Wikidata:WikiProject LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group/Wikidata Working Hours/Wikidata Working Hour Summer-Fall Project 2022/2022-October-24 Wikidata Working Hour

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October 24, 2022 Wikidata Working Hour


Monday, October 24, 2022 at 11:00am PT / 2:00pm ET / 18:00 UTC / 8:00pm CEST (Time zone converter)



Mary Aycock and Mohammed Awal Alhassan






Login to the Event Dashboard with your Wikimedia account to keep track of your edits today

What you will need for today's session

  1. A Wikimedia account
  2. A spreadsheet program (such as: Excel, Google Sheets, LibreOffice Calc)


  • To gain familiarity with the QuickStatements tool
  • To create at least two titles using QuickStatements



Over the summer and into the early fall the LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group will be offering a series of Wikidata Working Hours to give folks an opportunity to try out various Wikidata-related skills and tools by adding data about diverse children’s books from the Cooperative Children’s Book Center at the University of Wisconsin, Madison to Wikidata. Wikidata Working Hours provide hands-on Wikidata experience in a supportive space. We hope you will join us if you are interested in learning more about Wikidata, love children’s books, or have been looking for a fun Wikidata project to contribute to.

The ninth Wikidata Working Hour in the series will cover batch-creating items using QuickStatements

About QuickStatements



  1. We'll be working with this spreadsheet. To work on a particular title, please put your initials on the row.
  2. A template has been developed to create your QuickStatements.
    1. The fields from this spreadsheet are just a sample from these helpful data models, if you'd like to use more.
    2. Two records will be created for each title: One a work record and the other an edition record, in accordance with WikiProject Books.
  3. Copy the text from the Template tab into your own spreadsheet program.
  4. You will be entering the values in column D from your chosen title.
    1. Important: any text string (non-QID values) must have quotes around it. Dates will be a special format.
  5. When finished with your work and edition record, navigate to the QuickStatements tool. Log into your account.
  6. Click the button for "New batch"
  7. Copy column B through D only of the values that you have supplied.
  8. Paste into QuickStatements.
  9. When done pasting, click "Import V1 commands"
  10. In the next screen, review the preview.
  11. If satisfied, press "Run in background." May be created quickly or take some time, depending on the other batches running.
  12. If you navigate to line 34 of the spreadsheet and fill in the QID of your new records and follow the process above, you can then edit your records to add:
    1. has edition or translation (P747) to the work record
    2. edition or translation of (P629) to the edition record

Troubleshooting Tips


When encountering errors, it can be difficult to determine what needs to be corrected as there is no clear error feedback mechanism to pinpoint the problems. Moreover, it's doesn't seem possible to go back and edit the code--you often have to start the whole copy/paste process again. Here are some common issues that may help.

  • Are all appropriate fields in quotes?
  • If entering a field that has a required qualifier (such as a language qualifier for a title value), is that being added? en:"Title"
  • Are dates formatted correctly per this dates HELP page?
  • If creating a new item, do you have the CREATE/LAST columns in the correct places?


  • Today's Working Hour is part of a special series of sessions involving a single data set. You don't have to attend every session to be part of the project, but you can find details about the whole series here.