• Agriculture

    Agriculture is the lifeblood and economic engine of South Dakota. That’s why I believe it’s critical that we have a seat at the table when it comes to negotiating and crafting policies tha...
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  • Bildung

    Growing up in Murdo, South Dakota, as the son of two educators and a father of two daughters who attended public schools, I understand the challenges that communities across the state face in ensuring...
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  • Energy

    Since being elected to Congress, I have worked to strengthen America’s energy security and increase the availability and use of alternative energy sources. I believe that supporting home-grown, ...
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  • Environment

    There’s a lot to love about South Dakota not the least of which is the natural beauty of our land. I have a deep appreciation for South Dakota’s clean air and water, and I support clean en...
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  • Fiscal Responsibility

    Every American family must live within a budget, and the federal government should do the same. For too long, reckless government spending has been the norm in Washington. In particular, spending on S...
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  • Health Care

    I am committed to advancing common-sense, patient-centered health care solutions. We need to focus on solutions that will help make health care more affordable for all Americans rather than expand the...
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  • Immigration and Border Security

    Border security is an essential part of national security. Every member of Congress, Republican and Democrat, should take our responsibility seriously to protect our nation by ensuring that our border...
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  • Jobs, Taxes, & Economic Growth

    The economy is the number one issue that affects Americans’ daily lives. The ability to have a good-paying job to support yourself and your family is top of mind for most Americans. That’s...
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  • National Security & Foreign Affairs

    America must have a strong military to deter would-be adversaries and, when diplomatic efforts fail, protect our nation from attack or imminent harm. As South Dakota’s U.S. senator, I strive to ...
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  • Protecting Life

    As a member of Congress, I have a 100 percent pro-life voting record and have consistently supported a ban on abortion. For my work to promote a culture of life, I have consistently received an A+ on ...
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  • Second Amendment

    I strongly support the Second Amendment, which protects "the right of the people to keep and bear arms." While others may disagree, I firmly believe the plain language of the Second Amendment guarante...
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  • South Dakota’s Native Communities

    I am grateful for the rich traditions of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota people that are woven into the fabric of South Dakota’s history. They are a significant part of what makes South Dakota su...
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  • Technology and Innovation

    The internet has brought Americans a host of benefits – from a wealth of information to unparalleled convenience to new opportunities for commerce and education to new methods of communication. ...
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  • Trade

    International markets are essential to South Dakota producers’ and small businesses’ bottom lines. American farmers, ranchers, and business owners need access to more than 95 percent of th...
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  • Transportation & Infrastructure

    South Dakota’s wide open spaces mean the nearest hospital or airport can be many miles away. Federal funding is essential for ensuring that South Dakota’s highways and bridges are properly...
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  • Veterans

    For generations, South Dakotans have proudly answered the call to duty and served our country with honor and distinction, from the two world wars to Korea to Vietnam to the Persian Gulf to the Middle ...
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