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Autodescription — president of Germany (Q25223)

description: head of state of Germany (1949–2xxx)
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Classification of the class president of Germany (Q25223)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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WikiProject Germany

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12. Frank-Walter Steinmeier (Q76658) 2017-03-19 –
11. Joachim Gauck (Q2538) 2012-03-18 – 2017-03-18
10. Christian Wulff (Q2540) 2010-06-30 – 2012-02-17
9. Horst Köhler (Q2542) 2004-07-01 – 2010-05-31
8. Johannes Rau (Q2551) 1999-07-01 – 2004-06-30
7. Roman Herzog (Q2563) 1994-07-01 – 1999-06-30
6. Richard von Weizsäcker (Q2567) 1984-07-01 – 1994-06-30
5. Karl Carstens (Q2569) 1979-07-01 – 1984-06-30
4. Walter Scheel (Q2571) 1974-07-01 – 1979-06-30
3. Gustav Heinemann (Q2573) 1969-07-01 – 1974-06-30
2. Heinrich Lübke (Q2582) 1959-09-13 – 1969-06-30
1. Theodor Heuss (Q2594) 1949-09-12 – 1959-09-12
Position created: 1949-05-24
Replaces: president of Germany (Q157740); talk