Perchlorate DLR (SBDDW-20-001)

Information and Documentation Pertaining to This Regulatory Proposal

Sections Affected

California Code of Regulations: Title 22 Sections: 64400.95 (new), 64401.57 (new), 64432, 64443 and 64554

Rulemaking Proceedings

  • Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Published: March 6, 2020
  • APA Public Hearing: April 28, 2020 (Video)
  • Close of the 45-Day Public Comment Period: May 1, 2020
  • Notice of Public Availability of Changes to Proposed Rulemaking Published: July 20, 2020
  • Revised Notice of Public Availability of Changes to Proposed Rulemaking Published: August 7, 2020
  • Close of the 15-Day (extended) Public Comment Period: August 18, 2020
  • Board Adoption Meeting: October 6, 2020 (Agenda)
  • Filed with Secretary of State: June 17, 2021
  • Approved by Office of Administrative Law: June 17, 2021 (Form 400)
    Notice Publication/Regulation Submission to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL).

    The administrative record for the Perchlorate Detection Limit for Purposes of Reporting (DLR) regulation was filed on May 5, 2021, at 4:26pm with OAL as a 11353 Regular submission, and assigned the Regulatory Action Number 2021-0505-03S.

    The form specifies that the submission adopts Title 22 Section 64400.95, 64401.57, and amends 64432, 64443, 64554, and 64560 of the California Code of Regulations and that the provisions become effective July 1, 2021.

    Deputy Director of the Division of Drinking Water at the State Water Resources Control Board, Darrin Polhemus, signed the form for submission on April 30, 2021. OAL endorsed approval was stamped in the bottom right corner of the document on June 17, 2021. The Secretary of State stamped the form in the upper right corner of the document on June 17, 2021, at 4:40pm with a stamp titled "Endorsed - filed in the Secretary of State of the State of California." With these stamps, the Perchlorate DLR regulation is approved and effective as of July 1, 2021.

  • Effective Date: July 1, 2021

Status of Proposal

This rulemaking is completed.

Inquiries regarding the contents of these regulations may be directed to:
Name: Melissa Hall
Phone: (916) 323-0373
Email: [email protected]

Available Rulemaking Documentation

Complete Rulemaking Documentation

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State Water Resources Control Board
Division of Drinking Water
Regulatory Development Unit

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