Our work in Marshall Islands

Our work in Marshall Islands

The WHO Representative Office in the South Pacific, located in Suva, Fiji, operates under the umbrella of the Western Pacific regional office, and our role is to act as a catalyst and advocate for action at all levels, from local to global, on health issues of public concern. We work together with a broad spectrum of partners from all sectors of society, WHO is involved in a host of closely related public health activities; including research, evaluation, awareness raising and resource mobilization.





WHO Country Cooperation Strategy 2018-2022: Marshall Islands
The Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) is WHO’s strategic framework to guide the Organization’s work in and with a country.

Marshall Islands-WHO Country Cooperation Strategy 2018-2022

The World Health Organization (WHO), working with partners, will support the Government in pursuing its national strategic priorities. Each strategic activity is linked to at least one of the subregional focus areas that are detailed in the Pacific Island Countries and Areas–WHO Cooperation Strategy 2018–2022.


National health policy

The Ministry of Health has introduced a dynamic three-year rolling plan, the 3-Year Rolling Strategic Plan 2017–2019. The Ministry’s theme is “Kumiti Ejmour” or “Health is a shared responsibility”. The Ministry’s vision is “to reaffirm the commitment to facilitate the concept of healthy islands and health promotion and protection where children are nurtured in body and mind; environments invite learning and leisure; people work and age with dignity; ecological balance is a source of pride; and the ocean is protected to sustain our needs”.

The mission is “to strengthen the commitment to healthy islands concept in implementing health promotion to protect and promote healthy lifestyles to improve the lives of the people through primary health care services, and to build the capacity of the Ministry of Health, communities, families and partners to actively participate and coordinate preventive services programs and activities as the core resources in primary health care services”.


Marshall Islands-WHO strategic priorities

1: To build resilient and sustainable health systems to enhance the availability of needsbased health services

1.1 Strengthen national health accounts.
1.2 Develop the health workforce through programme management courses.
1.3 Strengthen a supportive and sustainable social and physical environment to improve health through legislative approaches.
1.4 Strengthen governance and government leadership, especially the Ministry of Health, through a secretariat role to support multisectoral committees set up for health-related areas.

2: To support implementation of International Health Regulations (2005) for proactive preparedness and management in health emergencies and natural disasters

2.1 Establish a dedicated team to prepare for and respond to emergencies and disasters
2.2 Collaborate to achieve IHR (2005) core capacities.

3: To prioritize needs-based essential public health programmes delivered to the population

3.1 Scale up Package of Essential Noncommunicable in the dispensaries, community health centres and hospitals.
3.2 Draft legislation to restrict the use of food with a high sodium content, institute comprehensive nutrition facts labelling and pass state-level regulation to set up a traffic light system in stores to help consumers identify healthy foods.
3.3 Implement the WHO Framework Convention on Tobaco Control (FCTC) through several key aspects of tobacco control including graphic health warnings, tackling tobacco industry interference, reducing second-hand smoke and promoting cessation.
3.4 Intensify TB and leprosy screening and elimination efforts.
3.5 Strengthen vector control and ensure reduction of dengue cases and fatalities with the aim to achieve a 25% reduction of cases and 50% reduction of deaths by 2020, from the pre-2016 levels.


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