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BARIUM MEAL: Indications Dyspepsia Unexplained weight loss Abdominal masses Upper GI tract haemorrage or iron deficiency anaemia

Assessment of perforation and or post surgery Gastrointestinal reflux Contraindications Large bowel obstruction Immediately impending gastric/abdominal surgery Complications: Aspiration of barium mixture Leakage of barium into the peritoneum with and unsuspected perforation Barium impaction and large bowel obstruction Barium induced appendicitis Side effects of drugs used Other Imaging Techniques Flexible endoscopy CT BARIUM SWALLOW: Indications Dyspepsia Mechanical pain on swallowing Reflux Assessment of fistulae and perforation Pre operative anatomical demonstration Speech and Language therapy studies Contraindications Non specific, however low solar water soluble contrast agents are best used in investigations where aspiration may occur. Contrast Media and drugs (Typical Examples) EZEM HD Baritop Gastromiro Complications Aspiration of barium mixture Leakage of barium into the peritoneum with and unsuspected perforation

BARIUM FOLLOW THROUGH: Basic Anatomy Barium Follow Through is designed to demonstrate the small bowel from the duodenum to the ileo ceacal region encompassing the duodenum, jejunum and ileum including the junctions superiorly with the stomach and inferiorly with the ascending colon. Indications Abdominal pain Diarrhoea Bleeding Partial obstruction Investigations of transit time Mekels diverticulum Contraindications Obstruction Imminent surgery and or suspected perforation require water soluble contrast media. Contrast Media and drugs. (Typical Examples, See Contrast / Drugs Section for more information) Baritop 100% w/v EZHD 120 % Buscopan / Glucagon if required Metaclopramide Complications Aspiration of barium mixture Leakage of barium into the peritoneum with and unsuspected perforation Other Imaging Techniques Barium small bowel enema Radionuclide Imaging for GI Bleed CT. BARIUM ENEMA: Indications Change in bowel habit Abdominal pain Abdominal Mass Melaena Contraindications Toxic megacolon Pseudomembranous colitis Rectal biopsy with 7 days Imminent abdominal bowel surgery

Contrast Media and drugs. (Typical Examples, See Contrast / Drugs Section for more information) "Polibar" Pre mixed Barium enema kit (500ml) Buscopan / Glucagon injection. Complications Rectal perforation Leakage of barium into the peritoneum with and unsuspected perforation Barium impaction

Other Imaging Techniques Colonoscopy CT T-TUBE CHOLANGIOGRAM: percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) endoscopic retrograde choledochography (ERC).


patient's with possibility of residual small gallstones post cholecystectomy obstructive jaundice bile duct stricture surgeon unable to explore bile duct during cholecystectomy surgery

Contraindications:: non-consent by patient to procedure contrast or iodine allergy pregnancy barium study within last 3 days uncorrected coagulopathy Complications:

persistent biliary fistula (rare) biliary peritonitis cholangitis

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