Supporting Global Cooperation in Aviation

Europe in the world: committed to global interoperability

Europe is committed to global interoperability and harmonisation, recognising these as vital prerequisites for a safe, secure, efficient and sustainable global air traffic management (ATM) system. 
That is why European actors actively support the work of the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO), and contribute to the development of the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) with the Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBUs)

SESAR: a leading collaborator in global alignment

SESAR is a recognised leader in advancing global interoperability in aviation. SESAR defines, develops and deploys technologies to transform ATM in Europe. It is guided by the European ATM Master Plan, a collaboratively-agreed roadmap for ATM modernisation. The plan establishes a common European vision and strategy among all stakeholders in the aviation value chain on the why, what and when for Europe’s research and development activities, and technology roll-out. Thanks to its alignment of timing and processes, the plan also serves as a basis for collaboration with international partners, including inputs into the ICAO GANP.

Delivering globally relevant solutions

The SESAR Solutions Catalogue is a one-stopshop to browse the technologies and procedures so far delivered by SESAR, as well as those that are in the pipeline. The Catalogue contains solutions for all areas of air traffic management, from airport operations and air traffic services, to network operations and the underlying technology enablers. These solutions are designed in full accordance with the ICAO GANP and are therefore applicable to ATM environments worldwide.


EU-US collaboration: State of Harmonisation

The U.S. and Europe are modernising their ATM systems through the NextGen and SESAR programmes respectively that develop new capabilities introducing new enabling technologies and operational procedures. Specifically, these modernisation efforts are enabling a move from a ground-based ATM system, using radar and voice communications, to an integrated air-ground aviation and ATM system using satellite-based navigation and digital data communications.  The goals on each side of the Atlantic are to improve overall aviation and ATM system performance, particularly in the areas of flight efficiency and the environment, while also meeting expected demands for increased capacity and continuing to maintain the highest levels of safety.

In order for airspace users to reap the full benefits of these modernisation initiatives, it is essential that the new systems established in the U.S. and Europe are harmonised and interoperable.  This means that flights will be able to operate in both U.S. and European ATM operational environments with the same set of capabilities in the onboard equipment to navigate, communicate and report their position. Failure to meet this global demand for harmonisation and interoperability would burden airspace users with the need to carry different types of equipment and capabilities, increasing cost and training requirements and resulting in overall ATM system inefficiency. 
Ultimately, the collaboration between the U.S. and Europe is not just about achieving transatlantic interoperable standards but to support the broader goal of achieving global harmonisation and interoperability as articulated in the ICAO GANP and ASBUs

Download the State of Harmonisation document


Want to collaborate? Contact us!

The SESAR JU has cooperation arrangements with individual states worldwide. These arrangements can cover sharing lessons learnt, knowledge and expertise, and cooperating on activities related to ATM modernisation.

For more information, contact: David Batchelor Head of International Affairs, SESAR Joint Undertaking [email protected]