Wikidata:Events/Data Modelling Days 2023/Outcomes

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Data Modelling Days, 30 November-2 December 2023

On this page, let's list all the things that have been created, worked on or improved during the Data Modelling Days. It doesn't have to be a big achievement! Did you improve some Items or Properties, update documentation or fix a tool? Feel free to add it here.

Template to add something:

* Short description of the outcome and what you did, with links if possible ([[user:X|X]])



Presentations, slides, etc. are available in the Commons category Data Modelling Days 2023 presentations. If you prepared slides for your session, don't forget to upload them there!



If you made contributions to the content of Wikidata in order to improve data modelling, feel free to add a summary here.

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Tools & development


If you created a new data reuse related tool, or added improvements to an existing one, we want to know! Also, don't forget to add the new tools to this page.

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Important discussions and decisions made during the Data Modelling Days can be summarized here.

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For new discussion pages or groups that were created.



Any interesting query that you wrote or adapted for your work on data modelling can go here!

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Did you create or improve documentation pages during the Data Modelling Days? Awesome! Please add the links below!

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Notes of the events


The collaborative notes, when taken, have been archived onwiki. You can find the link next to each session in the program.

Individuals notes
