Wikidata:Status updates/2019 06 24

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This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2019-06-24.



Other Noteworthy Stuff


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  • Beginning of wb_terms migration (phab:T221764)
  • Fixed a bug with phan on Wikibase (phab:T226083)
  • Enable bugfix for wbeditentity setting aliases to empty array (phab:T223303)
  • Fix an issue with pipe character on some special pages (phab:T223270)
  • Fix an issue with removed constraint still displayed on Lexeme (phab:T223372)
  • Make edits to EntitySchema pages autopatrolled (phab:T224495)
  • Work on creating better edit summaries for wbeditentity API endpoint (phab:T224010)
  • Deploy the work environment for new mobile termbox
  • Start setting up the technical environment for Wikidata bridge

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Monthly Tasks
