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Maintain your credential with courses that meet your continuing education needs.



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Equity Through Green Buildings: What’s Justice40 Got to Do with It?
As practitioners in the business of healthy, green (LEED certified) buildings, we may understand the design and construction of zero carbon buildings/building decarbonization from a technical standpoint; however, in order to achieve climate action at the pace and scale required, we may need a new praxis, that transforms our built environment through policies and programs that prioritize the spectrum of social equity needs of our most cumulatively impacted populations, to transition to the equitable, zero carbon future we all want.
Passive House Slam Dance!
This session prepares attendees to set, achieve and certify passive houses from start to finish through strong team collaboration.
Measure What Matters : Introducing a Holistic Framework for Measuring Health and Well-being for HR, ESG, and Human and Social Capital Reporting
Join our panel of experts to look at how IWBI’s new 12 Competencies for Measuring Health & Well-being for Human & Social Capital can be used as a framework to guide internal and external measuring and tracking on health, well-being, and performance.
The Hidden Carbon Footprint of Water
Efficient plumbing design and operations not only help preserve water resources; they critically protect human health and reduce the embodied carbon footprint of water use.
Can we use an Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) Tracking System to Get Buildings to Zero Carbon?
GreenHome Institute
Learn about how an EAC tracking system could be designed to support the transition from annual clean energy matching to full decarbonization of our energy system.
Choosing Certifications & Ecolabels - From Projects to Products
Brent Ehrlich and Paula Melton share what they learned about today’s certification landscape while writing BuildingGreen’s Guide to Building Product Certifications & Ecolabels, distilling some of the information available in that guide to help attendees start to make sense of it all.
Green Building as a Driver for Financing and Marketability of Community Development
Learn how sustainable measures have opened doors to capital sources, increased marketability, and created efficiencies that are anchoring the transformation of a failing golf course in central Florida into a full-scale community development, a 14-year vacant warehouse on Chicago's west side into an entrepreneurial hub, and a brownfield lot in Traverse City into a community hub with affordable housing.
Cool Roof for Green Buildings - Part 2
This short course explains how cool roofs work, key thermal properties, different materials used, and installation techniques.
Cool Roof for Green Buildings - Part 1
This short course explains the fundamental working principle of a cool roof using technical terminologies.
What's up with the Taylorville High, Net Zero, Pretty Good House Student Build?
GreenHome Institute
High school students build a home in central Illinois using the "Pretty Good House" philosophy
Shading Mask
The first step in passive solar design process is to determine solar access for a building and site. This will help designers determine strategies to control daylight and heat gain. Shading mask diagrams are very resourceful tools to determine solar access. This course will equip you to read and create shading masks so that you can use them in your design process.
Sensory Intelligence: Designing Inclusive Workplaces That Can Support the Neurodiverse Workforce
To design inclusive spaces, we need to ensure that they respond to the sensory needs of all individuals.


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