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Art.UNIVERSAL 1-All human 1986

beings are born DECLARTION OF CONSTITUTION free & equal in HUMAN RIGHTS dignity & rights.
Art. 2-Freedom

from discrimination ART. II, SEC. 14The State recognizes the role of 4/17/12 women in

Art. 3-Right to No III, Sec. 1-

person shall life, liberty and be deprived of the security of life, liberty, person or property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws. 4/17/12

Art. 4-slavery or III, Sec. 18(2)-

No servitude/slave involuntary servitude in any trade form shall exist except as a punishment for a crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.

Art. 5-torture or III, Sec. 12(2)-

No torture, force, cruel, inhuman or violence, degrading threat, intimidation, treatment or or any other punishmentmeans which vitiate the free will shall be used against him. Secret detention places, solitary, incommunicado, 4/17/12

Art. 7- equal 1-No III, Sec.

person shall be protection of the deprived of life, law. liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws. 4/17/12

Art. 8-Effective 11III, Sec.

Free access to remedy by the the courts and competent quasijudicial national tribunal bodies and adequate legal assistance shall not be denied to any person by reason of poverty.

Art. III, Sec. 12(1)9-Arbitrary

Any person under arrest, detention investigation for or exile the commission of an offense shall have the right to be informed of his right to remain silent and to have competent and independent 4/17/12

Art. 14-No person

shall be held to answer for a criminal offense without due process of law.

15-The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not 4/17/12 be suspended

Art. 10-fair and III, Sec. 14(1)-

No person shall public hearing be held to answer Art. 11for a criminal presumption of offense innocence without due process of law. (2)In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall be presumed 4/17/12 innocent

Art. 12-right to 3-The privacy

of communication privacy, family, and home or correspondence shall be inviolable except upon lawful order of the court, or when public safety or order requires otherwise as 4/17/12

Art. 13-freedom III, Sec. 6-The

liberty of abode of movement & and of changing residence the same within the limits prescribed by law shall not be impaired except upon lawful order of the court. Neither 4/17/12 the shall

Art. 17-right to III, Sec. 1-No

person shall own property be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws. 4/17/12

Art. 18-freedom III, Sec. 5-No

law shall be of thought, made respecting conscience & an establishment of religion religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The free exercise and enjoyment of religious 4/17/12

Art. 19-freedom III, Sec. 4-No

law of opinion & shall be passed abridging expression the 20-freedom of freedom Art. speech, of of peaceful expression, or of assembly & the press, or the association right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition 4/17/12 the

Art. 21-right 1-The II, Sec. to

Philippines is take part in the a democratic government ofand his republic country State. Sovereignty to -equal access resides in public service the people and all government authority emanates from them. 4/17/12

People III, Sec. 17Article vs. Judge

No person shall Ayson, be R. No. 85215, compelled to G. be a7, 1989 witness July against himself.
-automatically operational Does the

presumption of provision? innocence end -waivable? upon conviction 4/17/12 by the trial court -juridical persons

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