The Iris Precursor offers a viable option for air traffic services (ATS) datalink using existing satellite technology systems to support initial four-dimensional (i4D) datalink capability. The technology can be used to provide end-to-end air–ground communications for i4D operations, connecting aircraft and air traffic management ground systems.

The Iris Precursor is designed to exploit an opportunity to deploy an aviation communications service based on the existing SwiftBroadband (SBB) satellite network from Inmarsat. The aim is to augment the existing VHF datalink (VDL) capability in Europe in order to increase reliability and capacity, and help establish satellite communications as a key component in the future ATM communications landscape.

This solution also offers an alternative datalink option for aircraft already equipped with SATCOM systems. A SESAR flight trial demonstrated that the Iris Precursor service could provide the communication performance required for datalink exchanges to fly i4D operations.

Specifically, it showed how i4D automatic dependent surveillance-contract (ADS-C) could be successfully maintained with two air traffic control centres for over two hours. During this time, i4D ADS-C reports were generated on events resulting in downlinking trajectory updates approximatively every 20 seconds with 20 waypoints - an update rate which is well above the rate needed for i4D trajectory exchanges.

In addition to the i4D trajectory exchanges, various controller-pilot datalink communications (CPDLC) messages were exchanged along the flight with a remarkable performance round trip time of below two seconds throughout the flight’s duration.

This solution is available for industrialisation and a number of States are planning to implement the solution (France, Portugal and Spain).

SJU references: #109/Release 5


  • Enabler for initial i4D operations

Note on Security assessment

Please contact the SESAR JU ([email protected]), should you wish to obtain more information about this document


Contextual Note

Regulatory overview



Validation Report


# 109 /Release 5

Key area

Enabling aviation infrastructure


Cost efficiency
Enhanced safety


Maturity level: V3/TRL6
Datapack: Yes
remote tower