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Flex Plugins CLI release notes

This page provides release notes for the Flex Plugins CLI and information about how to upgrade to version 6.x.



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Beginning September 10, 2024, you must use Node v18 or later with all supported versions of the Flex Plugins CLI. If you are using an older version of Node.js, please upgrade.

Note that OpenJS no longer supports Node v16(link takes you to an external page).


705 page anchor

Release date September 11, 2024


fixed page anchor

Release date August 30, 2024

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Flex Plugins CLI v6.4.2 to be installed instead of the latest version if the installation script doesn't specify a version.

No updates.

Release date August 16, 2024

  • Fixed a Node version compatibility issue that occurred due to a Cheerio package dependency. The Flex Plugins CLI now works correctly with supported Node versions earlier than v18.17.

Release date July 24, 2024

  • Upgraded the Paste versions of the plugin template to fix conflict warnings.
  • Fixed the "Failed to load remote plugins" issue that occurred when using the --include-remote flag.

Release date June 10, 2024

The Flex Plugins CLI can now help validate your plugins against the latest Flex UI version to ensure compatibility. For details about the latest features being built on the CLI, see our Flex Plugins CLI documentation.

  • Added a new command: twilio:flex:plugins:validate . For details, see Validate in the Plugins CLI reference .
  • Updated the twilio:flex:plugins:deploy command to implicitly validate the plugin. For details, see Deploy in the Plugins CLI reference .
  • Integrated telemetry for all the commands.
  • Fixed security vulnerabilities by upgrading Webpack Dev Server to v4.
  • Enhanced the CLI version update notifier feature and added deprecation notification so that you can always be on the stable version of the CLI.
  • Removed unused dependencies in @twilio/flex-plugin-scripts package.
  • Because the twilio:flex:plugins:deploy command now validates plugins as part of the deployment process, version 7.0.0 and later can disrupt automated deployments, such CI/CD pipelines. When the Deploy command runs, if the validation process finds any errors, the deployment process stops to ask for input. To prevent this issue, use the --bypass-validation option on your Deploy command to skip plugin validation for automated deployments. For details, see Deploy in the Plugins CLI reference .
  • As of August 16, 2024, Node v16 is no longer supported. Plugins must be compatible with Node v18 or later.
    • This update supercedes the original release note published on June 10, 2024, which indicated that Node v14 is no longer supported and that plugins must be compatible with Node v16.x or later.

Upgrade using CLI

upgrade-using-cli page anchor

Install the Twilio CLI and the Flex Plugins extension as described in the Flex Plugins CLI overview. Then, go to the plugin directory and run the following command: $ twilio flex:plugins:upgrade-plugin --install

This script automatically upgrades your plugin to the latest version.

To manually upgrade to version 7.x, modify your package.json:

"scripts": {
"postinstall": "flex-plugin pre-script-check"
"dependencies": {
"flex-plugin-scripts": "^7.0.0",
"react": "17.0.2",
"react-dom": "17.0.2"
"devDependencies": {
"@twilio/flex-ui": "^2"

Release date August 16, 2024

  • Fixed a Node version compatibility issue that occurred due to a Cheerio package dependency. The Flex Plugins CLI now works correctly with supported Node versions earlier than v18.17.

Release date May 15, 2024

  • Added support for making cache setup optional for the HTTP client instance.
  • Removed caching for the HTTP client instance used in flex-plugins-api-client to fix the CORS issue observed for some of the Flex Plugins APIs in the browser due to an unrecognized cache header.

Release date May 10, 2024

  • Security updates.

Release date April 4, 2024

  • Fixed an issue with loading remote plugins in localhost that began when Flex started using partitioned cookies to the store the Flex JWE token.

Release date February 8, 2024

  • The ECONREFUSED error that was observed in Node versions 17 and higher is fixed.

Release date February 6, 2024

  • The terser-webpack-plugin issue observed when plugin is built is fixed.
  • The issue with the creation of source-map file is addressed.
  • One critical and four high vulnerabilities in packages have been addressed.
  • The Twilio Serverless build API always uses the latest Node runtime version. Webpack is reverted to the latest stable v4 (4.47.0), as many of the dependencies that plugins use are not compatible with webpack v5 yet. Following are some of the issues identified with webpack v5:
    • source-map may not be loaded, depending on the operating system and Node version of the user.
    • The twilio:flex:plugins:start script errors appear (for example, message.split is not a function ) depending on the operating system and Node version of the user.
    • Node core modules are not auto-polyfilled in webpack v5 for the browser.
    • Many third-party libraries, such as webpack plugins, babel plugins, eslint plugins, typescript plugins, and CRA dependencies, are not compatible with webpack v5 yet.
  • Added support for Node v20.

6.2.3 (deprecated)

623-deprecated page anchor

Release date October 23, 2023

  • Added support for serverless node18 runtime.

6.2.2 (deprecated)

622-deprecated page anchor

Release date Oct 17, 2023

  • Fixed the global is not defined error in the browser environment by providing a polyfill in webpack configuration.

6.2.1 (deprecated)

621-deprecated page anchor

Release date October 10, 2023

  • Fixed a bug that caused plugin local build failure when referencing SCSS/SASS files inside any component.

6.2.0 (deprecated)

620-deprecated page anchor

Release date September 28, 2023

  • Upgraded the Flex plugin webpack to use the webpack 5 package.
  • Addressed security vulnerabilities in the following packages by upgrading their versions:

6.1.2 (deprecated)

612-deprecated page anchor

Release date May 17, 2023

  • Flex Plugin Builder scaffolds a new plugin that is compatible with Flex UI 2.x when you create a plugin using the create command. The switch to create a new Flex UI 1.x-compatible plugin is --flexui1 .

6.1.1 (deprecated)

611-deprecated page anchor

Release date April 28, 2023

6.1.0 (deprecated)

610-deprecated page anchor

Release date April 19, 2023

  • Flex Plugin Builder now supports Node v16 and Node v18. Note: If you encounter the error ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED , which happens due to incompatibility between the newer version of OpenSSL and Node v18, run the following command: For MacOS & Linux:
export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider

For Windows:

set NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
  • Fixed a bug in the archival process of plugin and plugin-version.

6.0.4 (deprecated)

604-deprecated page anchor

Release date January 10, 2023

  • Modified the markdown formatter syntax for italic that is used by the logger.

6.0.3 (deprecated)

603-deprecated page anchor

Release date November 2, 2022

  • Fixed an issue with using the plugin builder from behind a HTTP proxy.

6.0.2 (deprecated)

602-deprecated page anchor

Release date October 19, 2022

  • Fixed address compatibility with @oclif/core v1.19.0.

6.0.1 (deprecated)

601-deprecated page anchor

Release date October 13, 2022

  • Added Twilio CLI 5.0 and oclif v2 support.
  • Removed support for Node 12.
  • Added a security fix.

You can upgrade using the CLI or manually.

Install the Twilio CLI and the Flex Plugins extension as described in the Flex Plugins CLI docs. Then, go to the plugin directory and run the following command:

$ twilio flex:plugins:upgrade-plugin --install

This script automatically upgrades your plugin to the latest version.

To manually upgrade to version 6.x, modify your package.json:

"scripts": {
"postinstall": "flex-plugin pre-script-check"
"dependencies": {
"flex-plugin-scripts": "^6.0.1",
"react": "16.5.2",
"react-dom": "16.5.2"
"devDependencies": {
"@twilio/flex-ui": "^1"

Version 6 removes support for:

  • Twilio CLI v4 and below. Make sure to upgrade to the latest version of Twilio CLI (v5) to use Flex Plugins CLI 6.x.
  • Node 12. Version 6.x only supports Node 14.x. You must install and use Node 14.x (preferably the LTS version) to run Flex Plugins CLI commands. This means that your plugins also have to be compatible with Node version 14.x.

For release notes older than version 6, see takes you to an external page).

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