Wikidata:WikiProject Music/Gathering information with Wikidata for Firefox

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Wikidata for firefox (wd4ff) is a useful tool for adding information to Wikidata and finding out what already knows, in this example I'll search for an old song called "never been to me"

First I'll search for it in Google

I can see its available on lots of streaming platforms and a lyrics site

screenshot of searching google

If I click on the Youtube music link, and turn on wd4ff I can see wikidata doesn't know about a song with that ID, but its extracted its unique ID and is offering to add it to wikdata

at this point I can add the Q code if I know it, or search after choosing the correct entry

it'll link it up and show all wikidata knows

Given the sites we saw listed by Google at first, we can see there are some this wikidata entry doesn't not know about, so now we can vist those site the same way and link this up to.

It we use spotify as an example , you'll see it is also offers to fill other information too , such as it being available on a streaming platform for being a "musical work" check which ones you think are useful to add

Screenshot of Wikidata for Firefox being used with Spotify

One really nice feature is the way it adds references, so if I add the site "songfacts"

then go to wikidata, you'll see a reference added to which you can then use the "copy" and "insert" features ( If you have the tool "DuplicateReferences" which you can turn on in your preferences page) on to re-use the reference on information that is already in wikidata, but doesn't have a reference (and the website in the reference confirms that information)

Whilst looking through Wikidata you will alos get hints about other thing this entry should need, for example an "ISRC" number

Screenshot of Wikidata asking for more infomation

Looking at "URL match" in ISRC I can see that wikidata can give me the information from musicbrainz (If I find the right page)

Going to that site and digging around a bit I find the right link for the song the give wd4ff the code