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Wood Joints

Grade 8
What is Wood joints?

 Wood joints (Joinery) is a part of

woodworking that involves joining
together pieces of wood, to create
furniture, structures, toys, and
other items. Some wood joints
employ fasteners, bindings, or
adhesives, while others use only
wood elements.
When choosing and making an appropriate joint,
there are five things to remember:

 The smallest possible amount of timber should be

cut away from the pieces being jointed.
 Simple joints accurately cut are the best.
 Each part of the joint has equal strength.
 The form of the joint allows for the varying
strength and movement characteristics of the
 The bearing surfaces of the joint must be able to
transfer the loads across the joint without failure.
Types of joints

Woodwork joints can be divided into

five basic groups:
 1 Lengthening joints

 2 Widening joints(glued)

 3 Widening joints (dry)

 4 Framing joints

 5 Hinged joints
Lengthening joints

Lengthening - end or lengthening

joints are used when timber is
required in longer lengths than
those which occur naturally.
Examples of Lengthening joint
Examples of Lengthening joint
Widening joint (glued)

Widening (glued) - the edges of

boards are jointed and glued
together to increase the width of
timber when wide panels are
Examples of widening joints (glued)
Examples of widening joints (glued)
Widening joint (dry)

Widening (dry) - joints are formed

on the board edges which are fitted
together dry and secured to a
background frame to form large
boarded areas such as floors. The
function of these joints is to align
the edges of the boards, while
allowing some movement between
the boards as they shrink or swell.
Examples of widening joints (dry)
Framing Joints

Framing - these joints are used to hold

individual timbers together where they
meet when set at an angle to each other
and to transfer loads from one member
to another without the joint failing.
Examples of Framing joints
Examples of Framing joints
Examples of Framing joints

Hinges are used when one timber

member is required to pivot or turn
against another, e.g. doors in door
frames, casements in window
frames. In the majority of cases
ironmongery is used in forming
these joints
Examples of Hinges
Summary & Questions
 Explain the term wood joints
 When making and choosing a
joint ,what should you consider?
 List the five basic groups of joints
and their function.
 State two examples of each group
of joins

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