Make Tech Giants Take Responsibility

Tech giants aren’t doing enough to prevent the sale of dangerous products on their platforms, and we’re #JustNotBuyingIt. We're calling on the Government to make online marketplaces legally responsible for the safety of products sold through their websites. Sign the petition: make tech giants take more responsibility.

Make tech giants take responsibility

Sign the petition

108,374 signatures

Target: 150,000

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Continuing to make online life safer

We've had some big wins in our fight to tackle online scams and fake reviews, so we’re focusing our efforts on preventing the sale of dangerous goods online.

Online shopping is more popular than ever, but UK law has failed to keep pace. The result? Tech giants are flooding UK households with thousands of unsafe products - and they’re getting away with it. 

As some of the biggest businesses in the world, we know online marketplaces can and should be doing more to prevent the sale of dangerous products that put consumers at risk. That’s why we’re campaigning for the Government to introduce new laws to make these marketplaces legally responsible that products sold through their platforms meet UK standards.

Tech giants must do the right thing and protect us from dangerous products on their sites.

Sign the petition to make tech giants protect us online.

The Online Safety Act

The Online Safety Bill is now law, holding major online platforms accountable for removing harmful content like scams. Here's how Which? led the campaign for better online safety...

Which? Campaigns Podcast

Listen to our second episode of the Which? Campaigns Podcast, where Harry Kind speaks to Neena Bhati and Camilla Eason, about how Which? led the campaign for better online safety.


In February 2022, 10.5k supporters sent a postcard to Nadine Dorries, asking her, as then Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Secretary, to protect us from online scams in the Online Safety Bill.


Our latest advice

Unsafe heater burning

It's easy to be tempted by cheap products from online marketplaces, but our safety investigations have shown that you need to shop carefully to avoid putting yourself and your home at risk.

Check out our Shop safely online guide to discover how to avoid dangerous products.

Campaign updates

We campaign for action against unsafe products, fake reviews and online scams: