• From Barnard Castle Cycling

  • From A wet day in Lakeland exploring slate quarries and 'shrooming

  • From Ease Gill & Dave's Birthday at Greenclose

  • From Couple of Days of Work & a Big "Pikey Dodging" Cycle Ride

  • From Awesome Multi-Activity Weather in the Lakes

  • From A little bumble in Langdale

  • From Winter Skills on Helvellyn

  • From Wintry hike up Stony Cove Pike

  • From Last long training ride ... the Fred Whitton Challenge de Staveley

Awesome Multi-Activity Weather in the Lakes

When the weather is as good as this the Lakes are unbeatable! Three super sunny days on a bank holiday weekend – brilliant. But for once we didn’t give every day over to rock climbing. Instead we made a plan that had each day dedicated to a different outdoor pursuit…

Last long training ride … the Fred Whitton Challenge de Staveley

The Etape du Tour is just around the corner. So with tapering of training efforts in mind to give legs every chance to fully recover the weekend saw the last big training effort, the Fred Whitton Challenge. The Fred Whitton is a circuit of the Lakes that takes in all of the major mountain passes