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Indian Origin

English 3


Day One Bell Work

Make sure to close read this entire slide. Do not
skim read.
Grab a composition book from the front table.
Write your name on the front cover of the composition
book, as well as the 3 sides.
For your first bell work entry, write 3 things you are
most nervous about concerning this class.

Introduction to Myths
It is human nature to question and search for
answers about life, death, and the events that
impact daily living. Often a myth offers an
explanation be it sensible or preposterous.

A traditional story, passed down through

generations, that explains why the world
a are
is the
way it
even used to
model inappropriate and appropriate
Events usually result from the actions of
supernatural beings.
The word myth derives from the Greek
word, mythos, which means to tell a

Important Note:
The culture creating or retelling the myth
may or may not believe that the myth refers
to literal or factual events, but it values the
mythic narrative regardless of its historical
authenticity for its (conscious or unconscious)
insights into the human condition or the
model it provides for cultural behavior.

Wait, what about legends?

Legend: It is a traditional narrative often focusing on a specific
location or specific historical figure. Like the myth, a legend often
provides an etiological narrative, and it often fills in gaps in historical
records. Unlike myths, legends usually do not involve powerful gods or
world altering supernatural events--though they can to a small degree.
Famous examples of legends are the legend of Faust, the Flying
Dutchman, King Arthur, and Pecos Bill.
Often tales that were originally myths about deities can devolve into
legends, such as might be the case with several Arthurian legends.On
the other hand, narratives that start as historical legends can also
eventually turn into full-fledged cultural myths themselves.

About Myths:
Leads to a myth
Birth/beginning of life/ a beginning of something
Supreme being/supreme image
Action and reaction to the conflict
Steps taken to resolve conflict
Result, resolution, acceptance, or resigned to fate

Functions of a Myth
To explain natural phenomena
To control natural forces
To bind a clan, tribe, or nation together
To record historical events
To give a kind of verbal geography lesson
Description of landmarks to look for on a journey
Usually exaggerated for effect
To set examples for peoples behavior
Gods to emulate

More functions of a myth

Human heroes
To justify a social structure
Mythological heaven reflects social structure of culture
Or a king may claim society must be ordered this way to
reflect gods order of things
To control people
To frighten people
Claim authority comes from god divine right of kings
Punishments in the afterlife

Oral Tradition

- Native American Myths were usually

passed down via oral tradition.
- These myths were not written down till
about a few hundred years ago; they were
passed down verbally
- They were instead passed down via
storytelling and performances.

Four Functions of a Myth

1. To awaken us to
mystery wonder and
2. To explain the
workings of the
natural world. (every
detail of it)
3. To pass down moral
and ethical codes.
4. To teach.

Myths explain
the universe,
the world and
how life began.

Essentials to Creation
1. To instill awe
2. Explain the workings of the natural
3. To support customs
4. Guide people through the trials of

Day Two Bell Work

Define myth in 140 characters or less.
*Remember that characters include punctuation and

Read Earth of Turtles Back

page 22

Read When Grizzlies Walked

Page 49

Look for evidence of Native American

Be ready to discuss with peers!
I think that Native Americans value ______________
because _______________.

Also keep an eye out for literary devices

used in this passage.

I noticed that the author used

________ here. I think he did this in
order to __________________________.

In small groups, complete the Creation Myth
Comparison Chart.
On a separate sheet of paper, paper create a symbolic
representation of Native American culture. This can be
in the form of a detailed drawing, poem, song, rap, etc.
The point of this activity is for you to creatively display
that you have learned Native American culture through
reading, so reference the text often (the chart will also
help with this!)

Day 3 Bell Work

Imagine that The Earth on Turtles Back is an
upcoming movie nearing release.
Write an advertising or marketing brief for the movie
how would you sell the movie to audiences?

After your peers and you
have discussed which is
your strongest evidence,
write a paragraph
answering the question:

How can Native

American culture be
discovered throughout
multiple texts?
How MUCH? ONE paragraph.

Earth on

When the

Day 4 Bell Work

Provide the definitions for the following terms:


*You may not use any materials to help you, nor are you
permitted to ask your classmates. These definitions must come
from your memory and your memory alone!

Read Plymouth Plantation page



Look for evidence of European culture.

Be ready to discuss with peers!
I think that Native Americans value ______________ because

Also keep an eye out for literary devices used in this


I noticed that the author used ________ here. I

think he did this in order to

Day 5 Bell Work #FunFriday

Describe yourself in 3 words.
Why those 3 words? What do those 3 words say about


What are the apparent

differences between the two,
Native American and
European, explanations?

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