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Cooperative Parenting Workshop

Über uns

Cooperative parenting is a challenge, even in the best of circumstances. When parents are raising children in two homes, it can be a very difficult experience for everyone involved.

Children need structure; they don’t need to feel guilt or blame for things that they cannot control; above all, children deserve happy and engaged parents every day. It is in the best interest of children, regardless of the status of their parents’ relationship, to have parents who can at least agree to raise their children in a cooperative manner.

The goals of the Cooperative Parenting workshop are to demonstrate to parents going through divorce, separation and custody issues how to prevent and/or manage conflict and how to communicate positively with the other parent. Facilitators will educate on the dynamics of parenting; provide information that helps parents understand the effects of separation/divorce on children; raise awareness of children’s developmental stages aimed at on-going, meaningful relationships between children and both parents following family break-up; and, promote positive parenting practices aimed at helping children’s healthy adjustment.

Participants of the Cooperative Parenting Workshop will receive information on many topics, including:

  • Home Responsibilities for Children
  • Economic issues (e.g., savings accounts)
  • Discipline
  • Removing children from parental conflict
  • The Court’s role
  • Parents retaining control of the mediation process

Through scenarios which involve role-play, participants will observe different communication styles. Active participation between the facilitators and the participants is invited and encouraged.

A Certificate of Completion will be filed in the court’s file for those parents who have completed the workshop, and will be accepted by the judicial officer hearing their case.

Cooperative Parenting Workshop

The Cooperative Parenting Workshop is conducted at the Justice Center Courthouse located on the first floor in the jury assembly room at 12855 Justice Center Drive, Sonora, CA 95370.

Workshops are held once a month on the first Thursday of every month at 2:00PM (*By appointment only*)

Pre-Mediation Workshop

Pre-Mediation Workshops are held in the jury assembly room every Thursday at 3:00PM EXCEPT when the Cooperative Parenting Workshops are being held then it is held at 1:00PM. (*By appointment only*)


*Court personnel will schedule parents for particular workshop sessions.

Childcare Is Not Provided, Please Do Not Bring Children.

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