Public Records Center

California Public Records Act Guidelines

This webpage contains the key information needed to request access to inspect and obtain copies of public records maintained by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Coast Region (Regional Board).

The Regional Board maintains public records containing extensive information on water quality, waste discharges, beneficial uses of water, and water quality regulatory program activities in the Central Coast Region. The public records, created and received by the Regional Board in the course of administering California's water quality protection programs in the Central Coast Region, are a vital resource. They serve as the memory of the Regional Board organization, a record of past events, and the basis for future actions

The California Public Records Act (PRA) is similar to the federal Freedom of Information Act -- the purpose of these acts is to give private citizens greater access to government information. The PRA considers most government records to be public records, but also recognizes the need to protect individual privacy and the need of agencies to perform their assigned functions in a reasonably efficient manner. Several important exceptions to the PRA protect these interests. Subject to these exceptions, records maintained at the offices of the Regional Board are available to the public.


GeoTracker is a database and geographic information system (GIS) that provides online access to environmental data. It tracks regulatory data about leaking underground fuel tanks (LUFT), Department of Defense (DoD), Spills-Leaks-Investigations-Cleanups (SLIC) and Landfill sites. The database also contains information about public drinking water wells. GeoTracker uses commercially available software to allow users to access data over the Internet.

Requests to View Public Records (File Review)

Persons interested in inspecting or obtaining copies of public records should make a file review appointment in advance. An appointment can be made by email, fax, phone or in person. Please use our Public Records Review Request to arrange your appointment.

Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
Attention: File Review Request
895 Aerovista Place, Suite 101
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Phone (805) 549-3147
email: [email protected]

File review appointments are generally scheduled between 9:00 am - 3:30 pm. Walk-in requests will be accommodated as determined by space and staff availability. A FILE REVIEW APPOINTMENT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.

Public Records Access Procedures

Please arrive at the Regional Board office at your file review appointment time. You will be directed to the file review area where the requested files will be labeled and ready for your review. Persons reviewing Regional Board records shall not destroy, mutilate, deface, alter, or remove any such records from the Regional Board office. Information on obtaining copies of Regional Board files is below.

Fees for Copies of Public Record

Government Code Section 6257 provides for the collection of fees for copies of public records to cover the direct costs of duplication. Current fees and services pertaining to record copies and duplication are itemized below:

Photo Copy Fees

IN-HOUSE SERVICE: Requests for 20 copies or less may be processed in-house (dependent on staff availability) at a rate of 20 cents per copy. A minimum charge of $2.50 applies to all in-house copy requests. Additional fees may be charged according to time/resources required to complete the task.

OUTSIDE SERVICE: If you request 21 copies or more, you are encouraged to engage an outside service. Requestor may make arrangements with a bonded copy service of their choice. If you make arrangements with an outside copy service, it is Requestor's responsibility to coordinate and pay the copy service.

OTHER ALTERNATIVES: A portable copier or document imaging system may be brought in to the file review area of the Regional Board office for your use, with advance notice.

Duplication of Electronic & Other Media Contained in Files - Fees

CDs (Data or Audio) -- $15 per CD

Other Information on this Web Site

Proposed and adopted Orders, staff reports and reports from the Executive Officer can be viewed and printed from this website (Board Meetings).

Organizational charts for the various programs and watershed areas can also be found on this web site (Org Charts).

Names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers for Central Coast Regional Board staff are also available. (Contact List).