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Krav Maga

Self Defense
of the Sport
Krav Maga translated in english means Close Combat, and
it`s a system that was developed in the 1940 by Imi
Litchtenfeld, this self defense, have a lot of fighting
techniques like, twists, knife defenses, sparring/fighting,
baseball bat, guns like rifles and 9mm, punches, elbows,
knees and kicks.
Origin/Explanation of the

Krav Maga is a self defense technique that

was created by street fighting skills,
developed by Imi Litchtenfeld has a way to
defend the jewish quarters, during this
period of ativism anti-semitic in Bratislava,
in the 40´s. After his emigration to Israel,
Imi started training the Israel Defense
Forces, developing his techniques that
become the so call Krav Maga, from that
point on Imi, started to perfecting his
techniques, for civilian people and Military
Krav Maga was developed to be used in survival situations, the
philosophy of Krav Maga is to neutralize threats. Krav Maga is
Origin/Explanation of the used by Mossad, Shabak, FBI, SWAT Units, New York Police
Departments and Special Forces in the USA. There are a lot of
Sport organizations that are responsible for teaching Krav
international. Every strike have the objective to surpass every
violence situation that may appear, in a fast and agile way, and
sometimes we may use lethal strikes.
How Krav Maga operates?
In Krav Maga the techniques, are like solving a polynomial expression, the order in which the parts are assembled will have an effect on the result.
The terms of our equation are BODY, HANDS, and FEET. The order of those three components will depend on the technique, but we can generalize
into two categories: Offense (strikes) and Defense (self-defense techniques).
Offense: Feet→Body→Hands Example: Straight Punch from a fighting stance. Feet: All combatives must come from a strong connection to the
ground. A good straight punch begins with a drive of the rear foot into the ground, and that drive continues through the entirety of the punch until it
begins its recoil. Body: The drive that begins in the rear foot travels up the legs, and the hip and shoulder on the same side of the punching hand
rotate forward. Hands: The rotation of the torso fires the hand. The shoulder and elbow extend, and the fist is clenched and rotated as it
approaches the target. Defense: Hands→Body→Feet.
Example: 360° Defense vs. a big, sloppy punch. As distance and/or preparedness increase, the bigger the motion of the defense can be.
Hands: If the attacker is very close to you or you are caught very unaware, you may only have time to make a hand/arm defense (90° bend at the
elbow, fingers extended, blade of the forearm out), and the punch will be blocked very close to its target (i.e. your face). This action is more of a
flinch than a proper defense. Body: If the attacker is a little further away or the punch is more telegraphed, you may have time to make the hand
defense, extend and lock out your shoulder, and lean into the defense to get your weight behind it. Feet: If the attacker must cover distance to
punch you or the punch is very telegraphed, you may have time to form the hand defense, extend and lock out the shoulder, and then burst forward
to close the distance and “attack the attack” (block the punch) at the earliest possible point in its trajectory.
Is There Teams In Krav
Well, no, there is no teams in Krav Maga, but
there is associations, in Portugal, Which is where
i am training and its call “Federação Portuguesa
de Krav Maga”, FPKM was created in 2004 by
Paulo Pereira, he was a profissional kickboxer, in
Full Contact for 5 years, with 19 combats, with 15
vitories, 4 defeats and 9 vitories by KO, 3 time
heavy-weight champion of the world, also iberian
Champion and Vice-Champion in WKN.
One of the best Fighters in Krav Maga is Paulo Pereira, like i
said in the slide before, he was also a sports manager in the
Famous/Top “Federação Portuguesa de Kick-Boxing”, there is also Richard
Douieb, the Person that train Paulo Pereira In Krav Maga,
Fighters Richard train with the creator of Krav Maga Imi, He is one of
the best fighters of Krav Maga there is, the second one, the
first one will be Paulo Pereira.

Richard was born on jerusalem, the capital of Israel, where he

learned from Imi since he was 3 years old!, in 1987, he came
to France to teach Krav Maga in Paris, and then Paulo Pereira
learned Krav Maga there.
Why Did I Choose This
sport for my Essay?
Well i decide to choose this Sport/ Fighting
“Sport”, because i have been doing for 4
years, and i like this system a lot because its
effective and doesn´t have a “pretty style”, its
supposed to be aggressive and effective, and
that´s why i like it and i choose it.

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