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List of items to be untangled in the future:


Zoning hell

  • General Urban Ordinance Plan (Q837215): the main item *everything* has been merged into
  • zoning (Q702232): talks about both the process and the regulation. The Finnish asemakaava is on the wrong item. Not sure about the Estonian and Swedish.
    • Q16276174: was a disambiguation page about the Bestemmingsplan in Belgium and the Netherlands. The item that only talks about the Netherlands is now included Q837215.
    • Q52773827: the merge of the Polish article seems to be ok, but should be checked by someone who actually knows Polish.

Civil/political rights/liberties mess


List of items to be re-tangled in the future:


List of items created by that blessed sv-ceb-bot and other placename fiascos:

Not bot-related, but related topics:
Nussirjávri (Q101431303)/Nussirjávri (Q101127256)/Nussuravannet (Q101107665): Nussir-lake-related items
Nussirjohka (Q101107192)/Nussurabekken (Q101115377): Nussir-river-related items.

Bridging the gender gap...

  • Pierre and Marie Curie (Q11297474): The Russian and Ukrainian labels... Curie and his wife? Really?
  • crown prince (Q207293): crown prince and princess in the same item, labels mainly refer to crown princes so the links to this item is bonkers for crown princesses. Neutral expression should be found for the label; splitting these into two items would be better.

Brokensegue's list of mismatches


