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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Rizal


Rodriguez, Rizal


Third Quarter
S.Y. 2020-2021
Grade & Section: _______________________________ Teacher: _______________________

Instructions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. WRITE the letter of your answer on the
space provided before each number.

_________1. A type of informative writing that gives a step by step process explanation on how
something works or how to do something.
a. Definition b. cause and effect c. opposing sides d. process
_________ 2.Which is not a description for informative writing?
a. answers questions of how or why
b. educates the readers by imparting straightforward facts
c. convinces the reader to change their minds
d. gives the reader a new understanding or new appreciation about the topic
_______3. This is the statement of opinion or the topic of your argument found in the
a. Claim b.counter-argument c. refutation d. conclusion
_______4. An argument that your reader would make if they disagreed with your claim.
a. Claim b.counter-argument c. refutation d. conclusion
_______5. Your response to the counter-argument.
a. Claim b.counter-argument c. refutation d. conclusion
_______6. Talk about the portrayal and how they give justice to their roles
a. Film intro b. plot c. setting d. character limelight
_______7. Sharing your opinion, few details and type of film for the readers
a. Film intro b. plot c. setting d. character limelight
________8. share the theme and moral and what the audience will use in their
own lives
a. likes and dislikes b. lesson learned c. recommendation d. film intro
_______9. Group of people who can watch the movie and to whom would you not
encourage to see it.
a. likes and dislikes b. lesson learned c. recommendation d. film intro
_______10. Which is not an example of a Hook in writing an essay introduction?
a. Figures of speech b. anecdote c. question d. rebuttal


A. Instructions: Read the statements carefully. On your paper, write AGREE if the
statement expresses truth about argumentative, informative, and persuasive writing; and
DISAGREE if it says otherwise.
__________11. The main objective of an argumentative essay is to tell a story.
__________12. Persuasive text combines facts with emotions to convince the reader
that the author is “right”.
__________13. In developing body paragraphs in an argumentative essay, you must
state your opinion, expand the claims, give reasons to support
your opinion, and argue against the opposite opinion.
__________14. Informative writing aims to give the readers a new understanding or
appreciation of some topics with which you might be familiar
__________15. There is no need to present the pros and cons arguments in an issue of
argumentative text.

B. Read and analyze the statements below. Write MOVIE if the statement is true and REVIEW if
the statement is false. Then, underline the word or phrase which made the statement incorrect.

__________16. A critique could be applied in analyzing arts, literacy works, research and movie
_________17. A movie review sums up the author’s personal impressions and evaluation of a film..
_________18. Writing a movie review is also criticizing the strengths and weaknesses of a material.
__________19. Creating a product review is also an example of writing a critique.
_________20. An effective movie review should include the writer’s opinion and evaluation of the
film told in an unbiased and objective approach.


Instructions: Number the following statements from 1-4. Write your number in the second and
third column under (STEP)

STEP How to outline an STEP How to write a thesis statements

argumentative essay
21 Summarize the thoughts of State a disagreement and disprove it.
your main idea
22 Present the topic in many Write a sentence saying the purpose
interesting techniques of your essay
23 Develop your paragraphs with Briefly outline your main points,
many examples and facts introduce your main point, explain
and back it up
24 State the purpose of the entire Turn the sentence into a question
essay including your main and answer it

IV. Enumeration

Instructions: Give the complete word/term for the following acronym/pattern of essay

25. I-C/T + B-PCR + C = _____________________________________________________________

26. I + B3R + C = ____________________________________________________________________

27. I + MID + C = ____________________________________________________________________

28. 5 Examples of Transitional Devices = _____________________________________________

29. 5 Types of Argument Claims = ____________________________________________________

30. 5 Basic Mechanics in writing an essay = ___________________________________________

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