
The UN Environment Programme’s Europe Office is helping countries to build back better from COVID-19, to be more resilient to future crises and to green economies by working with nature

Marie Thomsen

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The Challenge
The pan-European region extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Arctic Circle.

The region, which counts 54 countries, is home to some of the wealthiest nations of the world, while others continue to experience extreme poverty and environmental degradation. More than 100 million people in the region still do not have access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation, while one third of the population lives in countries where water resources are under substantial pressure. Seventy percent of Europe’s river basins are transboundary. In such a context, cross-border cooperation on ecosystem management is imperative.

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  • Other UNEP teams in Geneva
  • Europe Office branches
  • The Europe Office

The UNEP Europe Office is located in Geneva, Switzerland. We also have branches in:

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Europe Office covers 56 countries* in the pan-European region, which includes the Central Asian plains and spans from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the Mediterranean Sea to the Arctic Ocean. 

The UNEP Europe Office is located in Geneva, Switzerland. We also have offices in AlmatyBrussels, Moscow and Vienna.

The UNEP Europe Office’s main goal is to provide guidance to national governments at various levels, and to take part in the dialogue on environmental issues between governmental authorities, civil society, the private sector and other stakeholders. We encourage closer cooperation between the main actors in the region, implement projects and provide scientific and legal expertise on challenges facing Europe’s environment. We also undertake awareness-raising initiatives and campaigns, giving Europeans the chance to act towards a greener region while improving the quality of their lives.

We host the Geneva Environment Network, the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea (Tehran Convention) and the Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians (Carpathian Convention).

We also lead an Issue-Based Coalition (IBC) on Environment and Climate Change. IBCs see UN agencies coordinate their support to governments towards the Sustainable Development Goals. For more information — including on the COVID-19 response — click here

* All European Union member states, in addition to Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, the Holy See (Non member state, permanent observer to the UN), Iceland, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Türkiye, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and Uzbekistan.

Meet the team 


Regional Office for Europe

Regional Director : Arnold Kreilhuber

International Environment House - UNEP Europe Office

Chemin des Anemones 11

CH-1219 Chatelaine

Geneva, Switzerland

Mailing address:

UN Environment Programme 

c/o MIE 

Avenue de la Paix, 8-14 

CH-1211 Geneva 10 

