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Supervising Officers in an Evidence-Based Environment: The Role of the Supervisor as a Coach and Officers as Change Agents PDF icon Download (301.59 KB) Evidence-based Practices, Supervision September 2023
Do Office Reviews in the Federal Probation and Pretrial Services System Do What They Were Intended to Do? Not Yet PDF icon Download (108.09 KB) Evidence-based Practices, Supervision September 2023
Federal Post-Conviction Supervision Outcomes: Rearrests and Revocations PDF icon Download (282.21 KB) Revocation, Supervision September 2023
Self-directed Workbooks: Evaluating Their Efficacy in a U.S. Probation Setting PDF icon Download (226.27 KB) Evidence-based Practices, Probation, Supervision June 2023
Burnout Prevention for Federal Probation and Pretrial Services Officers PDF icon Download (477.18 KB) Pretrial, Supervision, Training June 2023
Low/Moderate Risk Policy Change White Paper PDF icon Download (3.03 MB) Risk Assessment, Supervision June 2023
A Tribute to Edward J. Latessa: The Change Maker PDF icon Download (83.09 KB) Criminal Justice System, Evidence-based Practices, Risk Assessment, Supervision September 2022
Preliminary Validation of the Community Supervision Decision-Making Framework PDF icon Download (227.7 KB) Risk Assessment, Supervision September 2022
Recent Developments in the Imposition, Tolling, and Revocation of Supervision PDF icon Download (143.38 KB) Federal Courts, Supervision September 2022
All Hands on Deck! Toward a Reentry-Centered Vision of Federal Probation PDF icon Download (287.77 KB) Reentry, Supervision December 2020
Training Parole Agents: How Prior Criminal Justice Work Shapes Attitudes and Beliefs PDF icon Download (105.89 KB) Parole, Supervision, Training December 2020
"To the Greatest Extent Practicable"—Confronting the Implementation Challenges of the First Step Act PDF icon Download (36.14 MB) Prison, Reentry, Supervision December 2019
An Empirical Overview of Searches and Seizures for Persons on Federal Post-conviction Supervision PDF icon Download (29.3 MB) Post Conviction, Supervision December 2019
A Viable Alternative? Alternatives to Incarceration Across Several Federal Districts PDF icon Download (23.82 MB) Pretrial, Supervision June 2019
A Corrections Workforce for the 21st Century PDF icon Download (13.71 MB) Evidence-based Practices, Supervision June 2019
Ten Years Gone: Leveraging Second Chance Act 2.0 to Improve Outcomes PDF icon Download (26.51 MB) Post Conviction, Supervision June 2019
Federal Supervised Release Revocation for Drug Use: The Rest of the Story PDF icon Download (13.02 MB) Recidivism, Supervision June 2019
The Rising Federal Pretrial Detention Rate, in Context PDF icon Download (216.41 KB) Pretrial, Supervision September 2018
Federal Pretrial Release and the Detention Reduction Outreach Program (DROP) PDF icon Download (91.27 KB) Evidence-based Practices, Pretrial, Supervision September 2018
Perceptions of Offender Satisfaction on Probation and Supervised Release with STARR Skill Sets PDF icon Download (168.46 KB) Evidence-based Practices, Probation, Supervision June 2018
Probation's Changing Role in California: Challenges and Opportunities for Hybrid Supervision PDF icon Download (116.98 KB) Probation, Supervision June 2018
Probation Officer as a Coach: Building a New Professional Identity PDF icon Download (135.09 KB) Evidence-based Practices, Probation, Supervision June 2018
The Living Laboratory Studies: Providing Insights into Community Supervision Practices PDF icon Download (162.78 KB) Evidence-based Practices, Probation, Supervision June 2018
National Variation in Fieldwork Goals, Training, and Activities PDF icon Download (120.99 KB) Probation, Supervision December 2017
Conditions of Supervision in Federal Criminal Sentencing: A Review of Recent Changes PDF icon Download (258.47 KB) Supervision, Federal Courts June 2017


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