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Little Dino

My Baby & Me Finger Puppet Board Book

Illustrated by Ag Jatkowska
Published by Igloo Books
Distributed by Simon & Schuster


Ships on or around August 27, 2024

About The Book

Little Dino is ready to hatch! Join her as she explores her exciting new world in this fun and interactive puppet book. This adorable little board book comes with a plush dino finger puppet to help engage little ones in the story as you read together.

About The Author

Igloo Books publishes high-quality, affordable books for every kind of reader. From illustrated storybooks, novelty and board books, wipe-clean learning, licensed advent calendars, to coloring, sticker, and activity books, we have something for everybody between the ages of 0 to 100. We are the global leader of mass-market publishing with a world-wide reach in 77 countries across 64 languages. As of 2021 our products are climate neutral and we actively strive to remove, replace, and reduce plastic and excess in all of our products.

About The Illustrator

Product Details

  • Publisher: Igloo Books (August 27, 2024)
  • Length: 10 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781837716418

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