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local data = {}

local fullOrder = {'P31', 'P14', 'P8505', 'P8498', 'P8898', 'P15', 'P3096', 'P131', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127', 'P16', 'P559', 'P609', 'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}, 'P2043', 'P402', 'P1282'}

data.images = {
	langs = 'WP-TranslationProject TwoFlags.svg',
	P31   = 'Autoroute icone.svg',
	P14   = 'US 66.svg',
	P8505 = 'Ellipse sign template.svg',
	P8498 = 'AHN-AH1.svg',
	P8898 = 'Winnipeg city route X.svg',
	P15   = 'Oxygen480-categories-applications-internet.svg',
	P3096 = 'USRD KML.svg',
	P131  = 'Gswitchit-applet.svg',
	P17   = 'UKfilm.svg',
	P126  = 'Oxygen480-categories-applications-engineering.svg',
	P127  = 'Oxygen480-apps-system-users.svg',
	P16   = 'Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg',
	P559  = 'Zeichen 357.svg',
	P609  = 'Sinnbild Innerorts.svg',
	P580  = 'Oxygen480-apps-preferences-system-time.svg',
	P402  = 'Openstreetmap logo.svg',
	P1282  = 'Openstreetmap logo.svg',

data.models = { --[[	    Properties:
	                        31: instance of; 14: shield; 15: map; 3096: KML; 131: is in; 17: country;
	                        126: maintenance; 127: ownership; 16: system;
	                        559: termini; 609: terminus locations; 580/582: start/end date;
	                        2043: length;
	                        8498: road number formatter; 8898: road name formatter;
	                        402: OpenStreetMap relation ID;
	                        1282: OpenStreetMap tag or key ]]
	full                 = fullOrder,                                                                                                                                      -- Full list of properties
	route                = {'P31', P31 = 34442,    'P14', 'P15', 'P3096', 'P131', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127', 'P16', 'P559', 'P609', 'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}, 'P2043', 'P402'}, -- Standard numbered route
	['national-route']   = {'P31', P31 = {34442, 1716124},    'P14', 'P15', 'P3096', 'P131', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127', 'P16', 'P559', 'P609', 'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}, 'P2043', 'P402'}, -- same as route, but supports national road in addition to road
	['national-summary'] = {'P31', P31 = 34442,    'P14', 'P15', 'P3096', 'P131', 'P17',                 'P16', 'P559', 'P609', 'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}, 'P2043'}, -- National route summary
	turnpike             = {'P31', P31 = 34442,    'P14', 'P15', 'P3096', 'P131', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127', 'P16', 'P559', 'P609', 'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}, 'P2043'}, -- Modern turnpike
	bannered             = {'P31', P31 = 34442,           'P15', 'P3096', 'P131', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127', 'P16', 'P559', 'P609', 'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}, 'P2043', 'P402'}, -- Bannered route
	named                = {'P31', P31 = 34442,           'P15', 'P3096', 'P131', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127', 'P16', 'P559', 'P609', 'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}, 'P2043'}, -- Named road
	byway                = {'P31', P31 = 800517,          'P15', 'P3096', 'P131', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127', 'P16', 'P559', 'P609', 'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}, 'P2043'}, -- Scenic byway
	['local']            = {'P31', P31 = 34442,           'P15', 'P3096', 'P131', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127',        'P559', 'P609', 'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}, 'P2043'}, -- Local road
	['pre-signed']       = {'P31', P31 = 34442,           'P15', 'P3096', 'P131', 'P17',                        'P559', 'P609', 'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}, 'P2043'}, -- Road pre-dating modern systems
	network              = {'P31', P31 = {'P31', P31 = 358078, 'P279', P279 = 269949},
														  'P15',          'P131', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127',                        'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}, 'P2043'}, -- Road network
	system               = {'P31', P31 = {'P31', P31 = 25631158, 'P279', P279 = 269949}, 'P8505', 'P8498', 'P8898',
												   'P14', 'P15',          'P131', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127',                        'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}, 'P2043', 'P1282'}, -- Highway system
	['regional-network'] = {                              'P15',          'P131', 'P17',                                                                                      }, -- Regional highway network
	list                 = {'P31', P31 = 13406463,        'P15',          'P131', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127', 'P16'                                                                }, -- List of roads
	rcs                  = {'P31', P31 = 13406463,                                'P17',                 'P16'                                                                }, -- RCS list
	agency               = {'P31',                                        'P131', 'P17',                                        'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}         }, -- Government or private highway operator
	infrastructure       = {'P31',                                        'P131', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127',                        'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}         }, -- Bridges, tunnels, and interchanges
	bridge               = {'P31',                                        'P131', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127',                        'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}, 'P2043'}, -- Bridge
	tunnel               = {'P31',                                        'P131', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127',                        'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}, 'P2043'}, -- Tunnel
	interchange          = {'P31',                        'P15',          'P131', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127',                        'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}         }, -- Interchange
	project              = {'P31',                        'P15',          'P131', 'P17',                                        'P580', P580 = {'P580', 'P582', 'P571', 'P576'}         }, -- Construction project
	renumbering          = {'P31',                                                'P17'                                                                                       }, -- Highway renumbering
	basic                = {'P31',                                                'P17'                                                                                       }, -- Bare necessities

data.classes = {
	route = {D = {'P31', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127', 'P16'}, C = {'P14', 'P15', 'P3096', 'P131'}, B = {operator='some', count=2, {'P559', 'P609'}, 'P580', 'P2043'}, A = {{'P559', 'P609'}, 'P580', 'P2043', 'P402'}},
	['national-summary'] = {D = {'P31', 'P17', 'P16'}, C = {'P14', 'P15', 'P3096', 'P131'}, B = {operator='some', count=2, {'P559', 'P609'}, 'P580', 'P2043'}, A = {{'P559', 'P609'}, 'P580', 'P2043'}},
	turnpike = {D = {'P31', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127', 'P16'}, C = {'P14', 'P15', 'P3096', 'P131'}, B = {operator='some', count=2, {'P559', 'P609'}, 'P580', 'P2043'}, A = {{'P559', 'P609'}, 'P580', 'P2043'}},
	bannered = {D = {'P31', 'P17', 'P126', 'P127', 'P16'}, C = {'P15', 'P3096', 'P131'}, B = {operator='some', count=2, {'P559', 'P609'}, 'P580', 'P2043'}, A = {{'P559', 'P609'}, 'P580', 'P2043', 'P402'}},
	named = {D = {'P31', 'P17'}, C = {'P15', 'P3096', 'P131', 'P126', 'P127', 'P16'}, B = {operator='some', count=2, {'P559', 'P609'}, 'P580', 'P2043'}, A = {{'P559', 'P609'}, 'P580', 'P2043'}},
	network = {D = {'P31', 'P17'}, C = {'P131', 'P126', 'P127'}, B = {operator='some', count=1, 'P2043', 'P580'}, A = {'P580', 'P2043'}},
	system = {D = {'P31', 'P17'}, C = {'P131', 'P126', 'P127', 'P8498', 'P8505', 'P8898'}, B = {operator='some', count=1, 'P2043', 'P580'}, A = {'P580', 'P2043', 'P1282'}},
	interchange = {D = {'P31', 'P17'}, C = {'P15', 'P131', 'P126', 'P127'}, B = {'P580'}},

return data