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Human evolution is the process by which
the modern species of humans was
formed and developed.
Evolution is the process of change
through time.
It is the process by which modern
organism have descended from ancient
Evolution as Theory and
 The theory of Evolution
deals with how Evolution
happens. Our
understanding of this
process is always
 Evolution is also a fact as
there is a huge amount of
indisputable evidence for
its occurrence.
The most probable
explanation for a large
set of data based on the
best available evidence
Summarizes a
hypothesis or group of
hypotheses that have
been supported with
repeated testing
Lamarck’s Theory
Jean Baptiste Lamarck- 1809 French
 Proposed that life evolves or changes
 Explained evolution as a process of
 Law of Use and Disuse – New organs
arise according to the needs of an
organism, and their size is
determined by the degree to which
they are used.
 Inheritance of Acquired
Characteristics – Useful
characteristics acquired by an
individual during its lifetime can be
passed on to its offspring.
Lamarck’s Theory
Law of Use and
 If an organ is used ,
it becomes stronger
and better developed
If an organ is not
used, it becomes
weaker and withers
Lamarck’s Theory
Inheritance of Acquired
He believed that traits changed
or acquired over an individual's
lifetime could be passed down
to its offspring.
 This type of inheritance,
sometimes called Lamarckian
inheritance, has since been
disproved by the discovery of
hereditary genetics.
August Weissman
Helped to disprove Lamarck‘s
theory of Inheritance of
Acquired Traits.
Conducted experiments
involving the removal of the
tails of mice over several
Found that the offspring of
the tailless mice did not pass
on that characteristics to
their offspring.
Hugo De Vries
Discovered mutations and
proposed that it was these
mutations that were the source
of new traits that permitted
evolution to occur.
This was the one area , in
Darwin's theory, that was
weak. Darwin‘s theory did not
account for the genetic basis of
Charles Darwin
Theory of evolution by natural
Nature will select the
organisms that have variations
that allow them to better
survive (survival of the fittest)
 Descent by Modification
Darwin collected different
species that were very similar
and hypothesized that they
shared a common ancestor
Darwin’s Book: Origin of Species
by Natural Selection
Described his theory of evolution
Caused a lot of controversy and
angered the church
The church initially believed that
evolution is a sin against God
Before Darwin died, the church
accepted his theory and he was
buried in a famous church in England
Darwin’s theories are accepted today
as the most accurate explanation for
Charles Darwin
Published book: On the
Origin of Species by Means of
Natural Selection with help
from another scientist,
Alfred Russel Wallace
Theory based on 4 main
Inheritance of traits
Survival of the fittest
Charles Darwin
Variations (differences) occur among
members of the same species
Each species has organisms with
varying characteristics for example:
some are taller
some have bigger feet
some run faster
some have better vision
some smell better

Inheritance of Variations
Traits are inherited
Struggle for existence
Overproduction of a species
causes competition for
resources to survive
 food, water , shelter and space
Organisms produce more
organisms that can survive and
This ensures that some
offspring will survive to
Ex: fish, insects, frogs, etc.
Survival of the fittest
Organisms with traits that are better for
adapting survive to reproduce
Pass on these useful traits
Variations may give certain organisms
advantages to survive, while other organisms
Nature selects those organisms that will die or

Natural selection – environment determines

which variations will be selected
Evidence for Darwin's

Fossil record
Comparative Anatomy
 Embryology
 Biochemistry
It is not the strongest of the
species that survives nor the most
intelligent that survives, it is the
one that is the most adaptable to
change. Time passed by, many
changes happened and will still
happen. But still, we have to adapt
to it for us to survive.
And as educators, we must know
how to adapt to the things around
us. We must learn and understand
the needs of our students for us to
cater it very well.

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