• Übersicht
  • UNEP-led activities

The United Nations Civil Society Conference will bring together UN officials, international civil society organizations, youth changemakers, academia, public opinion makers and international media to discuss global issues. The conference will provide preliminary discussions and data ahead of the Summit of the Future in September 2024 at the UN Headquarters in New York.

Further information:

UN Civil Society Conference website 

UN Civil Society Conference Programme

ImPACT Coalitions

ImPACT Coalitions (Friday, 10 May 2024; 10:45 am –12:15 pm EAT)

  • Earth Governance: This coalition will focus on establishing and strengthening Earth governance mechanisms, building on Mobilizing an Earth Governance Alliance (MEGA), a coalition of civil society organizations, like-minded governments, legislators, experts, private sector actors and other stakeholders. Such governance mechanisms are vital to ensure the implementation of environmental obligations and accountability to environmental law. Focal point: Alyn Ware (ware@wfm-igp.org)


  • Youth and Intergenerational Engagement: The Collective Action for Youth, Adolescents and Older Generations is a collaborative platform that offers a unique opportunity for youth, adolescents, older people and all generations in all their diversity and geographical settings to connect, work together and share expertise. This engagement is a meaningful way to participate in the processes of the Pact for the Future (including its Annexes) and follow-up, contributing to a collective future that safeguards intergenerational and sustainable well-being. Focal point: Sameh Kamel (youth-intergen-ic@unmgcy.org)


ImPACT Coalitions (Friday, 10 May 2024; 12:30 pm –2:00 pm EAT)

  • Science and Policy Solutions for the Planet: This ImPACT Coalition, with its focus on exploring how an improved science-policy-action approach to the environment could help to address the triple planetary crisis, has the potential to make a significant impact. Its key question is how to drive system-wide changes based on science, including within international financial institutions and national governments. It will draw from existing proposals, like those made by the High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism and others, to produce concrete, actionable initiatives for the Summit of the Future and beyond. Focal Point: Calder Tsuyuki-Tomlinson (calder.tomlinson@unu.edu)


  • Underrepresented Communities: A human-rights-based approach to advocacy and action is needed when catalysing progress towards the Pact of the Future. United in the inherent dignity of all human beings, the voices of underrepresented communities globally will be amplified and steps will be taken to ensure inclusivity, accessibility, participation and liberation from oppression. Focal Point: Please reach out to underrepresentedimpact@gmail.com