green Hydrogen Technology demonstrated ployees, to further develop its technology and
the functionality of its technology with a pilot produce 100 tons of hydrogen per year starting
plant in under 2 years. The pilot plant is sub- from 2024.

Robert Nave, CEO of GHT:

Energy transition is a team sport. We are delighted to have

QUANTRON, a great partner for the decarbonization of the
transport sector, at our side. Our technology allows cost-effec-
tive production of green hydrogen - and with such production
capacities which means many QaaS trucks can be powered
with it in the future. At the same time, GHT production facilities
can be supplied with these trucks in a climate-neutral manner.
This is how we envision circular economy.

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 37

An Ecosystem Perspective

Ecosystems, in general, capitalize on the inter- WtH partners on QUANTRON’s zero-emission

connectedness of companies. From an eco- commercial vehicle platform, we broaden our
system perspective, WtH technology engages portfolio of solutions to cater to customers
various communities on board for value crea- seeking to reduce their carbon footprint. The
tion and value capture. Embracing WtH unlocks diverse application potential of hydrogen from
the potential for forging new partnerships. industrial processes to powering zero emis-
Companies specializing in waste management, sion vehicles means that WtH approaches can
energy production, transportation, and vari- cater to that wide range of end users.
ous other sectors can be brought into an eco-
system to create a more comprehensive value For example, the hydrogen thus generated can
chain around innovative WtH technologies. be used to power the vehicles used to meet
the logistical needs of the waste management
The successful integration of WtH into an eco- companies as well as the waste producers.
system demonstrates the ability of the techno- This could include applications in municipal
logy and the concept of decentralized hydro- areas such as refuse collection vehicles as
gen production. With the added expertise of well as inbound/outbound and intralogistics
operations of industrial clients. Waste-derived
hydrogen can thus play a vital role in decarbo-
nizing transportation. Adopting hydrogen from
waste provides another avenue to reduce the
transportation sector's carbon footprint and
accelerates the transition to sustainable mo-
bility. As more companies adopt this techno-
logy, there is a greater likelihood of building a
robust infrastructure for hydrogen production
and distribution network locally. This will be an
advantage for platform players to attract more
partners on the platform, and ultimately bene-
fits both businesses and the local economy.

To illustrate the synergy between WtH facility

and an ecosystem, let's consider QUANTRON
and its potential partners as an example. Ima-
gine Company A, a logistics company, is keen

on reducing the carbon footprint of its fleet Moreover, if there are other FCTs operating in
and reaches out to QUANTRON for Fuel Cell the same area, they too could benefit from this
Trucks (FCTs) with bundled hydrogen solutions. WtH-generated hydrogen, creating an additio-
As QUANTRON begins to provide pricing opti- nal economic advantage.
ons, it becomes apparent that Company A has
a partner, Company B, which operates an on- In this way, QUANTRON, as the ecosystem or-
site industrial production facility and generates chestrator, plays a pivotal role in assisting both
waste. Company A and Company B in their efforts to
reduce carbon emissions.
In this scenario, QUANTRON, as an ecosystem
orchestrator, can introduce a WtH partner into Simultaneously, the WtH technology gains new
the mix. It can offer Company B the benefits customers, further enhancing its reach and im-
of WtH technology as a waste management pact. This symbiotic relationship showcases
solution. The hydrogen produced through this how ecosystems can bring together different
process can then be utilized to refuel Company stakeholders with WtH technology on board,
A's FCTs without the need for additional route creating a win-win scenario that fosters sustai-
planning or added logistical complexities. nability and business growth.

Example: Ecosystem built around industrial waste

Innovative Partnership

Industrial Player H2

H2 H2

Inbound logistics Outbound logistics


• Logistic company decarbonize

their transport business with
H2 waste H2 H2
• Building waste-to-hydrogen
plant to collect waste from
factory to produce hydrogen

• QUANTRON delivers FCEV



trucks to guarantee uptake of

• Potentially bundled in QaaS

Figure 7 Waste-to-hydrogen Producer

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 39


Waste-to-hydrogen (WtH) technology as a com- tracting investments due to its alignment with
plementary to the green hydrogen produced by sustainability goals. Additionally, it enhances
electrolyzers offers a compelling proposition energy resilience at the local level and bene-
from multiple standpoints. From an environ- fits from regulatory support, making it a holistic
mental point of view, WtH contributes to sus- and attractive solution for both the environment
tainability by significantly reducing greenhouse and businesses. WtH aligns with the principles
gas emissions and air pollution compared to of the circular economy by recovering valuable
traditional waste disposal methods, such as resources from waste streams and reducing
landfilling or incineration. Furthermore, it di- resource depletion.
verts waste from landfills, extending their lifes-
pan and reducing environmental risks. From Several countries around the world have al-
an energy perspective, hydrogen, produced ready been exploring and implementing var-
through WtH, serves as a versatile and clean ious waste-to-hydrogen technologies. For
energy carrier, supporting various applications example, three major Japanese corporations
and aiding in the transition to cleaner energy — car maker Toyota, industrial gases giant
sources. It can also be used to balance ener- Iwatani and JGC Holdings – agreed to ex-
gy grids and store excess renewable energy. plore a joint hydrogen production business
Economically, it generates job opportunities using waste plastic gasification facilities in the
and opens new revenue streams, while also at- Nagoya Port area. The target of this project is
to produce 11,000 tons of hydrogen from 80,000
tons of waste plastics per year. Also, Egypt and
Oman chosen by WtH company to develop a
$1.4 billion waste-to-hydrogen plant will initially
convert one million tons of municipal solid
waste each year. In America, Raven SR Inc., a
leader in renewable fuels, together with Chev-
ron New Energies, a part of Chevron Corpora-
tion, announced their collaboration to advance
the commercial operations of a sustainable
WtH production facility located in Richmond.
This initiative is aimed at providing hydrogen
fuel to transportation sectors across North-
ern California, emphasizing the commitment to
green energy and sustainable fuel solutions.

From a company point of view, WtH technol- QUANTRON, as an ecosystem builder and or-
ogy fosters partnerships among various sec- chestrator, is committed to connecting part-
tors, from waste management to energy and ners from various backgrounds in pursuing
transportation. It creates a comprehensive our vision of decarbonizing commercial vehi-
and interconnected value chain. Its successful cle transportation. Together with the partners
integration demonstrates the viability of de- in our Clean Transportation Alliance, including
centralized hydrogen production, significantly the ones working on promising WtH technolo-
expanding service providers' portfolios and gy approaches, we are convinced that we will
offering diverse applications, from industrial contribute to reducing carbon emissions and
processes to fueling hydrogen-powered vehi- expanding its reach together. This synergy and
cles. In addition to supporting the decarbon- integration of multiple hydrogen production
ization efforts for these applications, scaling and distribution technologies and pathways
up waste-to-hydrogen facilities also provides into local, regional, and global ecosystems will
tangible benefits to the local economy and pro- further promote growth and sustainable devel-
motes sustainability and circularity. opment of all partners.

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 41

1. Boston Consulting Group: 11. Offshore Energy:
“Turning the European Green Hydrogen Dream “Partners explore H2 production using waste
into Reality: A Call to Action” plastic gasification facilities in Japan”

2. BloombergNEF: 12. Oliver Wyman:

“Global Net Zero Will Require “GREEN VERSUS BLUE HYDROGEN:
$21 Trillion Investment in Power Grid” A perspective on scaling low-carbon hydrogen
3. cewep:
“What is Waste-to Energy” 13. statista:
“Installed capacity of municipal waste energy
4. Council of the EU: in Europe from 2010 to 2022”
“Alternative fuels infrastructure:
Council adopts new law for more recharging 14. The World Bank:
and refuelling stations across Europe” “WHAT A WASTE 2.0: A Global Snapshot
of Solid Waste Management to 2050”
5. Deloitte:
“Green hydrogen: 15. US Department of Energy:
Energizing the path to net zero” “The pathway to:
Clean Hydrogen Commercial Liftoff”
“Activity report 2022” 16. US Department of Energy:
“Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs”
7. IEA:
“Grid-scale Storage” 17. Wood Mackenzie:
“Decoding the hydrogen rainbow:
8. IPCC: Do you know your green hydrogen from your
“Fourth Assessment Report: blue, grey, black, brown, yellow, turquoise,
Chapter 10 Waste Management” white and pink?”

9. Jade Lui, Wei-Hsin Chen and others: 18. Wood Mackenzie:

“A critical review on the principles, applications, “The blue-green planet:
and challenges of waste-to-hydrogen technol- How hydrogen can transform
ogies” the global energy trade”

10. Landfill Solutions:

“Did you know? In 2050, the world will generate
3.4 billion tonnes of waste per year”



Lead Authors & Editors: Dr. Srinath Rengarajan, Jiaen Li

Experts & Contributors: Andreas Haller, René Wollmann, Jörg Zwilling,

Martin Lischka, Donato Azarone, Lucas Schubert,
Julia Schreier, Pranav Jaju, Julia Weber

Design & Digital Production: Andreas Peake, Carolin Risinger, Koorosh Shojaei,
Nadine Otremba, Ataman Özölçer

We would like to thank our partners from Clean Transportation Alliance for their contributions.

For further information, please contact [email protected]


This publication has been prepared as a general guidance and purely for informational pur-
poses. The information contained in this presentation is based on sources considered to be
generally reliable, but Quantron AG cannot guarantee their accuracy and veracity. The opinions
presented herein represent those of Quantron AG at the present time and are, therefore, sub-
ject to amendment and alteration, based on macroeconomic, geopolitical, industrial, and other
contextual developments. The publication cannot be reproduced, distributed, or published
without prior written consent from Quantron AG.

First Print: March 2024

Copyright © Quantron AG. Some rights reserved.

| Waste to Hydrogen | Quantron AG & Partners 43

the Future
The Innovative Zero Emission Platform

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