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Romanian schools once again


Лобачев Владимир why do you have to keep fighting? We have already discussed it and determined these schools are Romanian. They identify as Romanian, are called as Romanian by the Moldovan Government and are private and not subject to the Transnistrian education plan. Moldovan schools don't suffer discrimination and nobody cares about what do the Transnistrian authorities say about its official languages. Please stop with this stubborn POV-pushing. Super Dromaeosaurus (talk) 12:08, 17 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]

This is a pro-Romanian anti-Moldavian position. --Лобачев Владимир (talk) 15:28, 17 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Лобачев Владимир, if the schools are pro-Romanian there's nothing you can do about it. Your continous promotal of Moldovenism is also anti-Romanian, you are disrespecting the identities the schools give themselves. I still don't understand why do you name schools that identify as Romanian as Moldovan. It just doesn't make sense. Your bias is severe. Super Dromaeosaurus (talk) 15:44, 17 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Лобачев Владимир, I am going to waste more of my time with you.
-The most famous Romanian school in Transnistria is the Theoric Lyceum Lucian Blaga in Tiraspol. Lucian Blaga was a Romanian writer from Transylvania, so Moldovenists can't claim he was Moldovan or something like that, meaning they take pride on an ethnic Romanian knowing he was ethnic Romanian.
-The director of the Romanian school of Tighina Alexandru cel Bun called for the OSCE and peacekeepers to watch the situation of the Romanian schools in Transnistria [1].
-Romanian school in Grigoropol: "We want to learn our Romanian language in the city where we live". Please click on the article and see the poster shown on the image (a Romanian flag, Romanian, not Moldovan or Transnistrian, which uses word "române", which means Romanian).
-The Theoric Lyceum Lucian Blaga in Tiraspol celebrate Romanian holidays that promote the union of Moldova and Romania [2].
-Moldovan Government calls these schools Romanian [3].
-Facebook posts from the Mihai Eminescu Lyceum of Dubăsari [4] [5] [6]. They use the term Romanian, not Moldovan.
-These schools don't follow the education plan of the Transnistrian Government, but of the Moldovan one, which called these schools Romanian [7].
-Teachers of these schools were invited to receive an award for their labors for teaching Romanian. Why would these people attend if they taught Moldovan instead of Romanian? [8].
-Reliable sources call the schools Romanian [9] [10] [11] (Moldovan state news agency), [12].
-Common sense will tell anyone with a minimun knowledge about the region that Transnistria has absolutely no reason to close schools teaching Moldovan, but all reasons to close Romanian ones. Seriously, why would a state officially called Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic opress Moldovan-language schools?
-"For us the Moldovan language doesn't exist" [13].
I am not going to accept anymore your delayed short answers. You have 24 hours to give me an elaborate answer exposing and explaining your points, with sources, links and reasoing. If you don't fullfill this, I'll revert you again. If you again oppose this, I'll bring this to an admin so that they can judge by themselves. Super Dromaeosaurus (talk) 16:41, 17 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]