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Technical Terms Used in Research


• Distinguish technical terms used in research.

• Discern the importance of knowing
Technical Terms in Research in relation to
making a research.
What is Research?
• Research is a process of systematic inquiry that entails
collection of data; documentation of critical information; and
analysis and interpretation of that data/information, in
accordance with suitable methodologies set by specific
professional fields and academic disciplines.
• Research is conducted to evaluate the validity of a hypothesis
or an interpretive framework; to assemble a body of
substantive knowledge and findings for sharing them in
appropriate manners; and to generate questions for further
What is Research?
• As a Grade 10 student, you are expected to create a basic
research. But before planning and coming up with the
different parts of your study, it is just appropriate to be
familiar with some of the used terms in research writing.
• Although some terms you will meet while researching are
not listed below, these jargons are likewise the common
and useful ones to know and learn beforehand. Through
this, you will become ready once you finally use them as
you investigate for some problems or issues of your interest.
Activity 1: Fill ME In

• Directions: Determine further the meaning and function of research by

reading the paragraphs below. In doing so, arrange the jumbled letters
of some terms to understand research even better.
When researchers are interested in examining a problem using a
scientific approach, it is said that they are doing a (1.) S A R R E E C
H. The people who are being studied are called (2.) B U J E C T S.
The person who oversees the research is called the (3.) P R I N C E L
I P investigator. The building blocks of theories are called (4.) C E P
C O N T S.
Activity 1: Fill ME In

An abstract generalization that presents a systematic representation about relationships

among phenomena is called a (5.) H E R O Y T. The concepts that are studied are called (6.) B
A R I A L E V. The concept that is being studied that usually that usually indicates the
influence or cause is called the (7.) D E N T I N P E E N D variable. The concept that the
researcher is most interested in understanding is called the (8.) T E E N N P E D D variable.
Variables that may influence or contaminate the data are called (9.) E O U T S X A E R N
variables. If the group that is being studied is very different or varied, the group is said to be
(10.) G E N E S H E R O T E O U while groups that are very similar are called (11.) H O O M
N E E G O U S groups. When studying variables, definitions must be clarified. A variable such
as anxiety may be defined as a feeling of uneasiness; this is called a (12.) C E P T A L C U O
N definition. To measure anxiety, the State-Traite Anxiety Scale might be used.
Activity 1: Fill ME In

A (13.) S Y S I T H E P H O is a statement written by the researcher that states the

relationship among or between variables. There are two major categories for research
designs. One design, the (14.) Q U A I N T V A I E T T approach uses data that has
numerical representation or values. The second design, (15.) Q U A I L V E A T T I,
uses narrative data. (16.) D E D U C E V I T reasoning is the basis for quantitative
approach. The bond or connection between two variables is called a (17.) O R I E N T
A L H I P S. Research that is conducted to generate knowledge that influences or
improves practice is called (18.) D E A L I P P research. Research that tests theories is
known as (19.) A S C I B research.
Activity 2: Guess Who Am I
Directions: Distinguish the research terms being asked in each item.
_______________________ 1. The people who are being studied in a research
_______________________ 2. Accuracy, the extent to which a test or study measures what it is supposed to
_______________________ 3. Everybody has the same chance of being assigned to any group.
_______________________ 4. A measure of spread; the average deviation of a group of scores from the mean
_______________________ 5. Mathematical tools based on the normal curve used to analyze data
_______________________ 6. An important finding that did not likely happen by chance
_______________________ 7. The method for finding out what the researcher wants to know, experiment, or
_______________________ 8. A quality of interest that can be manipulated, observed or studied
_______________________ 9. A smaller group that represents population of interest
_______________________ 10. Uses data that has numerical representation or value
Answer Key:
1. subject
2. validity
3. random sample
4. standard deviation
5. statistics
6. statistical significance
7. research design
8. variable
9. sample
10. Quantitative research
What have you learned?
“Matching Terms”

Directions: Match the definitions in Column A to its appropriate research terms

in Column B.
Answer Key:
1. B
2. D
3. K
4. F
5. A
6. L
7. C
8. E
9. I
10. G
11. H
12. J
Directions: Answer the crossword puzzle below by determining
the research terms through the clues given on the right.
“Signify the Terms”

Directions: In relation to the lesson and activities on research terms, explain

their importance to making research by interpreting the image on the left.

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