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Topic: Eutheria =? Placentalia Items involved: Q25833Talk, Q993462Talk, Q15303756Talk, Q17092469Talk Status:    not resolved

hu:Eutheria clearly says that Eutheria!=Placentalia and points species which are in one but not in another. So may be it was a hurry to join with Q993462. Infovarius (talk) 11:05, 30 October 2013 (UTC)

Topic: криминальная литература (категории) Items involved: Q20091058Talk, Q6950171Talk, Q9249032Talk, Q5625331Talk, Q10080920Talk Status:    in doubt

Category:Crime fiction (Q20091058)/Category:Crime literature (Q6950171)/Category:Detective novels (Q9249032)/Category:Detective fiction (Q5625331)/Category:Crime novels (Q10080920)

Topic disambigs

Topic: name Items involved: Q1705088Talk, Q1713171Talk, Q238885Talk, Q4160550Talk, Q4160543Talk, Q5850421Talk, Q9317185Talk, Q9496769Talk, Q9502881Talk, Q9506903Talk, Q980348Talk Status:    not resolved

Different forms of "Julian" - male name and surname. And lists, and disambiguations. Infovarius (talk) 19:39, 3 April 2013 (UTC)

Topic: name Items involved: Q3189129Talk, Q451762Talk, Q3549015Talk, Q4205375Talk, Q4534351Talk, Q4475001Talk Status:    in doubt

Different forms of "Julianne" - female name and surname. And lists, and disambiguations. Infovarius (talk) 19:44, 3 April 2013 (UTC)

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  • speech (Q52946)  View with Reasonator View with SQID: human vocal communication using spoken language + устная форма общения
  • langue and parole (Q19973772)  View with Reasonator View with SQID: two terms of Saussure + противопоставление Ф. де Соссюра
  • parole (Q10485156)  View with Reasonator View with SQID: speech regardless of language reflection, the primary object of study for linguistics + речь безотносительно языкового осмысления, первичный предмет изучения для языкознания
  • language (Q34770)  View with Reasonator View with SQID: particular system of communication, often named for the region or peoples that use it + средство общения группы носителей
  • capacity for language (Q4536530)  View with Reasonator View with SQID: cognitive capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication with conventional signs, either directly sensitive (audible, visual, gestual or tactile) or with artificial intermediate devices (graphic) + способность воспринимать и использовать язык
  • capacity for language (Q20811739)  View with Reasonator View with SQID: cognitive capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication with conventional signs, either directly sensitive (audible, visual, gestual or tactile) or with artificial intermediate devices (graphic) + способность воспринимать и использовать язык (merged)
  • language (Q4113741)  View with Reasonator View with SQID: abstract systematic rules and conventions of a signifying system, independent of individuals, permitting the expression of parole as instances of this set + формализованное представление о языке
  • language (Q315)  View with Reasonator View with SQID: structured system of communication + средство передачи информации
  • languoid (Q17376908)  View with Reasonator View with SQID: language, variety of a language, or group of languages + компактная подсистема в языковом пространстве, обобщение понятия язык
  • human language (Q20162172)  View with Reasonator View with SQID: set of all languages currently or formerly spoken, written, or signed by humans (excluding computer languages and mathematical/logically-formal languages) + совокупность всех языков, используемых людьми, за исключением языков программирования и логических языков





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