Wikidata:Property proposal/unofficial name

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‎unofficial name


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Generic

   Not done
Descriptionname which is widely or rarely used, but not official (for nicknames use P1449, for pseudonymes P742)
Data typeMonolingual text
Example 1Lanový most (Q12032739)Lanový most
Example 2Hradubice (Q12020624)Hradubice
Example 3Jihad mobile (Q56305878)Jihad mobile
Example 4Apple–Intel architecture (Q844087)Apple–Intel architecture
Example 5Trans-Siberian Highway (Q2110667)Транссибирская автомагистраль
See alsoofficial name (P1448), nickname (P1449), pseudonym (P742)



We have a property official name (P1448) which enables to state references, sources, determiner, original official form, time limits (since and to) etc. of the official name (which is usually used as a label at least in one language). This option compensates for the drawback that "label" and "aliases" are "properties" that cannot have their own qualifiers or references.

For some types of unofficial names, we have (for example) properties nickname (P1449) and pseudonym (P742) here. These properties are mainly intended for alternative names of people, for whom we assume that they always also have their official name. However, there are many types of entities that usually do not have any official name at all, but sometimes there is an established and even widely used unofficial name for them. Such a name is often used as an item label or as an item alias. With these names, it is also necessary to be able to document their use and their usual form, possibly the time and circumstances of their creation or use, etc. with references. Some of such names may be widely and officially used almost as if they were official names, others may be more slang, casual or occasional. Especially for those unofficial names that fulfill the role of common and usual naming, nickname (P1449) is inappropriate. --ŠJů (talk) 10:41, 25 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]



 Not done Given this discussion is stale and no one supports it, I am going to close this discussion. Midleading (talk) 03:10, 11 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]