Special Education » Special Education Programs

Special Education Programs

Life Skills is a specialized instruction setting for students in special education. This instructional setting is intended for students who have a moderate to severe cognitive disability, need functional academics, and daily living skills to promote independence. Students’ access grade level TEKS at the prerequisite skill level and need intensive individualized instruction in a variety of instructional settings with substantial modifications for Life Skills.
SWISD uses the Inclusion model to facilitate the delivery of Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) for some students who qualify for special education. In an Inclusion classroom, two certified teachers collaborate in the planning, delivery, and monitoring of services to help students make progress in identified areas of need as outlined in each student’s Individual Education Program (IEP).     
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) is any special education service for children between the ages of 3-5 which begin as early as the child's 3rd birthday. ECSE services are provided through a continuum of service options that may include "drop-in" speech therapy, in-class support, or specialized instruction as decided by the child's ARD Committee.
The Behavior Management Classroom (BMC) program specializes in supporting the individual educational needs of each student through behavioral and academic foundations. Our primary objective is to provide an environment that contributes to the acquisition of academic and pro-social behavior skills that generalize throughout all aspects of a student's life.
School-based speech therapy is an instructional or related service that supports the educational program for students who have a disorder in communication in one or more of the following areas: articulation, language, voice, or fluency (stuttering). School-based Assistive Technology (AT) service is any service that directly assists a student with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device. Assistive Technology support becomes a related service when a student requires a specific tool to access curriculum, compensate for their disability, and/or provide independence in various settings.
E-mail: D'Lynn Erwin
Teachers of the Visually Impaired, along with Orientation and Mobility Specialists, work together to meet the instructional and daily living skills of students with a visual impairment. The SWISD Special Education Department works collaboratively with campuses and our related services specialists to ensure that each student has access to the curriculum by providing such things as instruction in braille, social-emotional support, daily living and independence skills, and career and technology planning.
E-mail: Jessica Hart, Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments
E-mail: Rose Aguirre, O&M Specialist
The Southwest ISD Transition for Life (T4L) program is designed to help students acquire a specific set of skills in alignment with their post-secondary goals. Students receiving special education services have the opportunity to experience, perform, and develop meaningful vocational skills in a "real-life" campus/community environment used as teaching tools. The T4L program is directly related to the preparation of the student for paid or unpaid employment or placement in a work/day program setting.
E-mail: Andrea Donelson Transition & Community Specialist
SWISD provides homebound services for special education students who are unable to attend because of medical reasons.
E-mail: Robert Hester Homebound Teacher
Special Education PT and OT services are related or support services to the student’s instructional program. OT/PT services support the IEP through the integration of direct and indirect student interventions as well as collaboration/consultation with the educational team to provide students with access and participation in their school day.
Tiffany Lachenauer, Physical Therapist
Lydia Hernandez, Occupational Therapist
Southwest ISD provides a continuum of Deaf and hard-of-hearing instructional services and placements. We collaborate with industry leaders to ensure access to best practices.
E-mail: Leia Edmonds Deaf & Hard of Hearing Teacher
Special Education Adapted P.E. individualizes physical education interventions and supports in order to maximize student participation and success in physical education and lifetime leisure activities.
E-mail: Leia Edmonds Adapted Physical Education Teacher
SWISD provides students identified with Dyslexia with the appropriate instruction that adheres to guidelines & procedures indicated in The Dyslexia Handbook.