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Brain Heart Lungs Liver

Kidneys Stomach Intestines Bones and Muscles

10. Your body couldn’t breathe without this
system. Which one is it?

a. Respiratory System

b. Digestive System

c. Excretory System

d. Nervous System
10. The respiratory system is made up of the
trachea, the lungs, and the:

a. Liver

b. Diaphragm

c. Esophagus

d. Pancreas
3. When you breathe in air, you bring oxygen into
your lungs and blow out_______.

a. Carbon dioxide

b. Carbon Monoxide

c. Oxygen

d. Hydrogen
Stomach, Intestines, Liver and
 Esophagus. It is a muscular
tube that can open and close
at the upper end, which
connects the throat with the
 The food is then pushed into
the bag-like stomach which
attacks the food with powerful
acids, enzymes and other
 The Stomach. It is a large bag
that sits just below the left
lung (left side of the upper
abdomen) and its wall has
several layers 3 of these are
made of muscle fibres.
 The muscles tighten and
contract the stomach to
squash, mix, and mash the
food inside.
 The entrance to the
stomach from the
esophagus and the exit
into the part of the
intestine Duodenum
 The sphincters. Rings
of muscle fibers and
these stays closed to
keep the food in the
stomach until it is
ready to pass into the
Food takes a few seconds
to travel down the
oesophagus. It is pushed
into the bag-like stomach,
which attacks the food
with powerful acids,
enzymes and other
The stomach also attacks the food with powerful chemicals.
Its lining produces a strong acid called hydrochloric acid.
The lining also makes enzymes and these both break down
different parts of your meal.
The Intestines
Found below the stomach and liver. They form
the major part of the digestive tract.

 The small intestine or

small bowel is a narrow
very long tube that works
to digest food which can
then be absorbed by the
3 Parts of Intestine
 Duodenum. Shortest section.
 Jejunum. Middle section.
 Ileum. Longest section.

 The small intestine is coiled,

looped, and folded into the
middle of the lower body and is
almost surrounded by the next
part of the digestive tract which is
the large intestines.
The small intestine contains
many more enzymes that
attack food and continue to
break it into smaller pieces.
These enzymes come from
another digestive organ
called the pancreas, which
is on the left of your body
under the stomach.
3 Parts of Intestine
 Duodenum. Shortest section.
 Jejunum. Middle section.
 Ileum. Longest section.

 As food reaches its last stages of

digestion, the small intestine takes on
another job, which is to soak up or
absorb the resulting nutrients .
These nutrients are small enough to seep
through the lining of the small intestine
into the blood that carries them away to
the liver.
 It forms a type of frame around the
abdomen with the small intestine inside.

 Its strong muscles push the partly

digested food along by contracting
and relaxing, which creates pulses of
movement. The lining is coated in
mucus that lubricates the inside and
helps the food move smoothly.
 Contains millions of tiny helpers microbes
that digest some things that the body
 The microbes use some of the digested
products, while the body absorbs the
 The gut provides the microbes with a
safe, warm, moist food-filled place to live.
The last part of the
digestive tract is the
large intestine.
Its job is to take a few
more nutrients from
the food and remove as
much water as the
body needs.
The liver is part of the
digestive system but isn’t
in the digestive tract.
It has many jobs. One is
to make bile, a green
fluid that passes to a
small storage bag called
the gallbladder.
The Liver
Found at the upper right abdomen.
 Produce BILE. A green fluid that
passes to a small storage bag, gall

When food enters the small intestine, bile flows in and

helps to break up fat in the meal. After the food is
digested and absorbed, nutrients are carried in the
blood to the liver, where they are stored, broken down
further, or sent around the body in blood.
When food enters
the small intestine,
bile flows in and
helps to break up
fat in the food.
The Liver
Found at the upper right abdomen.

 Produce BILE. A green fluid that passes to a

small storage bag, gall bladder.

 Taking in Nutrients.

 Excreting wastes.

The BILE is a secretion of the liver. It makes

digestion of fats easier and carries away waste
products from the liver
The pancreas makes
digestive juices that
flow through a duct
into the small
intestine. These juices
help neutralize the
stomach acid so it
doesn’t burn the gut.
The Kidneys SYSTEM
Bean shaped organs located at the back of the
abdominal cavity.
Liquid waste (urine)
comes from the
kidneys, which
filter unwanted
substances from the
The two tubes
(ureters) carry urine
down to the bladder
– a stretchy bag that
holds the urine until
it is passed out into
the toilet.
Common Ailments of the
Stomach, Liver and Kidneys
Gastric Ulcer
The walls of the stomach produce acid that is used in digestion.
However acid may eat away or damage the lining of the stomach
itself and cause
Refers to the discomfort felt in the upper stomach when a person
eats too much or too quickly. It is also caused by eating too spicy
and fatty foods.
Is an inflammation of the liver caused by the virus, drugs or
chemicals . Viral Hepatitis A and B. Hepatitis A spread from the feces
of an infected person which may contaminate food and water.
Hepatitis B is spread through blood transfusion
Is an inflammation of one or both kidneys which is common among
children and young adults.
Kidney Failure/Renal failure
Inability of the kidney to filter waste products from the blood and excrete
them with the urine
Kidney Cancer
Kidney cells become malignant or cancerous and grow rapidly, causing a
tumor to form.
Preventing the Ailments
that Affect the Stomach,
Liver and Kidneys
Eat the Right food
Drink plenty of water.
Have a physical check-up
1. What is the function of the stomach?

a. To filter the blood coming from the digestive track

b. Recovery of water and electrolytes

c. Secrete acid and enzymes that digest food

d. Process of swallowing, and it serves as a

pathway for the movement of food from the
mouth to the esophagus
2. What is the stomach?

a. Muscular organ located on the right side of the upper

b. Muscular organ located on the bottom side of the
lower left abdomen

c. Muscular organ located on the left side of the upper abdomen

d. Muscular organ located on the bottom side of

the lower right abdomen
3. What does the stomach secrete?

a. Acid and enzyme

b. Bile

c. Oxygen

d. Hydrogen
4. What is the function of Kidney?

a. to remove waste products and excess fluid from the body.

b. breaking down food into a usable form.

c. Its main purpose is to digest food

d. to move fresh air into your body while

removing waste gases.
5. Muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach

a. Esophagus

b. Stomach

c. Small intestine

d. Large intestine
6. Which organ makes bile?

a. Esophagus

b. Liver

c. Gall bladder

d. Large intestine
7. Once bile is produced, it must be stored until
the digestive system needs it. Which organ stores
a. Pancreas

b. Liver

c. Gall bladder

d. Large intestine
8. Which organ of the excretory system stores
urine until the body is ready to eliminate it?

a. Urea

b. Ureters

c. Urethra

d. bladder
9. Inability of the kidney to filter waste products
from the blood and excrete them with the urine

a. Ulcer

b. Kidney failure

c. Cancer

d. Hepatitis
10. Which of the following is NOT correct in
preventing ailments or disease?

a. Have a physical check-up

b. Drink plenty of water.

c. Eat the Right food

d. Skip meals a day

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