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    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Corporate Social responsibility

    As a responsible company, we aim to use our expertise and knowledge of lighting to give back to the communities in which we operate. We do this through our Corporate Social Responsibility Program and by supporting the Signify Foundation.

    9.4+ million

    Lives served with lighting
    Click on the buttons on the map below to learn more about our projects in that region.

    Signify Foundation


    Signify is a proud supporter of the Signify Foundation, a global non-profit organization that improves lives, helps communities grow by increasing access to light and raising awareness about the societal value created by increasing energy efficiency.


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    Our stories


    Here are stories of partners and projects from across the geographies and contexts that we operate in. Through these we hope to give you a glimpse into the lives of the people who have come on a journey with us.


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    Volunteering at Signify


    As part of the Signify family, we contribute to our shared commitment of enabling brighter lives and a better world! Simply by volunteering time and effort. Signify employees continue to make a positive difference and give back to communities through our CSR programs and as ambassadors of the Signify Foundation.

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