Assignment 2 - GroupProject

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DATA 2205

Assignment 4: Data Analysis Report and Presentation (25%)

(Report 10%, Presentation 15%)

Due: Week 12

Purpose: To demonstrate your advanced skills at creating a data analysis report and
presenting it.

This is a summative assignment. You should start now, but you will need to incorporate
concepts and skills from all modules of the course. This assignment has two parts:
1. Write a data analysis report (document).
2. Produce a recording of you presenting the data analysis report (video).

If you have questions about the assignment, please post them on the discussion board.

Instructions: Part 1
1. Choose of one of the following topics:
 How are people taking unethical advantage of the election process in Canada? How would you
fix it?

 Smoking is bad for you. How would you convince someone to quit smoking in their twenties,
thirties, forties, and sixties?

 The Red Cross is known the world over for helping those in need. But how effective are they?
What would you advise them to do differently?

 The cost of gasoline is skyrocketing and yet not many people are ready to embark on Electric
Vehicle (EV) journey. What recommendations would you bring forward to help improve EV

 Or you can propose another topic based on courses you are taking or other interests. The
proposal needs to be made in writing to the professor 2 weeks prior to the due date.

2. Write a data analysis document. Follow this outline. Include headings.

1. Executive Summary (approx. 50 words): Overview of the analysis findings in a format that allows
decision makers to make decisions they need to make effectively and efficiently.
2. Introduction (approx. 40 words): Summary of the report and the need for it.

2.1. Background (max. 100 words): Describe information that reader needs to know to
understand the analysis. Who initiated the report and why.

2.2. Purpose of the Analysis (approx. 40 words): Why the analysis is being done. What kind of
analysis is being done (such as a regular data analysis or an ad-hoc data analysis).

2.3. Assumptions and Limitations (max. 100 words): Assumptions or limitations to consider
when interpreting results of the analysis.

2.4. Hypothesis (approx. 30 words): If testing a specific assumption or belief using data.

2.5. Questions (max. 100 words): These are questions that the data analysis must answer.

2.6. Key Documents: List of key document and reports and where they’re located. Includes
visualizations and data set information. Copies of these documents are included in the
appendix at the end of the report.

3. Methods (max. 130 words): Describe the data source, analysis methods, data quality
assessment, missing values, outliers, and correlations.

4. Results

4.1. Quality of the Data (max. 100 words): Quality of the data used in the analysis. Mentions
issues that should be taken into consideration when reviewing your findings.

4.2. Findings (max 100 words): Results of the data analysis. Answers key questions.

Note: you can use visualizations inside the body of your report to support your
arguments and insights or you can provide references to visualisations in your

5. Appendix: Visualizations, data, reports, and any other information that is referenced in this

3. Include a link to the video of the presentation.


Instructions: Part 2
1. Create a video recording of yourself presenting the analysis.
 Focus on explaining or illustrating the most important aspects of your data analysis document.
Make the video between 4 to 5 minutes in length.
 Speak at a comfortable pace.
 Follow what you learned in this course. Use both rhetoric and passion.
 Your video is your abstract, your movie trailer, your commercial to get people to read your data
analysis document.

Length: Maximum 5 minutes


Submitting the Assignment

Upload the video to YouTube as an unlisted video. Include the link at the end of your data
analysis report. Submit the report including the link in DC Connect in Week 12.

Grading Rubric

5 3 1 0
Report: Report is complete Report generally follows Report doesn’t follow Did not do.
and follows the the recommended the recommended
Completeness recommended outline, but some outline. Key content
and Coherence outline. Sentences are sections are missing or is missing. Many
clear, grammatically too brief. Sentences are grammar, spelling,
correct, and easy to generally clear and easy and formatting errors
understand. No to understand, but with interfere with
spelling or formatting there are grammar, communication.
errors. spelling, and formatting
Report: Style, Report is persuasive Report is somewhat Report doesn’t Did not do.
and professional in persuasive in tone, but attempt to persuade.
Communication, tone. Analysis of the has some weaknesses. Analysis of the data is
and Persuasion data is thorough Analysis of the data is weak.
without being either excessive or
excessive. inadequate in places.
Presentation: Presentation is clear, Presentation is Presentation is Did not do.
engaging, and somewhat engaging and unengaging or
Completeness, professional with a professional, but has unprofessional. The
Clarity strong core message. areas of weakness. core message is
Fits within the Exceeds or fails to meet unclear or absent.
recommended time the recommended time Too brief for the
limit. limit. recommended time
Presentation: Visualizations are Visualizations are Visualizations have Did not do.
simple and effectively generally good, but are not been edited to
Quality of used. more complex than professional
Visualizations necessary. Some standards and/or
visualizations are used have been used
ineffectively. inappropriately.
Presentation: Professional executive Style uses some Style uses few Did not do.
style. Persuasive and techniques of executive techniques of
Style, Executive convincing. Targeted style. Somewhat executive style. Not
Presence, to improve decision targeted to decision targeted to improve
Persuasion making for the making for the decision making for
audience. Clear audience. Central the audience. Central
central message and message and call-to- message and call-to-
call-to-action. action are present but action are unclear.
weak. Not persuasive or

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