Holidays & Festivals

Holidays at Sutton Place Synagogue are marked with intentionality and meaning. Each holiday is approached ritually, educationally, and with a goal of strengthening our community as we connect to the meaning of the holiday. There are often several options to celebrate the holiday for people of different ages, stages, and interests. Many of our holidays are intergenerational celebrations where the SPS community comes together to observe.

Click here to download the siddurim used for Holidays & Festivals.

Click the images below to learn more about specific holiday programming.

2024-2025 Jewish Holidays (5785)


Rosh Hashanah
October 2-4, 2024

Yom Kippur
October 11-12, 2024

October 16-23, 2024

Shmini Atzeret
October 23-24, 2024

Simchat Torah
October 24-25, 2024

November 4, 2024

December 25, 2024-January 2, 2025

Tu B'shvat
February 12-13, 2025

March 13-14, 2025

April 12-20, 2025


Yom HaShoah
April 23-24, 2025

Yom HaZikaron
April 29-30, 2025

Yom Haatzmaut
April 30-May 1, 2025

June 1-3, 2025

Tisha B'av
August 12-13, 2024