California Laboratory Intake Portal (CLIP)



The State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water (DDW) is excited to announce the development and launch of a new drinking water quality data intake portal. This portal, known as the California Laboratory Intake Portal, or CLIP, replaced the previous intake portals known as WQM (Water Quality Management) and LTS (Lab-To-State). CLIP will be implemented in phases, beginning with chemical and radiological analyses; with the goal of ultimately being the intake portal for all drinking water quality data (microbial analyses will not be included in the first phase of CLIP). CLIP is single point of access for laboratories for drinking water quality data reporting requirements, which should help facilitate reporting. Additionally, CLIP includes data validation while ensuring quality control elements; this allow laboratories to demonstrate submission of data with known and documented quality. The use of CLIP should result in streamlined access, improved electronic data reporting, and the ability to document the submission of reliable and defensible data.

Ongoing development of CLIP is being performed by DDW with a vendor, EarthSoft. The new reporting format is known as “CA_SDWIS_Lab_Analytical_Data”. Regulation revisions are pending, which should incorporate the new reporting format. The new reporting format should facilitate the submission of water quality data analyses while collecting appropriate quality control elements. Information regarding future regulation changes will be made available as they are developed.

CLIP Resource Page

Resources such as CLIP software, instructions, reference values, example files, technical documentation, and forms can be accessed at the link below. This webpage will be frequently updated as needed and will be the source of the latest files for CLIP.

CLIP E-Mail Subscription List

If you would like to receive e-mails regarding CLIP, please follow the link below and subscribe to the e-mail list under Drinking Water / California Laboratory Intake Portal (CLIP)

Subscribe here:

CLIP Pilot Testing

DDW’s Data Management Unit solicited for volunteers to test CLIP prior to implementation. Volunteers were selected and testing completed February 2021.

CLIP Registration

All laboratories and their data submitters are required to register, establish their identity, and obtain authorization to sign a submission electronically prior to accessing and uploading to CLIP.

Electronic Subscriber Agreement Form

This form must be filled-out, printed, signed, and mailed to DDW to complete CLIP registration. The form is an agreement for data submitters and legally responsible officials of electronic submittal requirements and responsibilities. The form is required to activate user accounts for data submittals. DDW will activate CLIP accounts when the form is physically received and verified.

  1. Email a filled-out electronic version as-is to [email protected] (signature not required, do not scan PDF). This unsigned electronic version is to make the CLIP Team aware that your signed form is in the mail and should be received in our office soon.
  2. Mail a completed signed form to DDW (mailing address is provided on the form).

You can download the form at the CLIP Resource Page.

CLIP Training

EarthSoft provided laboratory training prior to implementation to ensure familiarity with CLIP. Training completed April 2021. Trainings were recorded and are available at the CLIP Resource Page.

CLIP Launch

CLIP launched on September 1, 2021.
Previous data intake portals WQM and LTS are offline.

CLIP Contact

For questions, please contact the CLIP Team at [email protected].