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Advisory Committees

  • Über uns

    The Commission maintains 56 advisory committees: one in each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the five U.S. Territories. Mandated by Congress, the advisory committees are bipartisan and conduct studies of civil rights topics within their geographic jurisdiction. The reports that culminate from their studies are based upon diverse and bipartisan testimony heard through public briefings and result in reports including advice and recommendations to the Commission. The Commission forwards Advisory Committee reports to the local, state, and federal entities that the advisory committee identifies in the report. The Regional Programs Unit is based in Chicago and manages the work of the 56 advisory committees.

  • Photo of the Commissioners with the Chairs of the Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Island Advisory Committees after the April 2024 USCCR Business Meeting where each Chair presented their respective reports

    Findings and recommendations submitted to the Commission to address civil rights concerns

  • Photo of the District of Columbia Advisory Committee with USCCR Chair, Rochelle M. Garza, at a DC Committee meeting in April 2024

    Meeting announcements, briefing materials, and calls for public comment

  • Member resources and recruitment information for Advisory Committees

  • Announcements on member appointments, new committees, report releases, and more

Advisory Committees