Apply for a Grant

Apply for a Grant

We Will Always be in the Fight to End HIV and to Provide the Best Care Possible to All Those Affected by HIV. That Will Never Change. Ever.

The CARES Foundation 2025 Grant Cycle will open on May 1, 2024.

To be considered for a grant, a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) must be submitted to the CARES Foundation. If the CARES Foundation determines that the proposed project demonstrates the potential to promote the Foundation’s overall vision, mission, and strategic funding priorities, the organization will be invited to provide a full grant proposal.

Full proposals are accepted only after an organization has submitted a Letter of Inquiry for review and received a subsequent invitation from the CARES Foundation to send a full proposal. Prior to submitting a Letter of Inquiry, interested applicants are strongly encouraged to review this website to determine whether the request aligns with the Foundation’s strategic funding priorities.

2025 Grants Cycle Timeline
May 1, 2024 Grants Cycle Opens
June 1, 2024 LOIs due
June 30, 2024 Invitations to agencies to submit grant applications
July 30, 2024 Grant application due
October 2024 Notification of Decisions
January 1, 2025 2025 Grants Start Date
 Instructions for Submitting a Letter of Inquiry (LOI)
  • Organizations must complete the Letter of Inquiry template provided below.
  • Completed LOI must be e-mailed to Debbie Bouzard at [email protected] and Lili Carbone Joy at [email protected] by 5pm on June 1st, 2024. No late submissions will be accepted.
  • Submission of an LOI does not guarantee an invitation to submit a grant application.
The CARES Foundation Übersicht

The CARES Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides grants to organizations in California’s Sacramento region that serve the needs of people living with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), prevent the transmission of HIV, and/or raise social awareness to end discrimination and stigma against those living with or at risk of contracting HIV. These grants may include funds for general support or for specific programs.

The CARES Foundation is committed to improving the health of the Sacramento region by supporting nonprofit organizations that share in its mission and work with a variety of higher risk populations to reduce the impact of HIV and associated co-occurring conditions.

Unlike other chronic diseases, HIV is unique in the need to not only care for the patient, but to do everything possible to prevent transmission to others. Finding those infected with HIV also means that testing is a major focus for the Foundation. Equal consideration is given to grant requests that address either HIV prevention or care for People Living with HIV (PLWH). 

Eligible Organizations

There is ONE annual open period for submission of LOIs. The LOI is open to all organizations that meet the following requirements:

1. Nonprofit agencies with evidence of tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (not classified as a private foundation) or governmental agencies; and
2. Organizations located within and primarily serving residents of the greater Sacramento area, except for regional, statewide, or national public policy efforts that may benefit a substantial portion of the local population; and
3. Organizations operated and organized so that they do not discriminate in the hiring of staff or in the provision of services on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex, age, blindness, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, among other protected classes under state and federal law.

The CARES Foundation Strategic Funding Priorities
  1. HIV Prevention such as:
    1. Syringe Exchange and Disposal
    2. Outreach, Education and Engagement associated with Risk Reduction/Supply Distribution
    3. Outreach, Education and Engagement associated Pre- and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP and PreP) and Treatment as Prevention (TaSP)
  2. Filling Unreimbursed Gaps in Supportive services to keep People Living with HIV (PLWH) in care such as:
    1. Substance Use Disorder Treatment
    2. Transport
    3. Client Navigation
    4. Case Management including benefits enrollment
    5. Housing Assistance
  3. HIV Testing with Linkage to Care such as:
    1. Mobile Medical Care
    2. Referrals to Care with Client Follow Up
  4. Innovative projects that address the impact of HIV in the Sacramento region such as:
    1. Pilot Projects
    2. Provider Collaboration to increase service impact, continuity of care, and decrease service duplication
**The CARES Foundation will not fund goods or services reimbursable by third-party payors unless provided to patients without healthcare insurance.

Other Considerations
  • All current and new grantees are expected to fully participate in any CARES Foundation event that involves grantees.
  • All LOIs and grant proposals should address and align with best practices, models of care, and current public health policies in each proposed service category.

The CARES Foundation has awarded over $13.5 million in grants through 2023.

The CARES Foundation will not provide grants or distributions to any foreign organization, political organizations or campaigns, or for any Sectarian purposes (i.e., programs that promote or require a religious doctrine.) 

 The CARES Foundation will not provide goods, services or funds directly to individuals. 
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