Surface Water Augmentation (SWA) Regulation (SBDDW-16-02)


Water Code section 13562 requires the State Water Board to adopt uniform water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation (SWA regulations) on or before December 31, 2016, if an Expert Panel has made a finding that the proposed criteria (regulations) would adequately protect public health. For more background information, please see the Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR) provided below.

Water Code section 13562(b) requires adoption of Surface Water Augmentation regulations to be in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act (APA).

External Scientific Peer Reviews

The proposed regulations went through two separate external review processes:

  • Health and Safety Code section 57004 requires a regulation proposed for adoption by the State Water Board, which establishes requirements for the protection of public health or the environment, to undergo an external scientific peer review of the basis of the scientific portions of the regulation. The State Water Board received the completed scientific peer review on June 10, 2016. Information related to the scientific peer review is discussed further in the Initial Statement of Reasons. The scientific peer reviewers were independent of the Expert Panel. The documents are available by request, please contact DDW staff.
  • As previously noted, Water Code section 13562 mandates that the State Water Board shall not adopt uniform water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation unless and until the Expert Panel has adopted a finding that the proposed criteria would adequately protect public health. Therefore, the Expert Panel reviewed the proposed SWA regulations and, by way of a document dated October 31, 2016, the Expert Panel made a finding that the proposed uniform water recycling criteria for surface water augmentation adequately protects public health. Further information related to the Expert Panel's finding, as well as biographies of the Expert Panel members, may be found in the Initial Statement of Reasons provided below.

Surface Water Augmentation Using Recycled Water (SBDDW-16-02)

Information and documentation pertaining to this regulatory action are provided here.

Sections Affected

California Code of Regulations: Title 22
Sections to adopt (unless otherwise noted): 60301.120, 60301.450 (amend), 60301.850.5, 60301.851,
60301.852, 60301.853, 60320.300, 60320.301, 60320.302, 60320.304, 60320.306, 60320.308,
60320.312, 60320.320, 60320.322, 60320.326, 60320.328, 60320.330, 64668.05, 64668.10, 64668.20,
and 64668.30.

History of Rulemaking Proceedings

Office of Administrative Law File Number: Z-2017-0711-03 (Notice File Number)
California Regulatory Notice Register: Register 2017, No. 29-Z
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Publication Date: July 21, 2017
Start of 45-day Public Comment Period: July 21, 2017
Public Hearing: 9:30 AM - September 7, 2017
Close of 45-day Public Comment Period: 12:00 PM (noon) - September 12, 2017

Start of 15-day Public Comment Period: November 30, 2017
Close of 15-day Public Comment Period: 12:00 PM (noon) – December 18, 2017

Approved by the Office of Administrative Law: August 7, 2018 (Form 400)
Filed with the Secretary of State: August 7, 2018
Effective Date of the Regulations: October 1, 2018

Status of Proposal

This Rulemaking is complete

Rulemaking Documentation

45-day Public Comment

15-day Public Comment

State Water Board Resolution Adoption Meeting

The State Water Board adopted a resolution for the proposed SWA regulations on its March 6, 2018, board meeting. The Board meeting agenda and the signed resolution are posted on the links below:

Division of Drinking Water Staff has prepared a draft responses to comments received during the 45-day and 15-day public comment period available on the link below:

Final Documentation

Final Statement of Reasons

Updated Informative Digest

Final Regulation Text

Return to Division of Drinking Water’s Recycled Water Information page

Contact Information

Ginachi Amah
RWU Chief
(818) 551-2046
[email protected]

Sherly Rosilela
Senior Water Resource Control Engineer
(916) 341-5578
[email protected]

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