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Mark Saunders would remind us: It’s all about the authors

By Steve Yates June 11, 2019

Being published, especially for the first time, is profoundly weird. A manuscript that you have crafted and revised mostly alone, dreamed about mostly if not entirely alone, that you have loved and honed absolutely alone, is now in the hands of strangers. And, as in Mark’s analogy, it can be quite hard to know just what those strangers are doing.

Updated Imaginations?

By UPM Staff July 02, 2019

With the much-anticipated release of the 2019 Sports Illustrated (SI) swimsuit issue, I found myself scouring newsstands and bookstores for a copy on the release date, which had been marked on my calendar.

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Record-Setting High Water on the Mississippi

By UPM Staff March 22, 2019

In light of the current floods submerging the Midwest and along the Mississippi River and scientists’ predictions that this is just the beginning, James F. Barnett Jr. offers a detailed chronicle of how the wild Mississippi will eventually deliver a cataclysm.